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Dev - store specific introduction & discontinuation dates for products

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Dev - store specific introduction & discontinuation dates for products

Si Chen-2
1414 posts

We need to implement a feature where products have different
introduction & discontinuation dates for each store.  I was thinking of
creating a new entity ProductStoreDates with productStoreId*,
productId*, introductionDate, discontinuationDate.  Would this be a good
thing to put back into the framework?


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Re: Dev - store specific introduction & discontinuation dates for products

Andrew Sykes
619 posts

I'm not sure why you would need this.

You already have from and thru dates on the ProductCategoryMember.

So assuming you keep the Category unique to the ProductStore, the
functionality you're describing is already there.
Kind Regards
Andrew Sykes <[hidden email]>
Sykes Development Ltd

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Re: Dev - store specific introduction & discontinuation dates for products

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by Si Chen-2

This sort of store-specific (or perhaps catalog-specific?) setting does come up every so often. In addition to these dates another one that sometimes comes up is a primary category for each product on a per store/catalog basis, and the same for the primary parent category ID. These can be used to back-trace a category path to the root browse category when only the productId is available (helpful for bread-crumbs and such on a product detail or category detail page).


Si Chen wrote:

> Hi.
> We need to implement a feature where products have different
> introduction & discontinuation dates for each store.  I was thinking of
> creating a new entity ProductStoreDates with productStoreId*,
> productId*, introductionDate, discontinuationDate.  Would this be a good
> thing to put back into the framework?
> Si
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Re: Dev - store specific introduction & discontinuation dates for products

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
Ok, so I'll make it more generic of an entity then so we can use it to store the other stuff as well.


David E. Jones wrote:
This sort of store-specific (or perhaps catalog-specific?) setting does come up every so often. In addition to these dates another one that sometimes comes up is a primary category for each product on a per store/catalog basis, and the same for the primary parent category ID. These can be used to back-trace a category path to the root browse category when only the productId is available (helpful for bread-crumbs and such on a product detail or category detail page).


Si Chen wrote:

We need to implement a feature where products have different 
introduction & discontinuation dates for each store.  I was thinking of 
creating a new entity ProductStoreDates with productStoreId*, 
productId*, introductionDate, discontinuationDate.  Would this be a good 
thing to put back into the framework?


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