I'm working on an OFBiz helm chart for kubernetes

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I'm working on an OFBiz helm chart for kubernetes

Eugen Stan


NOTE: I previously sent this email from an un-subscribed email address,
please ignore that one.

I'm working on a Helm chart for OFBiz
https://github.com/ieugen/charts/tree/main/ofbiz .

The goal is to have OFBiz running in Kubernetes.

Right now it's a rough start: it starts OFBiz with Derby and that's
about it.

I'll keep pushing updates as soon as I have them.

I'm interested in your feedback.
If you plan on testing it and using it let me know.
I do accept and encourage collaboration.

If this is interesting I might push it upstream but it uses the binary
build of OFBiz in Docker.

I'm using docker images built from trunk on jdk-11.
There are amd64 and arm64 (Raspberry PI4) images.

Some issues that need solving are the many configuration files that
OFBiz has.

This details creates a lot of configuration when deploying in Docker /
Kubernetes as they need to be mounted in a volume with many entries or
multiple volumes.

There are many potential solutions to this but it boils down to:
* It would be nice to load max 1-2 or 3 configuration file with multiple
sections instead of the currently many configs split over the code base.
* It would be nice to support configuration (overwrite) via ENV vars for
some things like DB connection.

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Re: I'm working on an OFBiz helm chart for kubernetes

Sakthivel Vellingiri
Hi Eugen - This is a wonderful effort, i would be interested in using it
when available and happy to be part of the testing effort, pls share any
updates you might have, i have a Windows Environment running Windows Server
2016,  Ubuntu Server running Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu Desktop running 18.04,
and i can help test in these environments.

On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 3:13 PM Eugen Stan <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello,
> NOTE: I previously sent this email from an un-subscribed email address,
> please ignore that one.
> I'm working on a Helm chart for OFBiz
> https://github.com/ieugen/charts/tree/main/ofbiz .
> The goal is to have OFBiz running in Kubernetes.
> Right now it's a rough start: it starts OFBiz with Derby and that's
> about it.
> I'll keep pushing updates as soon as I have them.
> I'm interested in your feedback.
> If you plan on testing it and using it let me know.
> I do accept and encourage collaboration.
> If this is interesting I might push it upstream but it uses the binary
> build of OFBiz in Docker.
> I'm using docker images built from trunk on jdk-11.
> There are amd64 and arm64 (Raspberry PI4) images.
> Some issues that need solving are the many configuration files that
> OFBiz has.
> This details creates a lot of configuration when deploying in Docker /
> Kubernetes as they need to be mounted in a volume with many entries or
> multiple volumes.
> There are many potential solutions to this but it boils down to:
> * It would be nice to load max 1-2 or 3 configuration file with multiple
> sections instead of the currently many configs split over the code base.
> * It would be nice to support configuration (overwrite) via ENV vars for
> some things like DB connection.
> Regards.
> Eugen