Issuing a refund to a credit card

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Issuing a refund to a credit card

Dave Tenerowicz
Does anyone know if there are existing services can we leverage to issue
a refund directly to a customers credit card?

This class of refunds has nothing to do with a product return. Since the
original Order was paid in full, the original orderPaymentPreference
record(s) would already be flagged as PAYMENT_SETTLED. We'd like to go
directly to payments - create a payment record, obtain
authorization/capture, and flag the payment as done. Since
paymentGatewayServices is geared toward using orderPaymentPreferences,
would it be a better approach to create an orderPaymentPreference record
and let the existing service process it?

Ultimately we want to end up with a refund issued to the customers
credit card and some way to track this in OfBiz.

Thanks for any ideas or suggestions!

Dave Tenerowicz
[hidden email]

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