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[OFBiz] Users - Installation and config error

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[OFBiz] Users - Installation and config error

36 posts
Hey all ofbiz users,
I have just deployed ofbiz twice  once with command
java -jar ofbiz.jar -install
and second time with command
java -jar ofbiz.jar -install=seed
Iam using postgreSQL database. Upon completition of this commands I checkd the database and tables were created but both times i couldn' see any data in any table.
Then when i try to access catalog and after entering username and passwd i get this error:
The following error occurred during login:
Service [userLogin] Failed (Exception on
rollback:java.rmi.RemoteException: rollback:
Unexpected XAException:7)
Anybody can help me with that ?

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Installation and config error

Ray Barlow
202 posts
If the system is running properly the second command
you entered will be ineffective as the seed data is
included in the first command, along with the
additional demo data.

As the tables were created that would suggest a
connection to the DB was established OK, although it
wouldn't hurt to drop all the tables from the DB and
run the first command again to double check the tables
are created.

Assuming it still just creates the tables and does not
load any data then you will need to look at the logs
files or capture console output for clues, as it's
hard to offer any more help without an error message
to go on.

Run the first command and then read through the log
file from top to bottom looking for errors.


--- michal <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hey all ofbiz users,
> I have just deployed ofbiz twice  once with command
> java -jar ofbiz.jar -install
> and second time with command
> java -jar ofbiz.jar -install=seed
> Iam using postgreSQL database. Upon completition of
> this commands I checkd the database and tables were
> created but both times i couldn' see any data in any
> table.
> Then when i try to access catalog and after entering
> username and passwd i get this error:
> The following error occurred during login:
> Service [userLogin] Failed (Exception on
> rollback:java.rmi.RemoteException: rollback:
> Unexpected XAException:7)
> Anybody can help me with that ?
> Michal >  
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