Modifying Supplier Product entity

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Modifying Supplier Product entity

BJ Freeman
Importing supplier products to a catalog, with a CatalogID the same as
the Supplier's PartyID, that is linked to their party not a product store.
This Catalog has all the information about a product the supplier has
including, if provided catagories, pricing, Descriptions.
The change to the supplierProduct entity would be a boolean field for
Some additional boolean fields for usedescription, and usepricing.

when you add a supplier
have a check box above SupplierProductId that says
Use supplier Catalog.
then have a lookup box that is passed the supplier's partyID, which is
the same as the CatalgID.
They can select a Product from the suppliers Catalog.
a SECA would then pull the data from the supplier Catalog into the
Product. Possibility of check box for what is to be pulled in something
like the duplicate product.
A new service will allow associating the ProductID for the supplier in
supplierproduct entity with the supplier catalog. I chose this method
over a entity relationship, because some supplier may not provide
product information that can be imported.

This would be used when
1)When supplier import update to update the Product.
2) when Creating a new product from the Supplier Catalog to make create
the product,transfer data from the supplier catalog to the Product, and
create the supplierProduct Entity for that product, like the product

and input