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[OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff

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[OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff

Ashish Hareet
45 posts
Thanks a lot Jacopo. Haven't downloaded the latest from SVN(will do so in a bit), but will take your word
that it's fixed...

I've been experiencing weird behaviour(for me atleast) with the requirements &
inventory reservations stuff. I've been digging into the code, mailing lists, etc
but I still can't explain it. Would appreciate if somebody could clear this up for me.

First the relevant setup. I'm starting with a clean db setup with no orders at all & a few of my own products
                *require inventory: true
                *requirement method enum: When ATP reaches min stock for facility(PRODRQM_STOCK_ATP)
                *Min order: 100
                *Order increment: 100
                *Min stock: 100
                *Reorder: 100(AFAIK, this is ignored in code)
                *Is immediately fulfilled: N
                *Reserve inv: Y
                *Check inv: Y
                *One inv facility: Y
                *Reserve order enum Id: FIFO Received(INVRO_FIFO_REC)
                *Requirement method enum Id: When ATP reaches min stock for facility(PRODRQM_STOCK_ATP)

Now the scenario
*Have a product "X" with ATP/QOH = 1000/1000
*Place order for 1500 of product "X"
                *For OrderItemShipGrpInvRes quantity = 1500 & quantityNotAvailable = 0(!!)
                *2 requirements created for product - 500 & 100, but both are linked back to the order that generated the requirement
*Approve the requirements & create a PO associated with the requirement, approve the PO
*Receive the PO in the facility
                *2 more requirements created with quantities 100 & 400 !!
                *The OrderItemShipGrpInvRes now has 3 entries for the sales orders - 100, 400 & 1000. This seems fine

My facility items for product "X" after receiving the PO have ATP/QOH as follows
Item 1: 0/100 (Inv item created after PO is received)
Item 2: 100/500 (Inv item created after PO is received)
Item 3: 0/1000 (This is the initial inventory before any orders were taken)

* When there is no sufficient inventory why does the OrderItemShipGrpInvRes entity have quantityNotAvailable = 0.
Should it not be the quantity not available(i.e 500 in the above example). Also, subsequent sales orders have
quantityNotAvailable set to the right quantity i.e after ATP reaches or falls below 0
*Why are more requirements created when a PO is received. Shouldn't it be created only when required.
In the above scenario, there is no need for more requirements. And even if they are created after a PO is received,
shouldn't they be the right quantity !!
* A closer examination of the inventory items after the PO is received shows that requirements are created to bring
back the received inventory items back to their QOH levels.
Item 1 created requirement for 100 & item 2 created one for 400. Why ??
*I'm trying to generate PO's based on these requirements, but it's not helping me, cause requirements seem
to be always more than what is actually required. Any suggestions...

Any more places I can look at for this requirements stuff. It seems to offer what I need, only that I need to decipher how
the existing pieces work.

Thanks for reading this far, greatly appreciate your feedback
Ashish Hareet

-----Original Message-----
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 11:39:52 -0500
From: "Ashish Hareet" <[hidden email]>
Subject: [OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff
To: <[hidden email]>
Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

I set auto create requirments for my products & the requirments are generated accordingly.

When I'm viewing the order header, I can see the "Link to requiremnt" link. Clicking on it
results in "Unknown request [EditRequirement];". Is this stuff implemented...

I'd like to create PO's from these requirments & link those with the sales orders.
Can somebody direct me to where/how I could do it, or I'm on my own from here

Would greatly appreciate if somebody could throw in some feedback on this
Ashish Hareet


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Re: [OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff

Jacopo Cappellato
1743 posts
Hi Ashish,

the auto requirement stuff was never fully tested so chances are that
you've discovered some bugs...
I'm happy to hear from you that you are interested in making it work
correctly, and I'd like to help you fixing things here and there (if
bugs are found).
Now that David has fixed the OrderItemShipGrpInvRes problem (OFBIZ-497),
could you please re-test your scenario and tell me what happens now?
This will help a lot.



Ashish Hareet wrote:

> Thanks a lot Jacopo. Haven't downloaded the latest from SVN(will do so in a bit), but will take your word
> that it's fixed...
> I've been experiencing weird behaviour(for me atleast) with the requirements &
> inventory reservations stuff. I've been digging into the code, mailing lists, etc
> but I still can't explain it. Would appreciate if somebody could clear this up for me.
> First the relevant setup. I'm starting with a clean db setup with no orders at all & a few of my own products
> Product
> *require inventory: true
> *requirement method enum: When ATP reaches min stock for facility(PRODRQM_STOCK_ATP)
> Suppliers
> *Min order: 100
> *Order increment: 100
> Facility
> *Min stock: 100
> *Reorder: 100(AFAIK, this is ignored in code)
> Store:
> *Is immediately fulfilled: N
> *Reserve inv: Y
> *Check inv: Y
> *One inv facility: Y
> *Reserve order enum Id: FIFO Received(INVRO_FIFO_REC)
> *Requirement method enum Id: When ATP reaches min stock for facility(PRODRQM_STOCK_ATP)
> Now the scenario
> *Have a product "X" with ATP/QOH = 1000/1000
> *Place order for 1500 of product "X"
> Result
> *For OrderItemShipGrpInvRes quantity = 1500 & quantityNotAvailable = 0(!!)
> *2 requirements created for product - 500 & 100, but both are linked back to the order that generated the requirement
> *Approve the requirements & create a PO associated with the requirement, approve the PO
> *Receive the PO in the facility
> Result
> *2 more requirements created with quantities 100 & 400 !!
> *The OrderItemShipGrpInvRes now has 3 entries for the sales orders - 100, 400 & 1000. This seems fine
> My facility items for product "X" after receiving the PO have ATP/QOH as follows
> Item 1: 0/100 (Inv item created after PO is received)
> Item 2: 100/500 (Inv item created after PO is received)
> Item 3: 0/1000 (This is the initial inventory before any orders were taken)
> Questions
> * When there is no sufficient inventory why does the OrderItemShipGrpInvRes entity have quantityNotAvailable = 0.
> Should it not be the quantity not available(i.e 500 in the above example). Also, subsequent sales orders have
> quantityNotAvailable set to the right quantity i.e after ATP reaches or falls below 0
> *Why are more requirements created when a PO is received. Shouldn't it be created only when required.
> In the above scenario, there is no need for more requirements. And even if they are created after a PO is received,
> shouldn't they be the right quantity !!
> * A closer examination of the inventory items after the PO is received shows that requirements are created to bring
> back the received inventory items back to their QOH levels.
> Item 1 created requirement for 100 & item 2 created one for 400. Why ??
> *I'm trying to generate PO's based on these requirements, but it's not helping me, cause requirements seem
> to be always more than what is actually required. Any suggestions...
> Any more places I can look at for this requirements stuff. It seems to offer what I need, only that I need to decipher how
> the existing pieces work.
> Thanks for reading this far, greatly appreciate your feedback
> Ashish Hareet
> http://www.cpbinc.com
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 11:39:52 -0500
> From: "Ashish Hareet" <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [OFBiz] Dev - Requirement linking stuff
> To: <[hidden email]>
> Message-ID: <[hidden email]>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> I set auto create requirments for my products & the requirments are generated accordingly.
> When I'm viewing the order header, I can see the "Link to requiremnt" link. Clicking on it
> results in "Unknown request [EditRequirement];". Is this stuff implemented...
> I'd like to create PO's from these requirments & link those with the sales orders.
> Can somebody direct me to where/how I could do it, or I'm on my own from here
> Would greatly appreciate if somebody could throw in some feedback on this
> Ashish Hareet
> http://www.cpbinc.com
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