Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels

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Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels

Scott Gray

Hi All


I’m trying to figure out the workings of the product requirement methods (STOCK_QOH & STOCK_ATP), and I’ve noticed a  couple of things in the OrderServices.xml:

  1. Why are ATP minimums and QOH minimums checked at different points? For example, when inventory is shipped for orders the ATP minimum is not checked even though the ATP value has changed (QOH requirements are checked).
  2. Why do ATP minimums not account for the inventoryItems reorder quantity. I noticed Si Chen’s comment in the code about needing to link original orders with the requirement, but I can’t figure out why that is required.  If there was stock available when the order was placed it would be reserved, and when the stock from the requirement arrives it will also be reserved for the order, so why do we need the link from PO to SO? If I had to chose I would rather have the reorder qty than the link.
  3. Neither ATP or QOH requirement methods are checked when an inventory variance is recorded, is there a reason for this or has it not been looked at yet?


I’m happy to make changes if things aren’t where they need to be or maybe I’m looking at things all wrong.




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Re: Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels

Scott Gray

OK, forget no. 1 looks like I was staring at my screen too long :/, but my point was there are places where ATP changes and the minimum isn’t checked


From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Scott Gray
Sent: Saturday, 15 April 2006 4:59 p.m.
To: 'OFBiz Project Development Discussion'
Subject: [OFBiz] Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels


Hi All


I’m trying to figure out the workings of the product requirement methods (STOCK_QOH & STOCK_ATP), and I’ve noticed a  couple of things in the OrderServices.xml:

  1. Why are ATP minimums and QOH minimums checked at different points? For example, when inventory is shipped for orders the ATP minimum is not checked even though the ATP value has changed (QOH requirements are checked).
  2. Why do ATP minimums not account for the inventoryItems reorder quantity. I noticed Si Chen’s comment in the code about needing to link original orders with the requirement, but I can’t figure out why that is required.  If there was stock available when the order was placed it would be reserved, and when the stock from the requirement arrives it will also be reserved for the order, so why do we need the link from PO to SO? If I had to chose I would rather have the reorder qty than the link.
  3. Neither ATP or QOH requirement methods are checked when an inventory variance is recorded, is there a reason for this or has it not been looked at yet?


I’m happy to make changes if things aren’t where they need to be or maybe I’m looking at things all wrong.




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Re: Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels

Jacopo Cappellato

you are probably right about #2 and #3.

You are probably interested at the thread "Facilities owned by others,
ordering, a few other things (testing)" started in this list on 23/03/2006


Scott Gray wrote:

> OK, forget no. 1 looks like I was staring at my screen too long :/, but
> my point was there are places where ATP changes and the minimum isn’t
> checked
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
> *On Behalf Of *Scott Gray
> *Sent:* Saturday, 15 April 2006 4:59 p.m.
> *To:* 'OFBiz Project Development Discussion'
> *Subject:* [OFBiz] Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels
> Hi All
> I’m trying to figure out the workings of the product requirement methods
> (STOCK_QOH & STOCK_ATP), and I’ve noticed a  couple of things in the
> OrderServices.xml:
>    1. Why are ATP minimums and QOH minimums checked at different points?
>       For example, when inventory is shipped for orders the ATP minimum
>       is not checked even though the ATP value has changed (QOH
>       requirements are checked).
>    2. Why do ATP minimums not account for the inventoryItems reorder
>       quantity. I noticed Si Chen’s comment in the code about needing to
>       link original orders with the requirement, but I can’t figure out
>       why that is required.  If there was stock available when the order
>       was placed it would be reserved, and when the stock from the
>       requirement arrives it will also be reserved for the order, so why
>       do we need the link from PO to SO? If I had to chose I would
>       rather have the reorder qty than the link.
>    3. Neither ATP or QOH requirement methods are checked when an
>       inventory variance is recorded, is there a reason for this or has
>       it not been looked at yet?
> I’m happy to make changes if things aren’t where they need to be or
> maybe I’m looking at things all wrong.
> Thanks
> Scott
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
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Re: Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels

Scott Gray
Thanks Jacopo, I had forgotten about that conversation.  David's proposals
sound a bit more complicated than what I need, so I might just alter what I
need to and offer up a patch.


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On
Behalf Of Jacopo Cappellato
Sent: Saturday, 15 April 2006 10:27 p.m.
To: OFBiz Project Development Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels


you are probably right about #2 and #3.

You are probably interested at the thread "Facilities owned by others,
ordering, a few other things (testing)" started in this list on 23/03/2006


Scott Gray wrote:

> OK, forget no. 1 looks like I was staring at my screen too long :/, but
> my point was there are places where ATP changes and the minimum isn't
> checked
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
> *On Behalf Of *Scott Gray
> *Sent:* Saturday, 15 April 2006 4:59 p.m.
> *To:* 'OFBiz Project Development Discussion'
> *Subject:* [OFBiz] Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels
> Hi All
> I'm trying to figure out the workings of the product requirement methods
> (STOCK_QOH & STOCK_ATP), and I've noticed a  couple of things in the
> OrderServices.xml:
>    1. Why are ATP minimums and QOH minimums checked at different points?
>       For example, when inventory is shipped for orders the ATP minimum
>       is not checked even though the ATP value has changed (QOH
>       requirements are checked).
>    2. Why do ATP minimums not account for the inventoryItems reorder
>       quantity. I noticed Si Chen's comment in the code about needing to
>       link original orders with the requirement, but I can't figure out
>       why that is required.  If there was stock available when the order
>       was placed it would be reserved, and when the stock from the
>       requirement arrives it will also be reserved for the order, so why
>       do we need the link from PO to SO? If I had to chose I would
>       rather have the reorder qty than the link.
>    3. Neither ATP or QOH requirement methods are checked when an
>       inventory variance is recorded, is there a reason for this or has
>       it not been looked at yet?
> I'm happy to make changes if things aren't where they need to be or
> maybe I'm looking at things all wrong.
> Thanks
> Scott
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Dev mailing list
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Requirements based on ATP levels

Jacopo Cappellato
In reply to this post by Scott Gray
This is from an old thread about auto requirements and ATP levels.

I have now implemented (rev. 449366) a new service that essentially does
what Scott asked in question #2; so now we have three different
requirement services that look at inventory levels:

STOCK_QOH: when qoh goes under minimum stock a requirement is created
for the reorder qty
STOCK_ATP (new): when atp goes under minimum stock a requirement is
created for the reorder qty
ATP (was STOCK_ATP): this is Si's service that creates requirement on
ATP levels and links them to the order item that caused the reservations


Scott Gray wrote:

> Hi All
> I’m trying to figure out the workings of the product requirement methods
> (STOCK_QOH & STOCK_ATP), and I’ve noticed a  couple of things in the
> OrderServices.xml:
>    1. Why are ATP minimums and QOH minimums checked at different points?
>       For example, when inventory is shipped for orders the ATP minimum
>       is not checked even though the ATP value has changed (QOH
>       requirements are checked).
>    2. Why do ATP minimums not account for the inventoryItems reorder
>       quantity. I noticed Si Chen’s comment in the code about needing to
>       link original orders with the requirement, but I can’t figure out
>       why that is required.  If there was stock available when the order
>       was placed it would be reserved, and when the stock from the
>       requirement arrives it will also be reserved for the order, so why
>       do we need the link from PO to SO? If I had to chose I would
>       rather have the reorder qty than the link.
>    3. Neither ATP or QOH requirement methods are checked when an
>       inventory variance is recorded, is there a reason for this or has
>       it not been looked at yet?
> I’m happy to make changes if things aren’t where they need to be or
> maybe I’m looking at things all wrong.
> Thanks
> Scott
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