Hi, i would like to know if there a way to show the adjustment type from an order in several languajes. For example in /specialpurpose/ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/order/dorderitems.ftl :
<#list headerAdjustmentsToShow as orderHeaderAdjustment>
<div class="tabletext">${localOrderReadHelper.getAdjustmentType(orderHeaderAdjustment)}</div> | <div class="tabletext"><@ofbizCurrency amount=localOrderReadHelper.getOrderAdjustmentTotal(orderHeaderAdjustment) isoCode=currencyUomId/></div> | <#if maySelectItems?default("N") == "Y"> | </#if>
If the order adjustment is a promotion, it always write 'promotion' even if the languaje of the browser or the selected locale in java is another languaje diferent from english.
Sorry for my bad english and thank you very much.