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[OFBiz] Users - Ajp 13 problem

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[OFBiz] Users - Ajp 13 problem

Rupert Howell
7 posts
Hi all,

I'm trying to connect to OFBiz through Apache. To keep it simple I'm
starting off with just one instance.
I've followed through the article in the Wiki to the letter (apart from
I'm using IBM HTTP Server 6.0.2/ Apache 2.047). Started Apache, then
started Ofbiz with no errors and navigated to one of my pages. I get  a
"No host matches server name www.myserver.com"
And absolutely nothing happens on the OFBiz console however if I switch
off OFbiz and refresh the page I get a different - Internal Server Error
- likewise If I change the listening port in the workers.properties file
so it no longer matches that in the ofbiz-container I get the internal
server error.

Did anybody see a similar error and know what it means when they setup
their instances?
Is there any other setting within OFBiz I have to change other than
comment out the http-connector stuff  in the ofbiz-container.xml
(obviously I'll need to change the port numbers when I add another
I'm a little bit confused as to whether I should leave the or and localhost ip adresseses within OFBiz as they are or
whether I should change them to the ipaddress of my server.

Any help to clarify would be greatly appreciated - the longer I spend
fiddling about the more muddled I am getting.
Kind Regards,


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RE: [OFBiz] Users - Ajp 13 problem

Alex Schmelkin
5 posts
What do your workers.properties and JkMount directives in httpd.conf look



# For dev/staging, we usually go with something simple:
JkMount /*/control/* ofbiz

# For production, lock is down with the specific uris you want to serve
through ajp:
JkMount /ordermgr/control/* ofbiz
JkMount /webtools/control/* ofbiz

Remember to Alias your static content, images, js, css:
Alias /mycatalog/images /path/to/mycatalog/images

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [hidden email]
> [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Rupert Howell
> Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 8:59 AM
> To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Ajp 13 problem
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to connect to OFBiz through Apache. To keep it simple I'm
> starting off with just one instance.
> I've followed through the article in the Wiki to the letter
> (apart from
> I'm using IBM HTTP Server 6.0.2/ Apache 2.047). Started Apache, then
> started Ofbiz with no errors and navigated to one of my
> pages. I get  a
> "No host matches server name www.myserver.com"
> And absolutely nothing happens on the OFBiz console however
> if I switch
> off OFbiz and refresh the page I get a different - Internal
> Server Error
> - likewise If I change the listening port in the
> workers.properties file
> so it no longer matches that in the ofbiz-container I get the
> internal
> server error.
> Did anybody see a similar error and know what it means when
> they setup
> their instances?
> Is there any other setting within OFBiz I have to change other than
> comment out the http-connector stuff  in the ofbiz-container.xml
> (obviously I'll need to change the port numbers when I add another
> instance)?
> I'm a little bit confused as to whether I should leave the or
> and localhost ip adresseses within OFBiz as they are or
> whether I should change them to the ipaddress of my server.
> Any help to clarify would be greatly appreciated - the longer I spend
> fiddling about the more muddled I am getting.
> Kind Regards,
> Rupert
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Ajp 13 problem

Michael Kuefner
9 posts
In reply to this post by Rupert Howell
Hi Rupert,

On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 01:58:42PM +0100, Rupert Howell wrote:
> I've followed through the article in the Wiki to the letter (apart from
> I'm using IBM HTTP Server 6.0.2/ Apache 2.047). Started Apache, then
> started Ofbiz with no errors and navigated to one of my pages. I get  a
> "No host matches server name www.myserver.com"

It seams to me, that you have no nameserver entry which defines
the host "www.myserver.com" to be the IP of your apache server.

Try to set up the URI-Parameter in the workers.conf file
to match for examlple localhost or a domain your server
is configured for.

For example:
info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

info=ofbiz instance

There has also have to be a virtual host in the apache config
that matches this URI (localhost).

> I'm a little bit confused as to whether I should leave the
> or and localhost ip adresseses within OFBiz as
> they are or whether I should change them to the ipaddress of
> my server. matches ALL interfaces your host has.
Including the localhost IP-Address.


Michael Küfner                          Meisterbohne eLösungen
                                        Söflinger Strasse 100
Tel: +49-(0)731-399 499 0               D-89077 Ulm
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Ajp 13 problem

Ray Barlow
202 posts
Although not essential to getting it working I would add that unless you
need access from another PC i.e. apache & ofbiz run on different
servers, you should stick to using as you have no need to bind
to all interfaces on your host. Ajp13 is invariably for internal
communications so generally no need to bind to public ip addresses, if
you have more than one server etc use the internal private addresses to


Michael Kuefner wrote:

>Hi Rupert,
>On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 01:58:42PM +0100, Rupert Howell wrote:
>>I've followed through the article in the Wiki to the letter (apart from
>>I'm using IBM HTTP Server 6.0.2/ Apache 2.047). Started Apache, then
>>started Ofbiz with no errors and navigated to one of my pages. I get  a
>>"No host matches server name www.myserver.com"
>It seams to me, that you have no nameserver entry which defines
>the host "www.myserver.com" to be the IP of your apache server.
>Try to set up the URI-Parameter in the workers.conf file
>to match for examlple localhost or a domain your server
>is configured for.
>For example:
>info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
>info=ofbiz instance
>There has also have to be a virtual host in the apache config
>that matches this URI (localhost).
>>I'm a little bit confused as to whether I should leave the
>> or and localhost ip adresseses within OFBiz as
>>they are or whether I should change them to the ipaddress of
>>my server.
> matches ALL interfaces your host has.
>Including the localhost IP-Address.
>  Michael
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