From: "Bilgin Ibryam" <
[hidden email]>
> Hi Jacques,
> I assume you are asking about javasript events and actions. Even the event
> attribute documentation says "events" in multiple, the code is able to
> handle only one event and action. Having the same action would not be a
> aproblem, the problem is that you can specify one event only for a field.
> I think for now you will end up writing some additional javascript to catch
> multiple events (which is very simple with jquery)
Hi Bilgin,
Yes, I agree for jQuery, but a bit of syntax sugar in widget would help. I have a todo list to discuss when I will get enough
I have update the xsd documentation (only in jQuery for now) to make things clear for current state.
> Bilgin
> On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:20 AM, Jacques Le Roux <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Is there a way to set multi events and same action on a field in a form?
>> Else I will certainly take the time to add that later...
>> Also, if it does not exist yet, more than one event each with its action.
>> Thanks
>> Jacques