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[OFBiz] Users - Palmtree reports and Laszlo integration

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[OFBiz] Users - Palmtree reports and Laszlo integration

259 posts

I've been able to get the Laszlo presentation server (LPS) integrated
into ofbiz and outputting some sample grids.  LPS consists of  a
couple of servlets that compile *.lzx files into Flash *.swf files for
display.  You can deploy the SWF files independently of LPS but I
think LPS makes development a lot easier.  It works a lot like screen
widget definitions or JSP pages.  The developer edits the *.lzx file,
which is an XML file, and then LPS dynamically compiles the files for

There are a lot of other libraries that LPS uses and some of these
files are common in the ofbiz framework (e.g. Apache common
libraries).  I currently have these files in the
palmtree/webapp/palmtree/WEB-INF/lib directory to get the integration
to work.  I don't believe this follows standard ofbiz directory
structure, but I also haven't had time to work out all the dependency
issues and possible library conflicts.  What do you think is the best
way to integrate laszlo with ofbiz?

Also what kind of reporting dialog do you want me to create?  Do you
want the reports to be executed by a single link like the current "My
Tasks" link on the palmtree login page?  Or are you looking for a
dialog that can create custom queries and display the results of these

Please send me the entities you would like reports for.


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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Palmtree reports and Laszlo integration

259 posts
Sorry for the cross posting.   I mistakenly did a reply-all on a
previous post.  This E-mail was originally intended for the palmtree


On 9/27/05, Brett Palmer <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Nate,
> I've been able to get the Laszlo presentation server (LPS) integrated
> into ofbiz and outputting some sample grids.  LPS consists of  a
> couple of servlets that compile *.lzx files into Flash *.swf files for
> display.  You can deploy the SWF files independently of LPS but I
> think LPS makes development a lot easier.  It works a lot like screen
> widget definitions or JSP pages.  The developer edits the *.lzx file,
> which is an XML file, and then LPS dynamically compiles the files for
> him.
> There are a lot of other libraries that LPS uses and some of these
> files are common in the ofbiz framework (e.g. Apache common
> libraries).  I currently have these files in the
> palmtree/webapp/palmtree/WEB-INF/lib directory to get the integration
> to work.  I don't believe this follows standard ofbiz directory
> structure, but I also haven't had time to work out all the dependency
> issues and possible library conflicts.  What do you think is the best
> way to integrate laszlo with ofbiz?
> Also what kind of reporting dialog do you want me to create?  Do you
> want the reports to be executed by a single link like the current "My
> Tasks" link on the palmtree login page?  Or are you looking for a
> dialog that can create custom queries and display the results of these
> queries?
> Please send me the entities you would like reports for.
> Thanks,
> Brett
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RE: [OFBiz] Users - Palmtree reports and Laszlo integration

Nate Reed-2
19 posts
In reply to this post by Brett

This sounds great, I'm looking forward to integrating this with
Palmtree.  The approach you are taking to integrate Lazlo and OfBiz
seems to make sense.  Maybe Si can comment further on this, as he has
more experience with modifications to OfBiz.    

The scenario I was thinking about is really simple: the user clicks on
one of the links ("All tasks", "My tasks", etc.) and the results are
presented in a table, which provides a way to page through and sort by
columns.  If you can get the basic functionality to work, then later
on, you could add a dialog to define a custom query which can be saved
to the database.  We would eventually like to see this functionality,

It seems like we need a composite entity ("entity-view") which includes
the WorkEffort, WorkEffortPartyAssign, StatusItem, and other entities,
for the reporting functionality.  If you would like to give this a
shot, feel free, otherwise this is something I was planning on working
on soon.  But it will probably be this weekend before I can get to it.

Si, was anything added to OfBiz recently, such as a view entity for
WorkEffort, or other functionality, that would support this


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Palmtree reports and Laszlo integration
> From: Brett Palmer <[hidden email]>
> Date: Tue, September 27, 2005 5:14 am
> To: [hidden email], OFBiz Users /
> <[hidden email]>
> Nate,
> I've been able to get the Laszlo presentation server (LPS) integrated
> into ofbiz and outputting some sample grids.  LPS consists of  a
> couple of servlets that compile *.lzx files into Flash *.swf files for
> display.  You can deploy the SWF files independently of LPS but I
> think LPS makes development a lot easier.  It works a lot like screen
> widget definitions or JSP pages.  The developer edits the *.lzx file,
> which is an XML file, and then LPS dynamically compiles the files for
> him.
> There are a lot of other libraries that LPS uses and some of these
> files are common in the ofbiz framework (e.g. Apache common
> libraries).  I currently have these files in the
> palmtree/webapp/palmtree/WEB-INF/lib directory to get the integration
> to work.  I don't believe this follows standard ofbiz directory
> structure, but I also haven't had time to work out all the dependency
> issues and possible library conflicts.  What do you think is the best
> way to integrate laszlo with ofbiz?
> Also what kind of reporting dialog do you want me to create?  Do you
> want the reports to be executed by a single link like the current "My
> Tasks" link on the palmtree login page?  Or are you looking for a
> dialog that can create custom queries and display the results of these
> queries?
> Please send me the entities you would like reports for.
> Thanks,
> Brett
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> Users mailing list
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> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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