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[OFBiz] Users - Re2: Error when sending mail from ecommerce

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[OFBiz] Users - Re2: Error when sending mail from ecommerce

15 posts
Hello everybody

Thank you Souvik for your reply. Unfortunately I couldn't resolve this issue on my own. While looking for some clue in the source code I got lost in the call-chain. But here is what I found out:
    The exception is raised in the ModelService.validate method (row 412 +-)
Like I mentioned earlier, the mail message does get sent away. But an error message is displayed on the login page, "Error occurred: unable to email password. Please try again later or contact customer service.".
Any other thoughts?
Thank you!

-------------------------------------------------- IN-RESPONSE-TO:
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 16:51:22 +0530
From: Souvik Saha Bhowmik <[hidden email]>
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - Re: Users - Error when sending mail from

I don't know how much of help u'd get from me. However as I don't have an SMTP server at present  I could not test the entire scenario. I hope u have made the proper entries in general.properties file present in <OFBIZ_HOME>\framework\common\config. You need to specify the SMTP server and its username and password in the properties file. Also set mail.notifications.enabled prperty to Y. This is checked in the sendMail service which is callded from the sendNotification service which is eventually called on clicking the "email password" link.
However I had checked the sendMail service earlier from my own application. It was working fine with all the values in properties file set properly. If these things doesn't work you need to check out the java services available in the Content application for email present in <OFBIZ_HOME>\applications\content\src\org\ofbiz\content\email.
>From your error smessages it appears that some fields are sent as IN
parameters to the service which are not present in the service definition. But I see that alll except partyId are defned as IN parameters in the service invioked. In that case there may be a bug which u have to check thoroughly in the services. I can assure you that the send mail service doesn't have a bug.
For your ease I am giving u the sequence in which the services are invoked from one another forgotPassword(LoginEvents)->emailPassword(LoginEvents)->sendGenericNotificationEmail(present
in content application in NotificationService)->sendMail

the service definition of sendGenericNotificationEmail is bit complicated. It implements many interfaces which have many compulsory and optional IN and OUT paramaeters. You can check these.
On 9/6/05, Firas A. <[hidden email]| wrote:
| Hello,
| When requesting "Email Password" from the Login page I get the
| following
| error:
| /*================ AN_EXCERPT_FROM_MY_LOG ================ */
| ...
| 350063[     RequestHandler.java:208:INFO ] [Processing Request]:
| forgotpassword
| 352326[     ServiceEcaRule.java:118:INFO ] Got false for condition:
| [null][][partyId][is-not-empty][null][][true][String][]
| 352326[  ServiceDispatcher.java:447:DEBUG] [[Sync service finished-
| total:1.903,since last(Begin):1.903]] - 'ecommerce / sendMail'
| 352326[       ModelService.java:401:ERROR] [ModelService.validate] :
| {sendGenericNotificationEmail} : (OUT) Required test error:
| org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
|       Unknown parameter found: body
|       Unknown parameter found: partyId
|       Unknown parameter found: subject
| 352336[  ServiceDispatcher.java:366:ERROR]
| ---- exception report ----------------------------------------------
| Outgoing result (in runSync : sendGenericNotificationEmail) does not
| match expected requirements
| Exception: org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException
| Message: Unknown parameter found: bodyUnknown parameter found:
| partyIdUnknown parameter found: subject
| ---- stack trace ---------------------------------------------------
| ...
| /*================ AN_EXCERPT_FROM_MY_LOG ================ */
| The email with the new password does get sent to me though.
| Any comments?
| Thanks in advance!
| </Firas>

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