Hi Jayakumar,
You can deactivate a product by setting the field
"salesDiscontinuationDate" field from Product table to past date. This
field is used to have the product for sale for a certain time period. In
your case you just set it to previous date.
There are types of product which can have different features for
e.g. A product "T-Shirt" with feature of size of "S,M,L,XL" so in this case
the parent product say with product_id = "COOL_TSHIRT" will be virtual and
its variants will be "COOL_TSHIRT_SMALL","COOL_TSHIRT_LARGE",
"COOL_TSHIRT_MEDIUM"... These variants will individually have a record in
product with "isVaraint" field set to "Y" and "isVirtual" field set to "N".
The association between the virtual and variant done in product_assoc table.
Tushar J.Abhyankar
Amicon Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
India's No 1. OFBiz service provider.
-----Original Message-----
From: jayakumar t [mailto:
[hidden email]]
Sent: Monday, February 09, 2009 3:43 PM
[hidden email]
Subject: How can product Deactivate
Hi All,
I need to Deactivate A product from the selling list of ecommerce
application of ofbiz. How can I do this?
is there any fields in the product table to deactivate? i can see only the
"isVirtual" field in db, what is the need of this "isVirtual" ?
Jayakumar T