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[OFBiz] Users - Techniques for moving large tables help

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[OFBiz] Users - Techniques for moving large tables help

David Riggle
3 posts
Hello everyone.

I am trying to port a table with about 3800 records into ofbiz. The way
I am currently trying it is by grabbing all the records by using the
delegator.findAll() method. The problem I am having is that my computer
ends up running out of memory during this method. What are some other
ways to port this large amount of data into ofbiz's tables?

- David Riggle
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Techniques for moving large tables help

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
Have you tried the EntityListIterator?

David Riggle wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I am trying to port a table with about 3800 records into ofbiz. The
> way I am currently trying it is by grabbing all the records by using
> the delegator.findAll() method. The problem I am having is that my
> computer ends up running out of memory during this method. What are
> some other ways to port this large amount of data into ofbiz's tables?
> - David Riggle
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - Techniques for moving large tables help

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by David Riggle

Running out of memory with 3800 records? Wow, what is your heap size?  
Or, perhaps there are other things going on in the instance? The ELI  
is the way to go as Si mentioned, but still that many records should  
only cause problems when there isn't much memory on the Java heap...


On Oct 13, 2005, at 9:39 AM, David Riggle wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I am trying to port a table with about 3800 records into ofbiz. The  
> way I am currently trying it is by grabbing all the records by  
> using the delegator.findAll() method. The problem I am having is  
> that my computer ends up running out of memory during this method.  
> What are some other ways to port this large amount of data into  
> ofbiz's tables?
> - David Riggle
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