Difference between startofbiz.bat ,startofbizPos.bat and startofbizBoth.bat

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Difference between startofbiz.bat ,startofbizPos.bat and startofbizBoth.bat

Hi All,
What is the difference  between startofbiz.bat ,startofbizPos.bat and startofbizBoth.bat.
Please give me the brief description about these.

Dhiraj Gupta

Dhiraj Gupta
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Re: Difference between startofbiz.bat ,startofbizPos.bat and startofbizBoth.bat

Sanjeev Gupta
startofbiz.bat will start ofbiz and load the web applications without the POS application
startofbizPos.bat will start ofbiz and load the web POS application only
startofbizBoth.bat will start ofbiz and load the web applications including POS application
Sanjeev Gupta