Dev - Note on testing for null values in a form-widget use-when

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Dev - Note on testing for null values in a form-widget use-when

Leon Torres-2
Ever wondered why the following use-when returns true when the variable
"foo" isn't defined?


This is due to the way beanshell works. When beanshell first encounters
an undefined variable such as "foo", it treats it as a "void". The
"void" type is not considered to be null,

     void == null : false
     void != null : true

You can see this for yourself with the following script:

     print("What is foo? " + foo);
     print("Is foo null? " + (foo==null));
     print("Is foo void? " + (foo==void));

So the lesson is to keep void in mind when writing a use-when condition.

I added this to the form widget cookbook, which can be found along with
other useful cookbooks here,

- Leon
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