Improve rainbowstone theme

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Improve rainbowstone theme

Nicolas Malin-2
Hi all,

A small update to keep you informed on our progress on the
reorganization of the screens coupled with the theme, which progress
isn't what we would like it to be. So to keep the motivation high we
worked on the current rainbowstone theme to give it a little bit of a

The examples of rendering are available on the jira issue OFBIZ-12237 [1]

There is a question we would like to ask you: Would you like these
changes to come as a new theme or just as an improvement of the current



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        Nicolas Malin
The apache way <> : *Charity* Apache’s mission
is providing software for the public good.
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Re: Improve rainbowstone theme

Jacques Le Roux
Hi Nicolas,

As I'm not sure from the given example of what the rendering would be, I propose a new theme.

My opinion could change with more details...



Le 14/05/2021 à 16:55, Nicolas Malin a écrit :

> Hi all,
> A small update to keep you informed on our progress on the
> reorganization of the screens coupled with the theme, which progress
> isn't what we would like it to be. So to keep the motivation high we
> worked on the current rainbowstone theme to give it a little bit of a
> facelift.
> The examples of rendering are available on the jira issue OFBIZ-12237 [1]
> There is a question we would like to ask you: Would you like these
> changes to come as a new theme or just as an improvement of the current
> rainbowstone?
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
> [1]

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Re: Improve rainbowstone theme

Michael Brohl-3
In reply to this post by Nicolas Malin-2
Hi Nicolas,

great work, thanks for sharing!

I'd vote for a new theme in case of users relying on the rainbowstone
theme as it is now.



Am 14.05.21 um 16:55 schrieb Nicolas Malin:

> Hi all,
> A small update to keep you informed on our progress on the
> reorganization of the screens coupled with the theme, which progress
> isn't what we would like it to be. So to keep the motivation high we
> worked on the current rainbowstone theme to give it a little bit of a
> facelift.
> The examples of rendering are available on the jira issue OFBIZ-12237 [1]
> There is a question we would like to ask you: Would you like these
> changes to come as a new theme or just as an improvement of the current
> rainbowstone?
> Cheers,
> Nicolas
> [1]
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Re: Improve rainbowstone theme

Nicolas Malin-2
Thanks both for your return,

We will create a new theme for this.


On 16/05/2021 00:29, Michael Brohl wrote:

> Hi Nicolas,
> great work, thanks for sharing!
> I'd vote for a new theme in case of users relying on the rainbowstone
> theme as it is now.
> Thanks,
> Michael
> Am 14.05.21 um 16:55 schrieb Nicolas Malin:
>> Hi all,
>> A small update to keep you informed on our progress on the
>> reorganization of the screens coupled with the theme, which progress
>> isn't what we would like it to be. So to keep the motivation high we
>> worked on the current rainbowstone theme to give it a little bit of a
>> facelift.
>> The examples of rendering are available on the jira issue OFBIZ-12237
>> [1]
>> There is a question we would like to ask you: Would you like these
>> changes to come as a new theme or just as an improvement of the current
>> rainbowstone?
>> Cheers,
>> Nicolas
>> [1]