Ofbiz What's new Functionality

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Ofbiz What's new Functionality

In ofbiz we have :-
  <ProdCatalogCategoryType description="What's New (One)" prodCatalogCategoryTypeId="PCCT_WHATS_NEW"/>

We can associate this prodCatalogCategoryTypeId to a particular prodCatalogId.Suppose the following:-

prodCatalogId DemoCatalog
productCategoryId CATALOG1
prodCatalogCategoryTypeId PCCT_WHATS_NEW
fromDate 2011-07-05 10:30:45.0
lastUpdatedStamp 2011-07-05 10:31:53.077
lastUpdatedTxStamp 2011-07-05 10:31:52.997
createdStamp 2011-07-05 10:31:53.077
createdTxStamp 2011-07-05 10:31:52.997

Can anyone please help me, how does this What's New functionality reflect in the Ecommerce Webstorefront, like as we know if we are associating prodCatalogId  to Quick Add type prodCatalogCategoryTypeId then we can add the product to the cart using the productId, in the similar fshion please elaborate how does adding prodCatalogCategoryTypeId  ( PCCT_WHATS_NEW ) to  prodCatalogId helps?