Multi events same action on widget?

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Multi events same action on widget?

Jacques Le Roux

Is there a way to set multi events and same action on a field in a form? Else I will certainly take the time to add that later...
Also, if it does not exist yet, more than one event each with its action.



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Re: Multi events same action on widget?

Bilgin Ibryam-2
Hi Jacques,

I assume you are asking about javasript events and actions. Even the event
attribute documentation says "events" in multiple, the code is able to
handle only one event and action. Having the same action would not be a
aproblem, the problem is that you can specify one event only for a field.
I think for now you will end up writing some additional javascript to catch
multiple events (which is very simple with jquery)


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there a way to set multi events and same action on a field in a form?
> Else I will certainly take the time to add that later...
> Also, if it does not exist yet, more than one event each with its action.
> Thanks
> Jacques
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Re: Multi events same action on widget?

Jacques Le Roux
From: "Bilgin Ibryam" <[hidden email]>
> Hi Jacques,
> I assume you are asking about javasript events and actions. Even the event
> attribute documentation says "events" in multiple, the code is able to
> handle only one event and action. Having the same action would not be a
> aproblem, the problem is that you can specify one event only for a field.
> I think for now you will end up writing some additional javascript to catch
> multiple events (which is very simple with jquery)

Hi Bilgin,

Yes, I agree for jQuery, but a bit of syntax sugar in widget would help. I have a todo list to discuss when I will get enough
I have update the xsd documentation (only in jQuery for now) to make things clear for current state.



> Bilgin
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
> [hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to set multi events and same action on a field in a form?
>> Else I will certainly take the time to add that later...
>> Also, if it does not exist yet, more than one event each with its action.
>> Thanks
>> Jacques