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Documentation on using Objects of DataModels or Entities.

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Documentation on using Objects of DataModels or Entities.

Mith Atul
13 posts
 I have read ofbiz book "Begineers Apache_OFBiz_Development".
And then came across the javadocs api .
I found most of the bsh , groovy ,js, java often refer to object eg.:Party ,
Where can I find a documentation,tutorial explaining the usage of these
above API's .
(I am kind'a like lost here!)
So that I will have a control on my custom ofbiz based application.
Thank in advance!

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Re: Documentation on using Objects of DataModels or Entities.

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
first let me help you over one big hurdle. Don't try to use object
Oriented thinking with ofbiz.
it is true that some classes are3 used, especially in the framework, but
ofbiz does not rely on Object model for dealing with data.
It is a whole different mind set that you would do well to develop.

There is lot of information you should go through that will make you
experience with ofbiz better
I suggest you create an account and mark pages as favorites so you can
speed refer to them
Also you will see a reference to a built in documentation that is being
built up, feel free to add to this from the Cwiki site.
The advantage to me is I can use the find on the browser easier since it
s all one page.

and Welcome.


BJ Freeman
Strategic Power Office with Supplier Automation  <http://www.businessesnetwork.com/automation/viewforum.php?f=52>
Specialtymarket.com  <http://www.specialtymarket.com/>
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist

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Mith Atul sent the following on 1/12/2011 6:35 AM:

> Hi,
>   I have read ofbiz book "Begineers Apache_OFBiz_Development".
> And then came across the javadocs api .
> I found most of the bsh , groovy ,js, java often refer to object eg.:Party ,
> etc...
> Where can I find a documentation,tutorial explaining the usage of these
> above API's .
> (I am kind'a like lost here!)
> So that I will have a control on my custom ofbiz based application.
> Thank in advance!
> :-)
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Re: Documentation on using Objects of DataModels or Entities.

Paul Foxworthy
418 posts
In reply to this post by Mith Atul
Hello Mith,

The data model of Ofbiz is very rich and flexible. The best way to start to understand it is to obtain the book
"The Data Model Resource Book, Vol. 1: A Library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises" by Len Silverston. The Ofbiz data model is not the same as that described in the book, but it is based on it.

Once you have looked at the book, use the Web Tools application in Ofbiz (if you have a standard installation, try https://localhost:8443/webtools/control/main ) to browse the entities and examine the relationships between them. If you have populated a database with the example data, you can see that data using the Web Tools.

There's in outline of Ofbiz with a brief discussion of the most important entities at https://cwiki.apache.org/OFBADMIN/apache-ofbiz-project-overview.html .

Don't expect to absorb and understand everything about Ofbiz all at once. Learn a little bit, find a problem you would like to work on, and extend your knowledge with that goal in mind.


Paul Foxworthy

Coherent Software Australia Pty Ltd

Bonsai ERP, the all-inclusive ERP system