Dev - returnItemTypeMap seed data - SVN r 6514

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Dev - returnItemTypeMap seed data - SVN r 6514

Si Chen-2
David/Andy -

I'm confused about the ReturnItemTypeMap's seed data.  When we
originally talked about this, I thought the idea was to map
orderItemTypeId -> returnItemTypeId.  Now I see some (but not all)
productTypeIds in returnItemTypeMap's returnItemTypeKey.

As a result, I couldn't get quick refund order to work, and creating
returns caused errors of missing returnItemTypeId, etc. etc.

Did you change the design of this?  Or do we just need some more seed data?

Please advise.


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Re: Dev - returnItemTypeMap seed data - SVN r 6514

David E. Jones

I'm afraid I'll have to defer to Andy on this one. I'm not sure what  
the full design intent was, but it does appear that it was  
implemented for product types and not order item types, though if we  
have the order info it probably makes a lot more sense...

Any ideas Andy?


On Jan 16, 2006, at 6:45 PM, Si Chen wrote:

> David/Andy -
> I'm confused about the ReturnItemTypeMap's seed data.  When we
> originally talked about this, I thought the idea was to map
> orderItemTypeId -> returnItemTypeId.  Now I see some (but not all)
> productTypeIds in returnItemTypeMap's returnItemTypeKey.
> As a result, I couldn't get quick refund order to work, and creating
> returns caused errors of missing returnItemTypeId, etc. etc.
> Did you change the design of this?  Or do we just need some more  
> seed data?
> Please advise.
> Thanks,
> Si
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Re: Dev - returnItemTypeMap seed data - SVN r 6514

In reply to this post by Si Chen-2

  I have just analysed both ProductType and ReturnItemTypeMap's seed data.My personal
opinion is that RetrunItemTypeMap is used to Map ProductType and OrderAdjustmentType to ReturnItemType.There is no direct relation between OrderItemType and ReturnItemType.

  For ProductType mapping example,If a product is a Digital Good, it can be returned, so there is a mapping.But if a product has Service type, service can not be returned, so there is no mapping.

  When we need to create ReturnItems,  we can use ReturnItemTypeMap in this way
    1. first use OrderItem to get ProductType
    2. use ReturnItemTypeMap and ProductType to get ReturnItemType

  I think the reason  quick refund order doesn't work because the OrderReturnServices.xml#createReturnItem doesn't work as I described above.

On 1/17/06, Si Chen <[hidden email]> wrote:
David/Andy -

I'm confused about the ReturnItemTypeMap's seed data.  When we
originally talked about this, I thought the idea was to map
orderItemTypeId -> returnItemTypeId.  Now I see some (but not all)
productTypeIds in returnItemTypeMap's returnItemTypeKey.

As a result, I couldn't get quick refund order to work, and creating
returns caused errors of missing returnItemTypeId, etc. etc.

Did you change the design of this?  Or do we just need some more seed data?

Please advise.



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