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[OFBiz] Users - Re: What projects we use?

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[OFBiz] Users - Re: What projects we use?

Rohit Rai
43 posts
Thanks for the pointer Jacques, but that is a link I have seen much before I actually downloaded or Used Ofbiz.
But I would like to know what actually comes by default in the Ofbiz.
Somethings there are still not clear, do we use Jetty or Tomcat and other things.
One thing was what I saw in docs. It says we use Jetty, so I explored the Ofbiz directory and right Jetty is there compiled in a jar. But then we also have Catalina there??? What does that mean.
Will anyone please clear this stuff.

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Re: What projects we use?

Ian Gilbert
59 posts
Hi Rohit,

We have a number of projects here which are alternatives.  Jetty and
Tomcat are examples of this.  You can use either (and indeed others) and
you will determine this at setup time.  The same is true of databases
(although these usually stand separate).



On Sat, September 17, 2005 6:44 pm, Rohit Rai wrote:

> Thanks for the pointer Jacques, but that is a link I have seen much
> before I actually downloaded or Used Ofbiz. But I would like to know what
> actually comes by default in the Ofbiz. Somethings there are still not
> clear, do we use Jetty or Tomcat and other things. One thing was what I saw
> in docs. It says we use Jetty, so I explored the Ofbiz directory and right
> Jetty is there compiled in a jar. But then we also
> have Catalina there??? What does that mean. Will anyone please clear this
> stuff. Thanks
> Regards,
> Rohit
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