Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item".))

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Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item".))


i am using the latest SVN, and i am getting the the following error whenever i try tp add a new party, through the part manager.

Data source error occurred while adding party group: Exception while inserting the following entity: [GenericEntity:Party][createdByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][createdDate,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,lkjlkj(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedDate,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,10033(java.lang.String)][partyTypeId,PARTY_GROUP(java.lang.String)][statusId,PARTY_ENABLED(java.lang.String)] (while inserting: [GenericEntity:Party][createdByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][createdDate,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,lkjlkj(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedDate,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2006-07-24 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,10033(java.lang.String)][partyTypeId,PARTY_GROUP(java.lang.String)][statusId,PARTY_ENABLED(java.lang.String)] (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO public.PARTY (PARTY_ID, PARTY_TYPE_ID, EXTERNAL_ID, PREFERRED_CURRENCY_UOM_ID, DESCRIPTION, STATUS_ID, CREATED_DATE, CREATED_BY_USER_LOGIN, LAST_MODIFIED_DATE, LAST_MODIFIED_BY_USER_LOGIN, LAST_UPDATED_STAMP, LAST_UPDATED_TX_STAMP, CREATED_STAMP, CREATED_TX_STAMP) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (ERROR: insert or update on table "party" violates foreign key constraint "party_statusitm"
Detail: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item".))).

Any ideas how this can be resolved.

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Re: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item".))

BJ Freeman
here is the key error.
ERROR: insert or update on table "party"
violates foreign key constraint "party_statusitm"
Detail: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table

rohit2006 sent the following on 7/24/2006 7:24 AM:

> hi,
> i am using the latest SVN, and i am getting the the following error whenever
> i try tp add a new party, through the part manager.
> Data source error occurred while adding party group: Exception while
> inserting the following entity:
> [GenericEntity:Party][createdByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][createdDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,lkjlkj(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,10033(java.lang.String)][partyTypeId,PARTY_GROUP(java.lang.String)][statusId,PARTY_ENABLED(java.lang.String)]
> (while inserting:
> [GenericEntity:Party][createdByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][createdDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,lkjlkj(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,10033(java.lang.String)][partyTypeId,PARTY_GROUP(java.lang.String)][statusId,PARTY_ENABLED(java.lang.String)]
> (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO public.PARTY
> ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (ERROR: insert or update on table "party"
> violates foreign key constraint "party_statusitm"
> Detail: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table
> "status_item".))).
> Any ideas how this can be resolved.
> rohit
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Re: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item

hi BJ,

i could get the error.

How should i resolve this. i understand that PARTY_ENABLED is an entry not present in status_id table. Should i go ahead and create and entry, if yes an idea what are the other parameters for this entry. please advise.

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Re: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item

BJ Freeman
What is your goal in what you are doing?
What are you attempting to do?
Why are you using PARTY_ENABLED?

rohit2006 sent the following on 7/24/2006 7:47 AM:
> hi BJ,
> i could get the error.
> How should i resolve this. i understand that PARTY_ENABLED is an entry not
> present in status_id table. Should i go ahead and create and entry, if yes
> an idea what are the other parameters for this entry. please advise.
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Re: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item


i am simply trying to create a new customer using the party manager, i have filled all the required entries and getting the error:

    * (ERROR: insert or update on table "party" violates foreign key constraint "party_statusitm"
      Detail: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item".))) calling service createPerson in createUser

Just to add i am using the default code in ofbiz, i mean i have not really modified anything substantial in it, except some ftl files.

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Re: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item

hi BJ,

i was able to figure it out, a database entry was missing, i copied the entry from another install of ofbiz, which had this entry and its working fine now,

thanks for you help.
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Re: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table "status_item".))

David E Jones-2
In reply to this post by rohit

It means you need to update your seed data, something like "ant run-install-seed".


rohit2006 wrote:

> hi,
> i am using the latest SVN, and i am getting the the following error whenever
> i try tp add a new party, through the part manager.
> Data source error occurred while adding party group: Exception while
> inserting the following entity:
> [GenericEntity:Party][createdByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][createdDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,lkjlkj(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,10033(java.lang.String)][partyTypeId,PARTY_GROUP(java.lang.String)][statusId,PARTY_ENABLED(java.lang.String)]
> (while inserting:
> [GenericEntity:Party][createdByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][createdDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][createdTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][description,lkjlkj(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedByUserLogin,admin(java.lang.String)][lastModifiedDate,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.406(java.sql.Timestamp)][lastUpdatedTxStamp,2006-07-24
> 10:20:14.39(java.sql.Timestamp)][partyId,10033(java.lang.String)][partyTypeId,PARTY_GROUP(java.lang.String)][statusId,PARTY_ENABLED(java.lang.String)]
> (SQL Exception while executing the following:INSERT INTO public.PARTY
> ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (ERROR: insert or update on table "party"
> violates foreign key constraint "party_statusitm"
> Detail: Key (status_id)=(PARTY_ENABLED) is not present in table
> "status_item".))).
> Any ideas how this can be resolved.
> rohit

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