[OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff

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[OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff

Ashish Hareet
I set auto create requirments for my products & the requirments are generated accordingly.

When I'm viewing the order header, I can see the "Link to requiremnt" link. Clicking on it
results in "Unknown request [EditRequirement];". Is this stuff implemented...

I'd like to create PO's from these requirments & link those with the sales orders.
Can somebody direct me to where/how I could do it, or I'm on my own from here

Would greatly appreciate if somebody could throw in some feedback on this
Ashish Hareet
Dev mailing list
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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff

Jacopo Cappellato
Hi Ashish,

the link was pointing to the old location of the EditRequirement screen;
thanks for the bug report: it is now fixed in SVN rev 5779.

About PO and automatic association with sales order: it should be
everything already implemented.
You have to:
1) approve the requirement (you can do it also in the EditRequirement page)
2) initialize a purchase order
3) click on the Requirements link in the left column
4) select the requirement: a new cart line will be automatically
imported and after checkout you'll see, in the order detail page, a link
to the po (and vice versa).

Please let me know,


Ashish Hareet wrote:

> I set auto create requirments for my products & the requirments are generated accordingly.
> When I'm viewing the order header, I can see the "Link to requiremnt" link. Clicking on it
> results in "Unknown request [EditRequirement];". Is this stuff implemented...
> I'd like to create PO's from these requirments & link those with the sales orders.
> Can somebody direct me to where/how I could do it, or I'm on my own from here
> Would greatly appreciate if somebody could throw in some feedback on this
> Ashish Hareet
> http://www.cpbinc.com
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