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[OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

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[OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

1141 posts
Is there currently an EDI parser/reader in OFBiz and
if not, how dificult would it be to integrate
something like EDI Reader?

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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

Yannick Thebault
11 posts
Well, it seems to be a pretty good project for business implementation of
I think there is 2 way to use it in OFBiz :
The simple way is to add the jar archive of EDIReaser project and use it into
your services. The "hard" way is maybe to implement the GenericEngine
interface to create a abstraction layer between service engine and EDIReader.
So then you could call EDIReader as a OFBiz service.
Maybe other way is to add a SOAP layer under EDIReader.



Le Lundi 05 Septembre 2005 07:12, Chris Howe a écrit :

> Is there currently an EDI parser/reader in OFBiz and
> if not, how dificult would it be to integrate
> something like EDI Reader?
> http://edireader.sourceforge.net/
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Yannick Thebault
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
In reply to this post by cjhowe
EDI is a broad term.
Basically you need a reader that is configured by a template to read
each EDi format and form.
This would require a service to monitor the folder for the edi data the
call a service to decode and store the information.

Chris Howe wrote:

> Is there currently an EDI parser/reader in OFBiz and
> if not, how difficult would it be to integrate
> something like EDI Reader?
> http://edireader.sourceforge.net/
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

1141 posts
What exactly would be necessary to implement an edi or ebXML solution into OFBiz?  I am just now looking into this, so there is a huge gap in my understanding.  This is my understanding of how it works lets say for getting a product catalog from a supplier into OFBiz

1. Receive edi or ebXML file from supplier
2. Translate file into xml that the entity engine understands
3. Feed into entity engine.

Is this correct, or am i missing something
--- [hidden email] wrote:
EDI is a broad term.
Basically you need a reader that is configured by a
template to read
each EDi format and form.
This would require a service to monitor the folder
for the edi data the
call a service to decode and store the information.

Chris Howe wrote:
> Is there currently an EDI parser/reader in OFBiz
> if not, how difficult would it be to integrate
> something like EDI Reader?
> http://edireader.sourceforge.net/
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

BJ Freeman
6819 posts
In reply to this post by cjhowe

Chris Howe said the following on 9/6/05 12:08 PM:
> What exactly would be necessary to implement an edi or ebXML solutioninto
OFBiz?  I am just now looking into this, so there is a hugegap in my
understanding.  This is my understanding of how it workslets say for getting
a product catalog from a supplier into OFBiz

> 1. Receive edi or ebXML file from supplier
> 2. Translate file into xml that the entity engine understands
> 3. Feed into entity engine.
> Is this correct, or am i missing something
> --- [hidden email] wrote: EDI is a broad term.
>  Basically you need a reader that is configured by a
>  template to read
>  each EDi format and form.
>  This would require a service to monitor the folder
>  for the edi data the
>  call a service to decode and store the information.
>  Chris Howe wrote:
>  > Is there currently an EDI parser/reader in OFBiz
>  and
>  > if not, how difficult would it be to integrate
>  > something like EDI Reader?
>  > http://edireader.sourceforge.net/
>  >
>  >  
>  > _______________________________________________
>  > Dev mailing list
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>  >
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by cjhowe

It would generally work out much better to do the integration at a  
process level rather than the data level. In other words, as EDI or  
ebXML or UBL or whatever requests come in just map the data to  
various service calls, then use the results of those service calls  
(possibly supplemented by extra information retrieved through the  
Entity Engine) to prepare the response. This generally results in  
less duplication of logic, with all of the benefits that entails (in  
fact maintaining a system without that is very expensive and is  
rarely really done adequately).


On Sep 6, 2005, at 1:08 PM, Chris Howe wrote:

> What exactly would be necessary to implement an edi or ebXML  
> solution into OFBiz?  I am just now looking into this, so there is  
> a huge gap in my understanding.  This is my understanding of how it  
> works lets say for getting a product catalog from a supplier into  
> OFBiz
> 1. Receive edi or ebXML file from supplier
> 2. Translate file into xml that the entity engine understands
> 3. Feed into entity engine.
> Is this correct, or am i missing something
> --- [hidden email] wrote: EDI is a broad term.
> Basically you need a reader that is configured by a
> template to read
> each EDi format and form.
> This would require a service to monitor the folder
> for the edi data the
> call a service to decode and store the information.
> Chris Howe wrote:
> > Is there currently an EDI parser/reader in OFBiz
> and
> > if not, how difficult would it be to integrate
> > something like EDI Reader?
> > http://edireader.sourceforge.net/
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Dev mailing list
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> > http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - EDI Reader

1141 posts
I guess that's where I'm lacking expertise (one of
many places anyway).  Is that much different (or any
easier) than taking a program like mec-eagle
to transform an edi file into an equivelent ebXML file
and then transform that ebXML file into an OFBiz
entity engine XML file (only doing the multiple
transformation for greater benefit of the community
rather than my specefic need)?  At the moment I'm
trying to import several supplier's catalogs into our
deployment so I'm not really concerned with any
acknoledgement or responses to send back.

--- "David E. Jones" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> It would generally work out much better to do the
> integration at a  
> process level rather than the data level. In other
> words, as EDI or  
> ebXML or UBL or whatever requests come in just map
> the data to  
> various service calls, then use the results of those
> service calls  
> (possibly supplemented by extra information
> retrieved through the  
> Entity Engine) to prepare the response. This
> generally results in  
> less duplication of logic, with all of the benefits
> that entails (in  
> fact maintaining a system without that is very
> expensive and is  
> rarely really done adequately).
> -David
> On Sep 6, 2005, at 1:08 PM, Chris Howe wrote:
> > What exactly would be necessary to implement an
> edi or ebXML  
> > solution into OFBiz?  I am just now looking into
> this, so there is  
> > a huge gap in my understanding.  This is my
> understanding of how it  
> > works lets say for getting a product catalog from
> a supplier into  
> > OFBiz
> >
> > 1. Receive edi or ebXML file from supplier
> > 2. Translate file into xml that the entity engine
> understands
> > 3. Feed into entity engine.
> >
> > Is this correct, or am i missing something
> > --- [hidden email] wrote: EDI is a broad
> term.
> > Basically you need a reader that is configured by
> a
> > template to read
> > each EDi format and form.
> > This would require a service to monitor the folder
> > for the edi data the
> > call a service to decode and store the
> information.
> >
> >
> > Chris Howe wrote:
> > > Is there currently an EDI parser/reader in OFBiz
> > and
> > > if not, how difficult would it be to integrate
> > > something like EDI Reader?
> > > http://edireader.sourceforge.net/
> > >
> > >
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > Dev mailing list
> > > [hidden email]
> > > http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> > >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
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> > http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/dev
> >
> > _______________________________________________
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