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[OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

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[OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Manuel Meyer
15 posts
Hi All,

I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.

When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax, and I've
added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax rate of 19.6.

In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket, I've
modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax even if a
shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always applied.

Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters a
product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default price, and
125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.

The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his basket,
the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the same type, the
price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the site is a BtoC, the
customer does not want to know about VAT; he only needs to see how much
money he'll spend globally.

I've try to play with the currency format in the general.properties file, as
it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding problem.
If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
accounting part.

What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in order to
avoid this rounding problem?

Any advice or comments are very welcome

Thanks in advance and bst regards,
Manuel Meyer

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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett
48 posts
Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although I am
using Item Adjustments not calcTax.

I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling with the Tax
Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.

The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax payable must
be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for the order total.
Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total item price
has too many decimal places.

The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is that the
price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax price.
Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/mr200036.htm

Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling price.
Because of rounding of the final sale price ...

basePrice x 10%
does not always equal

Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11

Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to remain
constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail below.
This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal() being
return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +

This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db field to
sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal points -
probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-type-def>

The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify all the
places where base price is used for calculations and allow the option based
on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a "finalPrice". My GST is all really
based on the final price that is actually paid.

I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short term ...

BUT ...
Is there a better approach that I should be following?
Have I missed the obvious?
Am I making this too complex?


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Hi All,

I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.

When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax, and I've
added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax rate of 19.6.

In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket, I've
modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax even if a
shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always applied.

Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters a
product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default price, and
125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.

The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his basket,
the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the same type, the
price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the site is a BtoC, the
customer does not want to know about VAT; he only needs to see how much
money he'll spend globally.

I've try to play with the currency format in the general.properties file, as
it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding problem.
If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
accounting part.

What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in order to
avoid this rounding problem?

Any advice or comments are very welcome

Thanks in advance and bst regards,
Manuel Meyer

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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett
48 posts
OK maybe I missed the obvious.

I will try using
<field name="sourcePercentage" type="floating-point"><!-- for tax entries
this is the tax percentage --></field>

Also thought the amount (which I see is deprecated had more decimal points

The rate % will help but I suspect there may still be issues with respect to
the finalPrice.

See the attached XLS which has errors for most quantities when base price is

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of David Garrett
Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:33 PM
To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although I am
using Item Adjustments not calcTax.

I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling with the Tax
Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.

The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax payable must
be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for the order total.
Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total item price
has too many decimal places.

The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is that the
price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax price.
Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/mr200036.htm

Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling price.
Because of rounding of the final sale price ...

basePrice x 10%
does not always equal

Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11

Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to remain
constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail below.
This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal() being
return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +

This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db field to
sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal points -
probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-type-def>

The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify all the
places where base price is used for calculations and allow the option based
on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a "finalPrice". My GST is all really
based on the final price that is actually paid.

I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short term ...

BUT ...
Is there a better approach that I should be following?
Have I missed the obvious?
Am I making this too complex?


-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Hi All,

I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.

When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax, and I've
added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax rate of 19.6.

In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket, I've
modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax even if a
shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always applied.

Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters a
product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default price, and
125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.

The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his basket,
the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the same type, the
price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the site is a BtoC, the
customer does not want to know about VAT; he only needs to see how much
money he'll spend globally.

I've try to play with the currency format in the general.properties file, as
it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding problem.
If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
accounting part.

What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in order to
avoid this rounding problem?

Any advice or comments are very welcome

Thanks in advance and bst regards,
Manuel Meyer

Users mailing list
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
David, Manuel -

I'm finally starting to understand your problem.  Is this a correct
description of it:

In the US, the sales tax is calculated as an added premium to the price,
so the customer is used to seeing $100 plus a sales tax of 10% or $10,
for a total of $110.

In Europe and Australia, the customer is shown a final price of say 110
Euros, of which 15% might be a VAT.  So you will need to show the
customer a net price of 110 Euros and separately record that 16.50 Euros
are due to the tax authorities.

You are trying to solve the problem within the US-centric application by
saying that the base price is 93.50 Euros, but eventually decimal
precisions get you.

What's the solution...  Depends on:
Does your customer need to see the VAT on his order?  Or can you show
him an order and invoices with just a net price that includes the VAT?


PS Don't know if this helps, but there was this issue created a while
ago on using BigDecimal for better precision:

David Garrett wrote:

>OK maybe I missed the obvious.
>I will try using
><field name="sourcePercentage" type="floating-point"><!-- for tax entries
>this is the tax percentage --></field>
>Also thought the amount (which I see is deprecated had more decimal points
>The rate % will help but I suspect there may still be issues with respect to
>the finalPrice.
>See the attached XLS which has errors for most quantities when base price is
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
>On Behalf Of David Garrett
>Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:33 PM
>To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
>Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although I am
>using Item Adjustments not calcTax.
>I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling with the Tax
>Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.
>The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax payable must
>be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for the order total.
>Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total item price
>has too many decimal places.
>The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is that the
>price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax price.
>Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/mr200036.htm
>Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling price.
>Because of rounding of the final sale price ...
>basePrice x 10%
>does not always equal
>Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11
>Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to remain
>constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail below.
>This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal() being
>return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +
>This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db field to
>sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal points -
>probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
>    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
>java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-type-def>
>The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify all the
>places where base price is used for calculations and allow the option based
>on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a "finalPrice". My GST is all really
>based on the final price that is actually paid.
>I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short term ...
>BUT ...
>Is there a better approach that I should be following?
>Have I missed the obvious?
>Am I making this too complex?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
>On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
>Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
>To: [hidden email]
>Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>Hi All,
>I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
>In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.
>When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax, and I've
>added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax rate of 19.6.
>In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket, I've
>modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax even if a
>shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always applied.
>Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters a
>product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default price, and
>125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.
>The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his basket,
>the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the same type, the
>price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the site is a BtoC, the
>customer does not want to know about VAT; he only needs to see how much
>money he'll spend globally.
>I've try to play with the currency format in the general.properties file, as
>it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding problem.
>If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
>accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
>accounting part.
>What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in order to
>avoid this rounding problem?
>Any advice or comments are very welcome
>Thanks in advance and bst regards,
>Manuel Meyer
>Users mailing list
>[hidden email]
>Users mailing list
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>Users mailing list
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David E. Jones
1146 posts

The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an  
interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this a  
bit ago because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax calculation  
stuff and this concern came up.

There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total price.  
The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price including (or  
after) tax is 110 EUR. That doesn't mean that the tax amount is 13.5  
EUR, which is 110 * 0.15. The trick is that the 110 includes the tax,  
so it means that

after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)

So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:

before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)

So, for 110 EUR the before tax total is not 93.5, it is 110/1.15 = 95.65

Based on the 95.65 we can multiply that by .15 and we get: 14.35  
(rounded from 14.375) as the amount of VAT tax, and not 16.50...

To calculate the VAT amount based on the total that already includes  
VAT the formula is:

tax amount = tax rate * before tax total
before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)
tax amount = tax rate * (after tax total / (1 + tax rate))
it's hard to simplify that much, but here's a variation on it:
tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate

What that last formula shows is that the difference between the 2  
ways of calculating it varies depending on the tax rate. So since VAT  
amounts include the tax already you can't calculate the tax amount by  
just multiplying the tax rate, you'd have to divide that by 1 + tax  

Does that make sense?

Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could lead  
to not having the exact price you want, but I think it pretty much  
always works out fine with the proper rounding to 2 places.

For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by  
dividing it by 1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to  
107.35. If you calculate a 15% tax on that it would be 16.1025, which  
rounds to 16.10, which added to the base price results in the desired  


On Sep 29, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Si Chen wrote:

> David, Manuel -
> I'm finally starting to understand your problem.  Is this a correct  
> description of it:
> In the US, the sales tax is calculated as an added premium to the  
> price, so the customer is used to seeing $100 plus a sales tax of  
> 10% or $10, for a total of $110.
> In Europe and Australia, the customer is shown a final price of say  
> 110 Euros, of which 15% might be a VAT.  So you will need to show  
> the customer a net price of 110 Euros and separately record that  
> 16.50 Euros are due to the tax authorities.
> You are trying to solve the problem within the US-centric  
> application by saying that the base price is 93.50 Euros, but  
> eventually decimal precisions get you.
> What's the solution...  Depends on:
> Does your customer need to see the VAT on his order?  Or can you  
> show him an order and invoices with just a net price that includes  
> the VAT?
> Si
> PS Don't know if this helps, but there was this issue created a  
> while ago on using BigDecimal for better precision:
> http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-377
> David Garrett wrote:
>> OK maybe I missed the obvious.
>> I will try using
>> <field name="sourcePercentage" type="floating-point"><!-- for tax  
>> entries
>> this is the tax percentage --></field>
>> Also thought the amount (which I see is deprecated had more  
>> decimal points
>> available).
>> The rate % will help but I suspect there may still be issues with  
>> respect to
>> the finalPrice.
>> Eg See the attached XLS which has errors for most quantities when  
>> base price is
>> $123.45
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>> [hidden email]]
>> On Behalf Of David Garrett
>> Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:33 PM
>> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
>> Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>> Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although  
>> I am
>> using Item Adjustments not calcTax.
>> I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling  
>> with the Tax
>> Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.
>> The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax  
>> payable must
>> be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for the order  
>> total.
>> Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total  
>> item price
>> has too many decimal places.
>> The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is  
>> that the
>> price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax price.
>> Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/ 
>> mr200036.htm
>> Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling  
>> price.
>> Because of rounding of the final sale price ...
>> basePrice x 10%
>> does not always equal
>> Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11
>> Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to  
>> remain
>> constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail below.
>> This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal
>> () being
>> ...
>> return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +
>> getOtherAdjustments();
>> This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db  
>> field to
>> sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal  
>> points -
>> probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
>>    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
>> java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-
>> type-def>
>> The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify  
>> all the
>> places where base price is used for calculations and allow the  
>> option based
>> on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a "finalPrice". My GST is  
>> all really
>> based on the final price that is actually paid.
>> I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short  
>> term ...
>> BUT ...
>> Is there a better approach that I should be following?
>> Have I missed the obvious?
>> Am I making this too complex?
>> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>> [hidden email]]
>> On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>> Hi All,
>> I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
>> In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.
>> When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax,  
>> and I've
>> added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax rate  
>> of 19.6.
>> In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket,  
>> I've
>> modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax even  
>> if a
>> shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always applied.
>> Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters a
>> product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default  
>> price, and
>> 125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.
>> The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his  
>> basket,
>> the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the same  
>> type, the
>> price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the site is a  
>> BtoC, the
>> customer does not want to know about VAT; he only needs to see how  
>> much
>> money he'll spend globally.
>> I've try to play with the currency format in the  
>> general.properties file, as
>> it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding problem.
>> If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
>> accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
>> accounting part.
>> What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in  
>> order to
>> avoid this rounding problem?
>> Any advice or comments are very welcome
>> Thanks in advance and bst regards,
>> Manuel Meyer
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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Manuel Meyer
15 posts
Hello Si, David, and all.
Thanks to bring back this interesting topic.

First, in order to answer Si's question, we unfortunately cannot show a
total amount without a tax amount to a customer. We can show products
without tax details, but we have to display the global VAT amount and the
related VAT% at least before the gross amount.

For example
Product 1 10 EUR
Product 2 20 EUR

VAT 19.6%  4.92 EUR
Total     30 EUR

Second, I agree with David that we usually can run with a two digits
rounding, and keeping entering prices without taxes in the backoffice.

The things went a little bit more difficult for me, I'll give you 2

As I am working on a B2C site, so prices on the front office must include
taxes when they are displayed. Only order totals must display the total
amount of taxes.

In France, for the products sold on the site I worked on, the VAT rate is
19.6%. The very first product my client wanted to put on line was a product
with a price including VAT of 120.
120/1.196 = 100.33 or 100.34 using only 2 digits.
100.34 * 1.196 gives 120.01 and 100.33 * 1.196 gives 119.99 using the
standard calculation, so it was not possible to have a price of exactly 120
on the front office by entering a price without taxes.

The second example is a product with a price including VAT of 150 (in fact
the second product my client put on line...):
150/1.196 = 125.42 and 125.42 * 1.196 = 150.
But put 3 products in the basket, and you have 450.01, so you pay 1 cent
more than what should be.

I don't know what kind of rules to apply here, what I've done is a really
ugly trick. As I know that there will always be a 19.6% of taxes for all
products, I am entering prices with VAT on the backoffice (150, 120...), and
then set no VAT records in the SimpleSalesTaxLookup table. After, I am
calculating the VAT amount using order VAT amount = order gross amount /
1.196 in order to display it...

I was thinking of may be setting flags in the SimpleSalesTaxLookup to
specify that taxes of certain types were already included in the price, and
after link products with this VAT amount, in order not to have 'hard wired'
VAT amounts, but the fact is that I did not find any good way to resolve
this issue. I've tried to see how other products are dealing with this
issue, but without a real success. I might have a look at other frameworks
used in France like oscommerce or even webspere e-commerce, because it is
still a pending issue for me, event if the current implementation is enough
so far.

I'll be happy to think about that with you when ever you want if you think
this is valuable on your side.

I took a look at http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-377, so
things might also have changed since the last time I've updated from svn.

Best regards,

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] De
la part de David E. Jones
Envoyé : Friday, September 30, 2005 4:39 AM
À : OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Objet : Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an  
interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this a  
bit ago because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax calculation  
stuff and this concern came up.

There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total price.  
The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price including (or  
after) tax is 110 EUR. That doesn't mean that the tax amount is 13.5  
EUR, which is 110 * 0.15. The trick is that the 110 includes the tax,  
so it means that

after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)

So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:

before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)

So, for 110 EUR the before tax total is not 93.5, it is 110/1.15 = 95.65

Based on the 95.65 we can multiply that by .15 and we get: 14.35  
(rounded from 14.375) as the amount of VAT tax, and not 16.50...

To calculate the VAT amount based on the total that already includes  
VAT the formula is:

tax amount = tax rate * before tax total
before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)
tax amount = tax rate * (after tax total / (1 + tax rate))
it's hard to simplify that much, but here's a variation on it:
tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate

What that last formula shows is that the difference between the 2  
ways of calculating it varies depending on the tax rate. So since VAT  
amounts include the tax already you can't calculate the tax amount by  
just multiplying the tax rate, you'd have to divide that by 1 + tax  

Does that make sense?

Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could lead  
to not having the exact price you want, but I think it pretty much  
always works out fine with the proper rounding to 2 places.

For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by  
dividing it by 1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to  
107.35. If you calculate a 15% tax on that it would be 16.1025, which  
rounds to 16.10, which added to the base price results in the desired  


On Sep 29, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Si Chen wrote:

> David, Manuel -
> I'm finally starting to understand your problem.  Is this a correct  
> description of it:
> In the US, the sales tax is calculated as an added premium to the  
> price, so the customer is used to seeing $100 plus a sales tax of  
> 10% or $10, for a total of $110.
> In Europe and Australia, the customer is shown a final price of say  
> 110 Euros, of which 15% might be a VAT.  So you will need to show  
> the customer a net price of 110 Euros and separately record that  
> 16.50 Euros are due to the tax authorities.
> You are trying to solve the problem within the US-centric  
> application by saying that the base price is 93.50 Euros, but  
> eventually decimal precisions get you.
> What's the solution...  Depends on:
> Does your customer need to see the VAT on his order?  Or can you  
> show him an order and invoices with just a net price that includes  
> the VAT?
> Si
> PS Don't know if this helps, but there was this issue created a  
> while ago on using BigDecimal for better precision:
> http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-377
> David Garrett wrote:
>> OK maybe I missed the obvious.
>> I will try using
>> <field name="sourcePercentage" type="floating-point"><!-- for tax  
>> entries
>> this is the tax percentage --></field>
>> Also thought the amount (which I see is deprecated had more  
>> decimal points
>> available).
>> The rate % will help but I suspect there may still be issues with  
>> respect to
>> the finalPrice.
>> Eg See the attached XLS which has errors for most quantities when  
>> base price is
>> $123.45
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>> [hidden email]]
>> On Behalf Of David Garrett
>> Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:33 PM
>> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
>> Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>> Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although  
>> I am
>> using Item Adjustments not calcTax.
>> I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling  
>> with the Tax
>> Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.
>> The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax  
>> payable must
>> be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for the order  
>> total.
>> Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total  
>> item price
>> has too many decimal places.
>> The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is  
>> that the
>> price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax price.
>> Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/ 
>> mr200036.htm
>> Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling  
>> price.
>> Because of rounding of the final sale price ...
>> basePrice x 10%
>> does not always equal
>> Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11
>> Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to  
>> remain
>> constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail below.
>> This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal
>> () being
>> ...
>> return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +
>> getOtherAdjustments();
>> This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db  
>> field to
>> sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal  
>> points -
>> probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
>>    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
>> java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-
>> type-def>
>> The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify  
>> all the
>> places where base price is used for calculations and allow the  
>> option based
>> on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a "finalPrice". My GST is  
>> all really
>> based on the final price that is actually paid.
>> I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short  
>> term ...
>> BUT ...
>> Is there a better approach that I should be following?
>> Have I missed the obvious?
>> Am I making this too complex?
>> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>> [hidden email]]
>> On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>> Hi All,
>> I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
>> In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.
>> When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax,  
>> and I've
>> added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax rate  
>> of 19.6.
>> In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket,  
>> I've
>> modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax even  
>> if a
>> shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always applied.
>> Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters a
>> product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default  
>> price, and
>> 125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.
>> The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his  
>> basket,
>> the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the same  
>> type, the
>> price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the site is a  
>> BtoC, the
>> customer does not want to know about VAT; he only needs to see how  
>> much
>> money he'll spend globally.
>> I've try to play with the currency format in the  
>> general.properties file, as
>> it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding problem.
>> If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
>> accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
>> accounting part.
>> What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in  
>> order to
>> avoid this rounding problem?
>> Any advice or comments are very welcome
>> Thanks in advance and bst regards,
>> Manuel Meyer
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David E. Jones
1146 posts

Yes, that's a problem... When the tax rate is 3 digits of precision  
instead of 2 digits then certain numbers are impossible to get as an  
after tax amount with only 2 decimal places...

One option would be to store prices with more than 2 right of decimal  
digits. Another option would be to specify that a certain price  
includes VAT, and then we would have to specify the TaxAuthority  
party and geo IDs and probably the percentage used as a sanity check  
(should still have the tax settings in the database to handle  
variations on this).

Perhaps the biggest problem with having prices that include tax is  
that then you either have to have all sorts of prices for different  
tax authorities, or, well, or I don't know. This wouldn't be a  
problem if are only selling from one place, ie only have one tax  
"nexus", but designing for that is something I'm trying to avoid...

Perhaps changing the price to more than 2 digits of precision is the  
best approach...


On Sep 30, 2005, at 4:52 PM, Manuel Meyer wrote:

> Hello Si, David, and all.
> Thanks to bring back this interesting topic.
> First, in order to answer Si's question, we unfortunately cannot  
> show a
> total amount without a tax amount to a customer. We can show products
> without tax details, but we have to display the global VAT amount  
> and the
> related VAT% at least before the gross amount.
> For example
> Product 1 10 EUR
> Product 2 20 EUR
> VAT 19.6%  4.92 EUR
> Total     30 EUR
> Second, I agree with David that we usually can run with a two digits
> rounding, and keeping entering prices without taxes in the backoffice.
> The things went a little bit more difficult for me, I'll give you 2
> examples:
> As I am working on a B2C site, so prices on the front office must  
> include
> taxes when they are displayed. Only order totals must display the  
> total
> amount of taxes.
> In France, for the products sold on the site I worked on, the VAT  
> rate is
> 19.6%. The very first product my client wanted to put on line was a  
> product
> with a price including VAT of 120.
> 120/1.196 = 100.33 or 100.34 using only 2 digits.
> 100.34 * 1.196 gives 120.01 and 100.33 * 1.196 gives 119.99 using the
> standard calculation, so it was not possible to have a price of  
> exactly 120
> on the front office by entering a price without taxes.
> The second example is a product with a price including VAT of 150  
> (in fact
> the second product my client put on line...):
> 150/1.196 = 125.42 and 125.42 * 1.196 = 150.
> But put 3 products in the basket, and you have 450.01, so you pay 1  
> cent
> more than what should be.
> I don't know what kind of rules to apply here, what I've done is a  
> really
> ugly trick. As I know that there will always be a 19.6% of taxes  
> for all
> products, I am entering prices with VAT on the backoffice (150,  
> 120...), and
> then set no VAT records in the SimpleSalesTaxLookup table. After, I am
> calculating the VAT amount using order VAT amount = order gross  
> amount /
> 1.196 in order to display it...
> I was thinking of may be setting flags in the SimpleSalesTaxLookup to
> specify that taxes of certain types were already included in the  
> price, and
> after link products with this VAT amount, in order not to have  
> 'hard wired'
> VAT amounts, but the fact is that I did not find any good way to  
> resolve
> this issue. I've tried to see how other products are dealing with this
> issue, but without a real success. I might have a look at other  
> frameworks
> used in France like oscommerce or even webspere e-commerce, because  
> it is
> still a pending issue for me, event if the current implementation  
> is enough
> so far.
> I'll be happy to think about that with you when ever you want if  
> you think
> this is valuable on your side.
> I took a look at http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/ 
> OFBIZ-377, so
> things might also have changed since the last time I've updated  
> from svn.
> Best regards,
> Manuel
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : [hidden email] [mailto:users-
> [hidden email]] De
> la part de David E. Jones
> Envoyé : Friday, September 30, 2005 4:39 AM
> À : OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
> Objet : Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
> The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an
> interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this a
> bit ago because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax calculation
> stuff and this concern came up.
> There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total price.
> The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price including (or
> after) tax is 110 EUR. That doesn't mean that the tax amount is 13.5
> EUR, which is 110 * 0.15. The trick is that the 110 includes the tax,
> so it means that
> after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)
> So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:
> before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)
> So, for 110 EUR the before tax total is not 93.5, it is 110/1.15 =  
> 95.65
> Based on the 95.65 we can multiply that by .15 and we get: 14.35
> (rounded from 14.375) as the amount of VAT tax, and not 16.50...
> To calculate the VAT amount based on the total that already includes
> VAT the formula is:
> tax amount = tax rate * before tax total
> and
> before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)
> so
> tax amount = tax rate * (after tax total / (1 + tax rate))
> it's hard to simplify that much, but here's a variation on it:
> tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate
> What that last formula shows is that the difference between the 2
> ways of calculating it varies depending on the tax rate. So since VAT
> amounts include the tax already you can't calculate the tax amount by
> just multiplying the tax rate, you'd have to divide that by 1 + tax
> rate.
> Does that make sense?
> Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could lead
> to not having the exact price you want, but I think it pretty much
> always works out fine with the proper rounding to 2 places.
> For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by
> dividing it by 1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to
> 107.35. If you calculate a 15% tax on that it would be 16.1025, which
> rounds to 16.10, which added to the base price results in the desired
> 123.45.
> -David
> On Sep 29, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Si Chen wrote:
>> David, Manuel -
>> I'm finally starting to understand your problem.  Is this a correct
>> description of it:
>> In the US, the sales tax is calculated as an added premium to the
>> price, so the customer is used to seeing $100 plus a sales tax of
>> 10% or $10, for a total of $110.
>> In Europe and Australia, the customer is shown a final price of say
>> 110 Euros, of which 15% might be a VAT.  So you will need to show
>> the customer a net price of 110 Euros and separately record that
>> 16.50 Euros are due to the tax authorities.
>> You are trying to solve the problem within the US-centric
>> application by saying that the base price is 93.50 Euros, but
>> eventually decimal precisions get you.
>> What's the solution...  Depends on:
>> Does your customer need to see the VAT on his order?  Or can you
>> show him an order and invoices with just a net price that includes
>> the VAT?
>> Si
>> PS Don't know if this helps, but there was this issue created a
>> while ago on using BigDecimal for better precision:
>> http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-377
>> David Garrett wrote:
>>> OK maybe I missed the obvious.
>>> I will try using
>>> <field name="sourcePercentage" type="floating-point"><!-- for tax
>>> entries
>>> this is the tax percentage --></field>
>>> Also thought the amount (which I see is deprecated had more
>>> decimal points
>>> available).
>>> The rate % will help but I suspect there may still be issues with
>>> respect to
>>> the finalPrice.
>>> Eg See the attached XLS which has errors for most quantities when
>>> base price is
>>> $123.45
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>>> [hidden email]]
>>> On Behalf Of David Garrett
>>> Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:33 PM
>>> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
>>> Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>>> Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although
>>> I am
>>> using Item Adjustments not calcTax.
>>> I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling
>>> with the Tax
>>> Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.
>>> The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax
>>> payable must
>>> be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for the order
>>> total.
>>> Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total
>>> item price
>>> has too many decimal places.
>>> The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is
>>> that the
>>> price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax price.
>>> Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/
>>> mr200036.htm
>>> Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling
>>> price.
>>> Because of rounding of the final sale price ...
>>> basePrice x 10%
>>> does not always equal
>>> Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11
>>> Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to
>>> remain
>>> constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail below.
>>> This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal
>>> () being
>>> ...
>>> return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +
>>> getOtherAdjustments();
>>> This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db
>>> field to
>>> sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal
>>> points -
>>> probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
>>>    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
>>> java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-
>>> type-def>
>>> The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify
>>> all the
>>> places where base price is used for calculations and allow the
>>> option based
>>> on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a "finalPrice". My GST is
>>> all really
>>> based on the final price that is actually paid.
>>> I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short
>>> term ...
>>> BUT ...
>>> Is there a better approach that I should be following?
>>> Have I missed the obvious?
>>> Am I making this too complex?
>>> David
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>>> [hidden email]]
>>> On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
>>> To: [hidden email]
>>> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
>>> In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.
>>> When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax,
>>> and I've
>>> added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax rate
>>> of 19.6.
>>> In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket,
>>> I've
>>> modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax even
>>> if a
>>> shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always applied.
>>> Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin  
>>> enters a
>>> product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default
>>> price, and
>>> 125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.
>>> The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his
>>> basket,
>>> the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the same
>>> type, the
>>> price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the site is a
>>> BtoC, the
>>> customer does not want to know about VAT; he only needs to see how
>>> much
>>> money he'll spend globally.
>>> I've try to play with the currency format in the
>>> general.properties file, as
>>> it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding  
>>> problem.
>>> If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
>>> accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
>>> accounting part.
>>> What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in
>>> order to
>>> avoid this rounding problem?
>>> Any advice or comments are very welcome
>>> Thanks in advance and bst regards,
>>> Manuel Meyer
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Users mailing list
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>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>> _______________________________________________
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>>> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -
>>> ---
>>> _______________________________________________
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>> _______________________________________________
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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett
48 posts
In reply to this post by Manuel Meyer
David & Si

Thanks for the response, your time and effort.

I am away travelling at the moment and responding promptly is difficult.

Your response all made sense till just before the end.

Assuming your formula was actually:
tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / (1 + tax rate)

... then I am in total agreement.

I did not follow the rest. If we can stay with the example I gave
(Australian GST= 10%)


Final price= $135.80  ... This is the price the retailer show to the
consumer (mostly) ie incl GST taxRate= 10% Tax payable= (0.1 *135.80) / (1 +
0.1) = 12.34545455 = $12.35 As I understand therefore the required
basePrice= $135.80 - $12.35= $123.45 With this in place leads to totalprice=
123.45 * 1.1= 135.795 which rounds correctly for qty 1 to $135.80

In the case of the purchase of 25
We want the final price to be $3,395.00
The error occurs (given a base price of 123.45) the total price calculated
is $3,394.875 ~ $3,394.88 This is the wrong price to be displayed to the
consumer who was shown the unit price was $135.80 and is expecting
$3,395.00. It seems the ProductPrice.price being 123.45 causes problems in
the customer inc tax price at large quantities

I have attached another XLS which shows how I understand the example you
provided (which was not what I was trying to describe I wanted an inc tax
price of $135.80 therefore base $123.45)
Base= 107.35
incTax= $123.45
It works fine for qty=1 BUT fails for every other quantity.

The Tax included price is the most important. This is what the customer
expects to pay. They typically don't care abot the excl tax price. The Tax
office doesn't care about the pre tax price ... They only want their tax
amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / (1 + tax rate)
qty base rate tax $ incTax desired
1 107.35 15% 16.1025 123.4525 123.45 OK
2 214.7 15% 32.205 246.905 246.90 ERROR
3 322.05 15% 48.3075 370.3575 370.35 ERROR
4 429.4 15% 64.41 493.81 493.80

Does that make sense?
Do I have a misunderstanding?

David G

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of David E. Jones
Sent: Friday, 30 September 2005 12:39 PM
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an
interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this a bit ago
because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax calculation stuff and this
concern came up.

There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total price.  
The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price including (or
after) tax is 110 EUR. That doesn't mean that the tax amount is 13.5 EUR,
which is 110 * 0.15. The trick is that the 110 includes the tax, so it means

after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)

So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:

before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)

So, for 110 EUR the before tax total is not 93.5, it is 110/1.15 = 95.65

Based on the 95.65 we can multiply that by .15 and we get: 14.35 (rounded
from 14.375) as the amount of VAT tax, and not 16.50...

To calculate the VAT amount based on the total that already includes VAT the
formula is:

tax amount = tax rate * before tax total and before tax total = after tax
total / (1 + tax rate) so tax amount = tax rate * (after tax total / (1 +
tax rate)) it's hard to simplify that much, but here's a variation on it:
tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate

What that last formula shows is that the difference between the 2 ways of
calculating it varies depending on the tax rate. So since VAT amounts
include the tax already you can't calculate the tax amount by just
multiplying the tax rate, you'd have to divide that by 1 + tax rate.

Does that make sense?

Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could lead to not
having the exact price you want, but I think it pretty much always works out
fine with the proper rounding to 2 places.

For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by dividing it by
1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to 107.35. If you calculate a
15% tax on that it would be 16.1025, which rounds to 16.10, which added to
the base price results in the desired 123.45.


On Sep 29, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Si Chen wrote:

> David, Manuel -
> I'm finally starting to understand your problem.  Is this a correct
> description of it:
> In the US, the sales tax is calculated as an added premium to the
> price, so the customer is used to seeing $100 plus a sales tax of 10%
> or $10, for a total of $110.
> In Europe and Australia, the customer is shown a final price of say
> 110 Euros, of which 15% might be a VAT.  So you will need to show the
> customer a net price of 110 Euros and separately record that 16.50
> Euros are due to the tax authorities.
> You are trying to solve the problem within the US-centric application
> by saying that the base price is 93.50 Euros, but eventually decimal
> precisions get you.
> What's the solution...  Depends on:
> Does your customer need to see the VAT on his order?  Or can you show
> him an order and invoices with just a net price that includes the VAT?
> Si
> PS Don't know if this helps, but there was this issue created a while
> ago on using BigDecimal for better precision:
> http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-377
> David Garrett wrote:
>> OK maybe I missed the obvious.
>> I will try using
>> <field name="sourcePercentage" type="floating-point"><!-- for tax
>> entries this is the tax percentage --></field> Also thought the
>> amount (which I see is deprecated had more decimal points available).
>> The rate % will help but I suspect there may still be issues with
>> respect to the finalPrice.
>> Eg See the attached XLS which has errors for most quantities when
>> base price is
>> $123.45
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>> [hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Garrett
>> Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:33 PM
>> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
>> Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>> Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although I
>> am using Item Adjustments not calcTax.
>> I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling with
>> the Tax Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.
>> The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax
>> payable must be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for
>> the order total.
>> Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total item
>> price has too many decimal places.
>> The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is that
>> the price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax price.
>> Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/
>> mr200036.htm
>> Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling
>> price.
>> Because of rounding of the final sale price ...
>> basePrice x 10%
>> does not always equal
>> Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11
>> Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to
>> remain constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail below.
>> This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal
>> () being
>> ...
>> return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +
>> getOtherAdjustments();
>> This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db field
>> to sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal
>> points - probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
>>    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
>> java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-
>> type-def>
>> The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify
>> all the places where base price is used for calculations and allow
>> the option based on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a
>> "finalPrice". My GST is all really based on the final price that is
>> actually paid.
>> I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short term
>> ...
>> BUT ...
>> Is there a better approach that I should be following?
>> Have I missed the obvious?
>> Am I making this too complex?
>> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>> [hidden email]] On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>> Hi All,
>> I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
>> In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.
>> When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax,
>> and I've added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax
>> rate of 19.6.
>> In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket,
>> I've modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax
>> even if a shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is always
>> applied.
>> Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters a
>> product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default price,
>> and
>> 125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.
>> The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his
>> basket, the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the
>> same type, the price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the
>> site is a BtoC, the customer does not want to know about VAT; he only
>> needs to see how much money he'll spend globally.
>> I've try to play with the currency format in the general.properties
>> file, as it is referenced in the code, but I still have this rounding
>> problem.
>> If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
>> accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
>> accounting part.
>> What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in order
>> to avoid this rounding problem?
>> Any advice or comments are very welcome
>> Thanks in advance and bst regards,
>> Manuel Meyer
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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett
48 posts
In reply to this post by Manuel Meyer
I am suspecting that the solution is
* more decimals in the price
* a flag priceIncludesVAT in ProductPrice
* use ProductStore rather than Currency in ProductPrice (this will also
allow the pre tax price to be calculated.)

These seem like big changes.

What is the short term impact of me changing ProductPrice.price from
currency-amount to floating-point. Are there any significant flow-on
problems this will lead to. I am suspecting there will be problems for order
items, invoice Items, and adjustments.

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of David E. Jones
Sent: Saturday, 1 October 2005 9:53 AM
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Yes, that's a problem... When the tax rate is 3 digits of precision instead
of 2 digits then certain numbers are impossible to get as an after tax
amount with only 2 decimal places...

One option would be to store prices with more than 2 right of decimal
digits. Another option would be to specify that a certain price includes
VAT, and then we would have to specify the TaxAuthority party and geo IDs
and probably the percentage used as a sanity check (should still have the
tax settings in the database to handle variations on this).

Perhaps the biggest problem with having prices that include tax is that then
you either have to have all sorts of prices for different tax authorities,
or, well, or I don't know. This wouldn't be a problem if are only selling
from one place, ie only have one tax "nexus", but designing for that is
something I'm trying to avoid...

Perhaps changing the price to more than 2 digits of precision is the best


On Sep 30, 2005, at 4:52 PM, Manuel Meyer wrote:

> Hello Si, David, and all.
> Thanks to bring back this interesting topic.
> First, in order to answer Si's question, we unfortunately cannot show
> a total amount without a tax amount to a customer. We can show
> products without tax details, but we have to display the global VAT
> amount and the related VAT% at least before the gross amount.
> For example
> Product 1 10 EUR
> Product 2 20 EUR
> VAT 19.6%  4.92 EUR
> Total     30 EUR
> Second, I agree with David that we usually can run with a two digits
> rounding, and keeping entering prices without taxes in the backoffice.
> The things went a little bit more difficult for me, I'll give you 2
> examples:
> As I am working on a B2C site, so prices on the front office must
> include taxes when they are displayed. Only order totals must display
> the total amount of taxes.
> In France, for the products sold on the site I worked on, the VAT rate
> is 19.6%. The very first product my client wanted to put on line was a
> product with a price including VAT of 120.
> 120/1.196 = 100.33 or 100.34 using only 2 digits.
> 100.34 * 1.196 gives 120.01 and 100.33 * 1.196 gives 119.99 using the
> standard calculation, so it was not possible to have a price of
> exactly 120 on the front office by entering a price without taxes.
> The second example is a product with a price including VAT of 150 (in
> fact the second product my client put on line...):
> 150/1.196 = 125.42 and 125.42 * 1.196 = 150.
> But put 3 products in the basket, and you have 450.01, so you pay 1
> cent more than what should be.
> I don't know what kind of rules to apply here, what I've done is a
> really ugly trick. As I know that there will always be a 19.6% of
> taxes for all products, I am entering prices with VAT on the
> backoffice (150, 120...), and then set no VAT records in the
> SimpleSalesTaxLookup table. After, I am calculating the VAT amount
> using order VAT amount = order gross amount /
> 1.196 in order to display it...
> I was thinking of may be setting flags in the SimpleSalesTaxLookup to
> specify that taxes of certain types were already included in the
> price, and after link products with this VAT amount, in order not to
> have 'hard wired'
> VAT amounts, but the fact is that I did not find any good way to
> resolve this issue. I've tried to see how other products are dealing
> with this issue, but without a real success. I might have a look at
> other frameworks used in France like oscommerce or even webspere
> e-commerce, because it is still a pending issue for me, event if the
> current implementation is enough so far.
> I'll be happy to think about that with you when ever you want if you
> think this is valuable on your side.
> I took a look at http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/
> OFBIZ-377, so
> things might also have changed since the last time I've updated from
> svn.
> Best regards,
> Manuel
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : [hidden email] [mailto:users-
> [hidden email]] De la part de David E. Jones Envoyé : Friday,
> September 30, 2005 4:39 AM À : OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion Objet :
> Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
> The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an
> interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this a bit
> ago because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax calculation
> stuff and this concern came up.
> There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total price.
> The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price including (or
> after) tax is 110 EUR. That doesn't mean that the tax amount is 13.5
> EUR, which is 110 * 0.15. The trick is that the 110 includes the tax,
> so it means that
> after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)
> So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:
> before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)
> So, for 110 EUR the before tax total is not 93.5, it is 110/1.15 =
> 95.65
> Based on the 95.65 we can multiply that by .15 and we get: 14.35
> (rounded from 14.375) as the amount of VAT tax, and not 16.50...
> To calculate the VAT amount based on the total that already includes
> VAT the formula is:
> tax amount = tax rate * before tax total and before tax total = after
> tax total / (1 + tax rate) so tax amount = tax rate * (after tax total
> / (1 + tax rate)) it's hard to simplify that much, but here's a
> variation on it:
> tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate
> What that last formula shows is that the difference between the 2 ways
> of calculating it varies depending on the tax rate. So since VAT
> amounts include the tax already you can't calculate the tax amount by
> just multiplying the tax rate, you'd have to divide that by 1 + tax
> rate.
> Does that make sense?
> Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could lead to
> not having the exact price you want, but I think it pretty much always
> works out fine with the proper rounding to 2 places.
> For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by dividing
> it by 1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to 107.35. If you
> calculate a 15% tax on that it would be 16.1025, which rounds to
> 16.10, which added to the base price results in the desired 123.45.
> -David
> On Sep 29, 2005, at 5:38 PM, Si Chen wrote:
>> David, Manuel -
>> I'm finally starting to understand your problem.  Is this a correct
>> description of it:
>> In the US, the sales tax is calculated as an added premium to the
>> price, so the customer is used to seeing $100 plus a sales tax of 10%
>> or $10, for a total of $110.
>> In Europe and Australia, the customer is shown a final price of say
>> 110 Euros, of which 15% might be a VAT.  So you will need to show the
>> customer a net price of 110 Euros and separately record that 16.50
>> Euros are due to the tax authorities.
>> You are trying to solve the problem within the US-centric application
>> by saying that the base price is 93.50 Euros, but eventually decimal
>> precisions get you.
>> What's the solution...  Depends on:
>> Does your customer need to see the VAT on his order?  Or can you show
>> him an order and invoices with just a net price that includes the
>> VAT?
>> Si
>> PS Don't know if this helps, but there was this issue created a while
>> ago on using BigDecimal for better precision:
>> http://jira.undersunconsulting.com/browse/OFBIZ-377
>> David Garrett wrote:
>>> OK maybe I missed the obvious.
>>> I will try using
>>> <field name="sourcePercentage" type="floating-point"><!-- for tax
>>> entries this is the tax percentage --></field> Also thought the
>>> amount (which I see is deprecated had more decimal points
>>> available).
>>> The rate % will help but I suspect there may still be issues with
>>> respect to the finalPrice.
>>> Eg See the attached XLS which has errors for most quantities when
>>> base price is
>>> $123.45
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>>> [hidden email]] On Behalf Of David Garrett
>>> Sent: Thursday, 29 September 2005 1:33 PM
>>> To: 'OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion'
>>> Subject: RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>>> Help!!! I have run into a rounding issue similar issues , although I
>>> am using Item Adjustments not calcTax.
>>> I am struggling. In theory it should be easy but when dealling with
>>> the Tax Office calculation rules I find myself fighting with Ofbiz.
>>> The problem comes in using the "Line Item method" where the tax
>>> payable must be maintained in maximum precision and then rounded for
>>> the order total.
>>> Consequently by using (item.basePrice +itemAdjustment) the total
>>> item price has too many decimal places.
>>> The situation is even worse since what really needs to happen is
>>> that the price really needs to be based on the final rounded incTax
>>> price.
>>> Ref: http://www.ato.gov.au/corporate/content.asp?doc=/content/
>>> mr200036.htm
>>> Ie given a taxRate of 10%, the VAT is 1/11 of the final selling
>>> price.
>>> Because of rounding of the final sale price ...
>>> basePrice x 10%
>>> does not always equal
>>> Round( base x 1.1 ) / 11
>>> Further, as indicated below customers expect the incTax price to
>>> remain constant and not be subject to the rounding in the mail
>>> below.
>>> This will always be a problem with ShoppingCartItem.getItemSubTotal
>>> () being
>>> ...
>>> return (getBasePrice() * quantity * getRentalAdjustment()) +
>>> getOtherAdjustments();
>>> This would all be OK if I could set the ProductPrice.price db field
>>> to sufficient precision but in postgres it is limited to 2 decimal
>>> points - probably for very good SALES_TAX reasons.
>>>    <field-type-def type="currency-amount" sql-type="NUMERIC(18,2)"
>>> java-type="Double"><validate method="isSignedDouble" /></field-
>>> type-def>
>>> The only other solution I can see is a big job. That is, to modify
>>> all the places where base price is used for calculations and allow
>>> the option based on a Store/Tax setting to work based on a
>>> "finalPrice". My GST is all really based on the final price that is
>>> actually paid.
>>> I am prepared to live with these rounding issues in the short term
>>> ...
>>> BUT ...
>>> Is there a better approach that I should be following?
>>> Have I missed the obvious?
>>> Am I making this too complex?
>>> David
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: [hidden email] [mailto:users-
>>> [hidden email]] On Behalf Of Manuel Meyer
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 July 2005 7:48 PM
>>> To: [hidden email]
>>> Subject: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>>> Hi All,
>>> I have a question regarding taxes and rounding.
>>> In France, every product sold on a site has a VAT of 19.6%.
>>> When the administrator enters a product, he enters it without tax,
>>> and I've added an entry in the product store tax setting, with a tax
>>> rate of 19.6.
>>> In order to show taxes very time a product is added in the basket,
>>> I've modified the calcTax service to ask the system to compute tax
>>> even if a shipping address hasn't been entered, as this tax is
>>> always applied.
>>> Up to here everything is fine, except that if an price admin enters
>>> a product of 150 tax included, he will enter 125.42 as a default
>>> price, and
>>> 125.42 turns into 150 when you add tax on it.
>>> The problem is that if a user put 3 items of the same type in his
>>> basket, the price is rounded to 450.01. By adding 7 products of the
>>> same type, the price tax included will be 1050.02 and so on. As the
>>> site is a BtoC, the customer does not want to know about VAT; he
>>> only needs to see how much money he'll spend globally.
>>> I've try to play with the currency format in the general.properties
>>> file, as it is referenced in the code, but I still have this
>>> rounding problem.
>>> If I enter 150 as default price and remove the simple tax entry, the
>>> accounting will be false as I won't have anymore vat entries in the
>>> accounting part.
>>> What is the best practice to apply in terms of product price in
>>> order to avoid this rounding problem?
>>> Any advice or comments are very welcome
>>> Thanks in advance and bst regards,
>>> Manuel Meyer
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>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

T E Schmitz
35 posts
In reply to this post by David E. Jones
(My knowledge is specifically relating to UK VAT.)

David E. Jones wrote:

> The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an  
> interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this a  bit
> ago because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax calculation  stuff

David, in principle your formulae are correct, but they will *not* lead
to the correct results.

> There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total price.  
> The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price including (or  
> after) tax is 110 EUR. ...  the 110 includes the tax,  


> after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)

By "total", do you mean invoice total? This would be incorrect.
Different products might incur different rates of VAT. A UK invoice
might contain differently rated products and where delivery charges can
be attributed to products, they are rated at the same rate as the product.
VAT is calculated at line level (as they do Australia). This means, the
VAT amount is worked out for every "line" on an invoice, and a line is
the sub-total of quantity * Product.

> So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:
> before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)

or, to avoid the word "total":
gross = net / (1 + vatRate)

> tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate

You have worked out what we call the VAT Fraction:

First of all, we calculate the so-called VAT Fraction from the VAT rate.
This is the rate the gross (=VAT inclusive) amount needs to be
multiplied with to calculate the amount of VAT contained in it:

vatFraction = vatRate / (vatRate+1)

vatRate = 17.5% ==>
vatFraction = 0.175/(1+0.175) = 0.1489

If a product retails at £117.50, the VAT amount is
£117.50 * vatFraction = £17.50

The line VAT is calculated with a 4-digit precision and stored with a
3-digit precision (10th of a penny). The final (invoice) total amount of
VAT has a 2-digit precision (1 penny).

> Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could lead  to

At no point does a retailer work out or even think in terms of the net
(VAT exclusive) amount. As far as data entry is concerned, I would not
dream of asking my customers to enter net prices!

You *cannot* store the prices as VAT exclusive amounts because you will
not be able to work out the correct VAT amount from that because:
- VAT is calculated at line level where the quantity comes in
- VAT at line level is at 3-digit precision
- gross (=VAT inclusive) amount has to be displayed for product

> but I think it pretty much  always
> works out fine with the proper rounding to 2 places.

I think I'll frame this sentence and send it to my customer when he gets
a VAT inspection ;-)

> For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by  dividing
> it by 1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to  107.35. If you
> calculate a 15% tax on that it would be 16.1025, which  rounds to 16.10,
> which added to the base price results in the desired  123.45.

gross = £123.45
vatRate = 15% (I wish!)
vatFraction = 0.1304
vatAmount = 16.097 or 16.095 or 16.098
depending on which algorithm you use and on whether you are a retailer
or wholesaler.

In any case this line VAT amount *must* be held with a 3-digit
precision. The total VAT amount will be rounded to penny precision at
the bottom of the invoice.
Calculations must be carried out using BigDecimal (although Java's
BigDecimal has a few shortcomings, see

My knowledge is specifically relating to UK VAT. Other European
countries and Australia handle retail prices and VAT in a similar manner
  but the actual calculations differ and therefore the "one calculation
fits all" approach will *not* be suitable (see Jira issue 459).

The only thing that will work for all is a "plug-in" archictecture as
suggested by Jacopo, which will allow OFBiz users to write a
country-specific VAT calculation, which could possibly be loaded based
on the local settings. Over time, the OFBiz users will contribute and
maintain (!) the French, UK, Australian ... algorithms. At this point,
all you can do is pick a country (for instance using Dave Garrett's link
to the Australian Revenue site) and develop that one calculation as a
template. The rules and regulations are constantly changing. You can
impossibly maintain this alone.

But you can provide a structure that allows us to drop in our
calculations. The crucial thing at the moment is to identify the entity
and datatype structure that will fit all.



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz, Scotland

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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett
48 posts
I am in strong agreement with most of the details presented by Tarlika.

The points have been well articulated and agree in general with Australian

I particularly like the terms gross and vatFraction ... in the interests of
a common language.

The only inconsequential differences:
* the VAT at the line level for Australia needs to be not 3 decimals but the
maximum available.

I will follow up the the BigDecimal and Jira 459.
I previously saw a the "plugin" suggestion but I couldn't find the reference
again. I will follow up Jacopo's suggestion.

Out of interest why are there differences in the vatAmount
vatAmount = 16.097 or 16.095 or 16.098
depending on which algorithm you use and on whether you are a retailer or

Thanks for the excellent summary.

David G

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of T E Schmitz
Sent: Saturday, 1 October 2005 5:32 PM
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

(My knowledge is specifically relating to UK VAT.)

David E. Jones wrote:

> The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an
> interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this a  
> bit ago because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax calculation  
> stuff

David, in principle your formulae are correct, but they will *not* lead to
the correct results.

> There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total price.  
> The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price including (or
> after) tax is 110 EUR. ...  the 110 includes the tax,


> after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)

By "total", do you mean invoice total? This would be incorrect.
Different products might incur different rates of VAT. A UK invoice might
contain differently rated products and where delivery charges can be
attributed to products, they are rated at the same rate as the product.
VAT is calculated at line level (as they do Australia). This means, the VAT
amount is worked out for every "line" on an invoice, and a line is the
sub-total of quantity * Product.

> So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:
> before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)

or, to avoid the word "total":
gross = net / (1 + vatRate)

> tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate

You have worked out what we call the VAT Fraction:

First of all, we calculate the so-called VAT Fraction from the VAT rate.
This is the rate the gross (=VAT inclusive) amount needs to be multiplied
with to calculate the amount of VAT contained in it:

vatFraction = vatRate / (vatRate+1)

vatRate = 17.5% ==>
vatFraction = 0.175/(1+0.175) = 0.1489

If a product retails at £117.50, the VAT amount is £117.50 * vatFraction =

The line VAT is calculated with a 4-digit precision and stored with a
3-digit precision (10th of a penny). The final (invoice) total amount of VAT
has a 2-digit precision (1 penny).

> Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could lead  
> to

At no point does a retailer work out or even think in terms of the net (VAT
exclusive) amount. As far as data entry is concerned, I would not dream of
asking my customers to enter net prices!

You *cannot* store the prices as VAT exclusive amounts because you will not
be able to work out the correct VAT amount from that because:
- VAT is calculated at line level where the quantity comes in
- VAT at line level is at 3-digit precision
- gross (=VAT inclusive) amount has to be displayed for product

> but I think it pretty much  always
> works out fine with the proper rounding to 2 places.

I think I'll frame this sentence and send it to my customer when he gets a
VAT inspection ;-)

> For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by  
> dividing it by 1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to  
> 107.35. If you calculate a 15% tax on that it would be 16.1025, which  
> rounds to 16.10, which added to the base price results in the desired

gross = £123.45
vatRate = 15% (I wish!)
vatFraction = 0.1304
vatAmount = 16.097 or 16.095 or 16.098
depending on which algorithm you use and on whether you are a retailer or

In any case this line VAT amount *must* be held with a 3-digit precision.
The total VAT amount will be rounded to penny precision at the bottom of the
Calculations must be carried out using BigDecimal (although Java's
BigDecimal has a few shortcomings, see

My knowledge is specifically relating to UK VAT. Other European countries
and Australia handle retail prices and VAT in a similar manner
  but the actual calculations differ and therefore the "one calculation fits
all" approach will *not* be suitable (see Jira issue 459).

The only thing that will work for all is a "plug-in" archictecture as
suggested by Jacopo, which will allow OFBiz users to write a
country-specific VAT calculation, which could possibly be loaded based on
the local settings. Over time, the OFBiz users will contribute and maintain
(!) the French, UK, Australian ... algorithms. At this point, all you can do
is pick a country (for instance using Dave Garrett's link to the Australian
Revenue site) and develop that one calculation as a template. The rules and
regulations are constantly changing. You can impossibly maintain this alone.

But you can provide a structure that allows us to drop in our calculations.
The crucial thing at the moment is to identify the entity and datatype
structure that will fit all.



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz, Scotland

Users mailing list
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

T E Schmitz
35 posts
In reply to this post by David E. Jones
David E. Jones wrote:

> Yes, that's a problem... When the tax rate is 3 digits of precision  
> instead of 2 digits then certain numbers are impossible to get as an  
> after tax amount with only 2 decimal places...
> One option would be to store prices with more than 2 right of decimal  
> digits. Another option would be to specify that a certain price  
> includes VAT, and then we would have to specify the TaxAuthority  party
> and geo IDs and probably the percentage used as a sanity check  (should
> still have the tax settings in the database to handle  variations on this).

In the UK, we have various tax codes depending on product type.

In our local system, I set the VAT up using two tables:

VAT_CODE: this table contains the name of the VAT code (e.g. 'Standard')
and its abbreviation (e.g. 'S') because it might have to be displayed on
the invoice for each line. (I say might because the rules regarding
invoice structure have recently changed in the UK.)

VAT_RATE: each record is linked to a VAT_CODE; it contains the rate and
a begin and (possibly) end date to cope with rate changes.

> Perhaps the biggest problem with having prices that include tax is  that
> then you either have to have all sorts of prices for different  tax
> authorities, or, well, or I don't know. This wouldn't be a  problem if
> are only selling from one place, ie only have one tax  "nexus", but

I don't quite understand: is it possible that one web shop might sell
from more than one place?

> Perhaps changing the price to more than 2 digits of precision is the  
> best approach...

As described in my previous posting, this won't work for UK invioce line
VAT calculation. It's the per line VAT amount which needs to have 3
digits, not the price. (VAT is on the line subtotal, e.g. on quantity *
product price.) The line VAT is derived from the product gross (VAT
inclusive price) and hence we cannot work from a product net price.

Sorry to throw a spanner in the works.



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

T E Schmitz
35 posts
In reply to this post by David Garrett
David Garrett wrote:
> I am suspecting that the solution is
> * more decimals in the price

disagree - it's the line VAT amount which needs more than 2 decimal
digits. 3 would do for the UK; you Aussies need more ;-) : (How much is
/as many decimal points as their system allows/)?

> * a flag priceIncludesVAT in ProductPrice
> * use ProductStore rather than Currency in ProductPrice (this will also
> allow the pre tax price to be calculated.)

Apologies, I don't know OFbiz well enough to comment or understand this
That aside, I don't think we need the net (VAT exclusive) price at all
for our VAT calculations, which are based on gross (VAT inclusive)
prices. For us (VAT countries), the price just needs to be interpreted
as gross price; this is what the consumer sees and pays. Therefore only
2 decimal digits are needed.

The extra digits are just needed for the line VAT amounts.

The bought items will always add up neatly to the order total - no
rounding needed here. It's just the interim VAT calculations which
require higher precision, again resulting in a 2-digit final VAT total.

The net product price doesn't come into it anywhere at a retailer's
because the VAT is calculated at order, not at product level.

> What is the short term impact of me changing ProductPrice.price from
> currency-amount to floating-point.

*Floating point arithmetic is not an option for finacial
applications!!!* See Jira issue 377.

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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett
48 posts

OK I agree.

I was looking for what I thought were simple solutions. That being sticking
to what I understand as the Ofbiz structure based around the net price.

In a VAT world the need is to work from the gross price.
In a sales tax world the need is to work from the net price.

I am interested to see David's comments as to what the best way forward
might be.

I am still thinking my best short-term solution may be to work with high
precision net prices.

Tarlika, have you implemented a VAT solution that I may be able to use as a
model for my required implementation?

David G

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of T E Schmitz
Sent: Saturday, 1 October 2005 9:33 PM
To: OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett wrote:
> I am suspecting that the solution is
> * more decimals in the price

disagree - it's the line VAT amount which needs more than 2 decimal digits.
3 would do for the UK; you Aussies need more ;-) : (How much is /as many
decimal points as their system allows/)?

> * a flag priceIncludesVAT in ProductPrice
> * use ProductStore rather than Currency in ProductPrice (this will
> also allow the pre tax price to be calculated.)

Apologies, I don't know OFbiz well enough to comment or understand this
That aside, I don't think we need the net (VAT exclusive) price at all for
our VAT calculations, which are based on gross (VAT inclusive) prices. For
us (VAT countries), the price just needs to be interpreted as gross price;
this is what the consumer sees and pays. Therefore only
2 decimal digits are needed.

The extra digits are just needed for the line VAT amounts.

The bought items will always add up neatly to the order total - no rounding
needed here. It's just the interim VAT calculations which require higher
precision, again resulting in a 2-digit final VAT total.

The net product price doesn't come into it anywhere at a retailer's because
the VAT is calculated at order, not at product level.

> What is the short term impact of me changing ProductPrice.price from
> currency-amount to floating-point.

*Floating point arithmetic is not an option for finacial
applications!!!* See Jira issue 377.

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

T E Schmitz
35 posts
I am glad you brought this topic up again although I will not be getting
the benefit of the changes, not in the short term anyway. I need a
solution now and I just fudged OFBiz to get a quick VAT solution.

David Garrett wrote:
> Tarlika,
> OK I agree.
> I was looking for what I thought were simple solutions. That being sticking
> to what I understand as the Ofbiz structure based around the net price.

I do not know OFBiz all that well - we are in the process of setting up
our first OFBiz site. But it might not be as difficult as you think to
switch to a gross price logic. The price is just what is stored - the
interpretation is in the algorithm. I only changed very few sources for
my fudge.
To get a clean solution, Jacopo suggested to implement the various
calculations as a service. David will be the best one to identify the
location of all these calculations.

The greatest difficulty to me seems though changing the data types. It
is a major flaw that floating point arithmetic is being used for the
calculations. Changing the data types throughout will be a major act I

 From what little I know about that corner of OFBiz, I think that the
tax calculation must be separated from the orderAdjustments.

> I am still thinking my best short-term solution may be to work with high
> precision net prices.

When I fiddled with the tax, I quickly gave up on the idea of precision
because of the use of float and because tax is intertwined with the
other orderAdjustments.

> Tarlika, have you implemented a VAT solution that I may be able to use as a
> model for my required implementation?

As I said above, I just amended a few sources; our system is not
completely finished but I believe that I have addressed everything I
needed for VAT - hopefully. It really is just a fiddle - just something
quick. Of course, I'll be happy to let you know what I've done. I can go
through my amendments on Monday.



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Jacques Le Roux
17869 posts
This thread is surely very interesting. Thank you all for your commitment.
I can't help for the moment but I believe also that Tarlika's proposition
("plug-in" archictecture as previously mentioned by Jacopo) needs to be
seriously thought about.


PS : "thought abou"t.is that proper english ?

----- Original Message -----
From: "T E Schmitz" <[hidden email]>
To: "OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion" <[hidden email]>
Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

> David,
> I am glad you brought this topic up again although I will not be getting
> the benefit of the changes, not in the short term anyway. I need a
> solution now and I just fudged OFBiz to get a quick VAT solution.
> David Garrett wrote:
> > Tarlika,
> >
> > OK I agree.
> >
> > I was looking for what I thought were simple solutions. That being

> > to what I understand as the Ofbiz structure based around the net price.
> I do not know OFBiz all that well - we are in the process of setting up
> our first OFBiz site. But it might not be as difficult as you think to
> switch to a gross price logic. The price is just what is stored - the
> interpretation is in the algorithm. I only changed very few sources for
> my fudge.
> To get a clean solution, Jacopo suggested to implement the various
> calculations as a service. David will be the best one to identify the
> location of all these calculations.
> The greatest difficulty to me seems though changing the data types. It
> is a major flaw that floating point arithmetic is being used for the
> calculations. Changing the data types throughout will be a major act I
> presume.
>  From what little I know about that corner of OFBiz, I think that the
> tax calculation must be separated from the orderAdjustments.
> > I am still thinking my best short-term solution may be to work with high
> > precision net prices.
> When I fiddled with the tax, I quickly gave up on the idea of precision
> because of the use of float and because tax is intertwined with the
> other orderAdjustments.
> > Tarlika, have you implemented a VAT solution that I may be able to use
as a

> > model for my required implementation?
> As I said above, I just amended a few sources; our system is not
> completely finished but I believe that I have addressed everything I
> needed for VAT - hopefully. It really is just a fiddle - just something
> quick. Of course, I'll be happy to let you know what I've done. I can go
> through my amendments on Monday.
> --
> Regards/Gruß,
> Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
> _______________________________________________
> Users mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.ofbiz.org/mailman/listinfo/users

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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David E. Jones
1146 posts
In reply to this post by T E Schmitz

Wow, we must be having a rough morning...

In OFBiz all tax is calculated on a per-line level and that is what  
the variables represent.

The intention is not to write software that works for a single  
jurisdiction, or by the rules of a single tax authority. Many  
business have to, or want to, operate in multiple jurisdictions at  
the same time. There is already a "plugin" facility for tax  
calculation because it, as most of the logic in OFBiz, is implemented  
as a service and that service can be easily replaced.

There are two big tricks to this: a few touch points, and the need to  
support multiple jurisdictions simultaneously. A lot of businesses  
might be able to get by with a tax plugin that supports just the  
single place they operate in, but many companies also need to support  
multiple organizations within the company that can each be in  
different tax jurisdictions, and they need to be able to support  
orders from different types of businesses and in any area of the world.

Perhaps if you don't consider it in that context my comments don't  
make sense. For a small business the convenience of entering the  
price including VAT might be important, but even if we do support  
that we can't JUST support that because it doesn't apply everywhere,  
and for companies that want to support prices for products that are  
sold from many different places in the world and to many different  
places in the world it may be easier for them to universally enter  
prices without tax included and let configuration elsewhere (and not  
per product...) determine how that should be displayed and calculated.

So what do we choose to implement? As with most things, it depends on  
the needs of the sponsor of the implementation and all we can do is  
temper the design to work more generally and meet more general needs  
to not lock out users of the software in certain places.

So, in the UK can you operate with prices not including tax rather  
than prices including tax? Yes, of course you can. As has already  
been discussed this would require more digits of precision. Will we  
do it that way? I don't know yet, but so far I haven't seen anything  
cross the table that makes this using this approach universally an  
impossibility. The other alternative that has been discussed in this  
thread is to support the storing of prices with and without tax  

Clearly a single calculation for the entire world is not possible,  
but I don't see how any plugin approach can address this issue, not  
without significant work during the deployment of the system... The  
goal is to parameterize things sufficiently in the tax related  
configuration in the database to support different variations on tax  
calculation and display. The nice thing about this approach is that  
as new jurisdictions are supported it won't require top to bottom  
implementation of services for that jurisdiction, but rather making  
sure that we have sufficient parameters to support the regulations  
there. The worst case scenario is that new configuration parameters  
will have to be added to support quirks in the tax law. This is also  
tricky because we can't just support tax laws as they are now, but  
also need to support changes in tax laws over time.

The goal is not to support all of the quirks of one jurisdiction, or  
even one jurisdiction at a time, but literally thousands of  
jurisdictions around the world... It is an AWFUL problem. If you  
happen to live in a country with a single tax jurisdiction you are  
very lucky! Even if that jurisdiction has some funny rules... In many  
countries there are multiple tax authorities, and actually the United  
States may be the worst example of that because there are thousands  
of tax jurisdictions in the country (each state, county, and city can  
have their own tax laws) and thousands of different products that  
have unique tax requirements (like variations between selling of  
electricity and shoes for example...).

BTW, the easiest way to handle all of this right now is to NOT to tax  
calculation in OFBiz but rather use an external tax calculation  
package like TaxWare or the CyberSource online tax calculation....  
But, that also isn't an option for most...

The current TaxAuthority entities are being designed with this in  
mind. Of course in the implementation other changes will have to  
happen. Changing the precision of amounts stored in the database is  
really pretty easy and the more difficult part is the calculation in  
with all of the variations and such...


On Oct 1, 2005, at 1:32 AM, T E Schmitz wrote:

> (My knowledge is specifically relating to UK VAT.)
> David E. Jones wrote:
>> The calculations shown here aren't quite right and demonstrate an  
>> interesting quirk in VAT tax calculation. I just researched this  
>> a  bit ago because I'm working (slowly) on revamping the tax  
>> calculation  stuff
> David, in principle your formulae are correct, but they will *not*  
> lead
> to the correct results.
>> There are 2 ways of looking at a 15% VAT for a 110 Euro total  
>> price.  The trick is that the total (gross) price, or the price  
>> including (or  after) tax is 110 EUR. ...  the 110 includes the tax,
> correct
>> after tax total = before tax total + (tax rate * before tax total)
> By "total", do you mean invoice total? This would be incorrect.
> Different products might incur different rates of VAT. A UK invoice
> might contain differently rated products and where delivery charges  
> can
> be attributed to products, they are rated at the same rate as the  
> product.
> VAT is calculated at line level (as they do Australia). This means,  
> the
> VAT amount is worked out for every "line" on an invoice, and a line is
> the sub-total of quantity * Product.
>> So, to calculate the pre-tax amount you would do:
>> before tax total = after tax total / (1 + tax rate)
> or, to avoid the word "total":
> gross = net / (1 + vatRate)
>> tax amount = (tax rate * after tax total) / 1 + tax rate
> You have worked out what we call the VAT Fraction:
> First of all, we calculate the so-called VAT Fraction from the VAT  
> rate.
> This is the rate the gross (=VAT inclusive) amount needs to be
> multiplied with to calculate the amount of VAT contained in it:
> vatFraction = vatRate / (vatRate+1)
> Example:
> vatRate = 17.5% ==>
> vatFraction = 0.175/(1+0.175) = 0.1489
> If a product retails at £117.50, the VAT amount is
> £117.50 * vatFraction = £17.50
> The line VAT is calculated with a 4-digit precision and stored with a
> 3-digit precision (10th of a penny). The final (invoice) total  
> amount of
> VAT has a 2-digit precision (1 penny).
>> Keeping base prices in the system that don't include tax could  
>> lead  to
> At no point does a retailer work out or even think in terms of the net
> (VAT exclusive) amount. As far as data entry is concerned, I would not
> dream of asking my customers to enter net prices!
> You *cannot* store the prices as VAT exclusive amounts because you  
> will
> not be able to work out the correct VAT amount from that because:
> - VAT is calculated at line level where the quantity comes in
> - VAT at line level is at 3-digit precision
> - gross (=VAT inclusive) amount has to be displayed for product
>> but I think it pretty much  always works out fine with the proper  
>> rounding to 2 places.
> I think I'll frame this sentence and send it to my customer when he  
> gets
> a VAT inspection ;-)
>> For 123.45 for example, you would calculate the base price by  
>> dividing it by 1.15 which leads to 107.347826... which rounds to  
>> 107.35. If you calculate a 15% tax on that it would be 16.1025,  
>> which  rounds to 16.10, which added to the base price results in  
>> the desired  123.45.
> No.
> gross = £123.45
> vatRate = 15% (I wish!)
> vatFraction = 0.1304
> vatAmount = 16.097 or 16.095 or 16.098
> depending on which algorithm you use and on whether you are a retailer
> or wholesaler.
> In any case this line VAT amount *must* be held with a 3-digit
> precision. The total VAT amount will be rounded to penny precision at
> the bottom of the invoice.
> Calculations must be carried out using BigDecimal (although Java's
> BigDecimal has a few shortcomings, see
> http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/decimalj/decimald.html).
> My knowledge is specifically relating to UK VAT. Other European
> countries and Australia handle retail prices and VAT in a similar  
> manner  but the actual calculations differ and therefore the "one  
> calculation
> fits all" approach will *not* be suitable (see Jira issue 459).
> The only thing that will work for all is a "plug-in" archictecture  
> as suggested by Jacopo, which will allow OFBiz users to write a  
> country-specific VAT calculation, which could possibly be loaded  
> based on the local settings. Over time, the OFBiz users will  
> contribute and maintain (!) the French, UK, Australian ...  
> algorithms. At this point, all you can do is pick a country (for  
> instance using Dave Garrett's link to the Australian Revenue site)  
> and develop that one calculation as a template. The rules and  
> regulations are constantly changing. You can impossibly maintain  
> this alone.
> But you can provide a structure that allows us to drop in our  
> calculations. The crucial thing at the moment is to identify the  
> entity and datatype structure that will fit all.
> --
> Regards,
> Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz, Scotland
> _______________________________________________
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> [hidden email]
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

T E Schmitz
35 posts
In reply to this post by David Garrett
David Garrett wrote:
> Out of interest why are there differences in the vatAmount
> vatAmount = 16.097 or 16.095 or 16.098
> depending on which algorithm you use and on whether you are a retailer or
> wholesaler.

The VAT Guide describes several rounding modes (unfortunately fails to
be specific enough for invoicing at retailers).

For our example
gross = £123.45
vatRate = 15%
vatFraction = 0.1304
==> vatAmount = 16.09788

Invoicing at line level (B2B)
a) round down to nearest 0.1p -> 16.097
b) round to nearest 1p or 0.5p -> 16.095

For invoicing at retailers, rounding *down* is forbidden:
c) round to nearest 0.1p -> 16.098

> Thanks for the excellent summary.

Sadly, I seem to spend more time in accounting newsgroups than in Java
newsgroups. ;-)



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
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RE: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Manuel Meyer
15 posts
Hi All,

Further to what I've red and understood in this thread, here is what I've
done in order to resolve my issue, which was more a rounding problem rather
than a VAT problem:

My big concern was that to sell a product of 120 VAT included, I could not
enter a net amount with 2 digits of precision giving 120 after having
applied 19.6% of taxes, or by entering a net price of 125.43 for a product,
I got 150 for 1 product tax included, but 450.01 for 3.

So, I've set all the currency entries in the DB to be numeric(18,6) (I am
using postgres), and removed all the rounding made in the code (mainly in
the OrderServices.getTaxAmount() and OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustment()
I am only rounding when displaying amounts to the customer.

And since that, I've resolved all my rounding and therefore VAT issues, and
the site is a real Swiss clock :)

The devil is in the details, so I might have missed something, but it looks
like working so far.

Best regards,

-----Message d'origine-----
De : [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] De
la part de T E Schmitz
Envoyé : Wednesday, October 05, 2005 3:17 PM
À : OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
Objet : Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

David Garrett wrote:
> Out of interest why are there differences in the vatAmount
> vatAmount = 16.097 or 16.095 or 16.098
> depending on which algorithm you use and on whether you are a retailer or
> wholesaler.

The VAT Guide describes several rounding modes (unfortunately fails to
be specific enough for invoicing at retailers).

For our example
gross = £123.45
vatRate = 15%
vatFraction = 0.1304
==> vatAmount = 16.09788

Invoicing at line level (B2B)
a) round down to nearest 0.1p -> 16.097
b) round to nearest 1p or 0.5p -> 16.095

For invoicing at retailers, rounding *down* is forbidden:
c) round to nearest 0.1p -> 16.098

> Thanks for the excellent summary.

Sadly, I seem to spend more time in accounting newsgroups than in Java
newsgroups. ;-)



Tarlika Elisabeth Schmitz
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Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding

Si Chen-2
1414 posts
Manuel, David, David, et al -

That's a pretty clever hack, and I'm glad it works for you.

It seems, though, that longer term we'll need to be able to support both
the US (tax added on top of price) and European (flat price including a
tax) formats.  It seems that it might not be so hard if we do it this way:
1.  Create a new tax type
2.  Additional code which calculates that tax for that type, including
correct rounding formulae
3.  An added field for OrderAdjustment which denotes whether it should
be added back to the order item's amounts (in the case of US sales
taxes) or is there just for informational purposes (in the case of
European/VAT), since the flat price includes the tax
4.  GL posting should work fine once the correct amounts in
OrderAdjustment or at most require a small change.

I think it might be nice to break the sales tax calculation code into a
master which calls several different routines or services depending on
the tax type, so we can keep the implementation separate or call an
outside service if it's available.

Just some general ideas.  Anybody up for doing this?


Manuel Meyer wrote:

>Hi All,
>Further to what I've red and understood in this thread, here is what I've
>done in order to resolve my issue, which was more a rounding problem rather
>than a VAT problem:
>My big concern was that to sell a product of 120 VAT included, I could not
>enter a net amount with 2 digits of precision giving 120 after having
>applied 19.6% of taxes, or by entering a net price of 125.43 for a product,
>I got 150 for 1 product tax included, but 450.01 for 3.
>So, I've set all the currency entries in the DB to be numeric(18,6) (I am
>using postgres), and removed all the rounding made in the code (mainly in
>the OrderServices.getTaxAmount() and OrderReadHelper.calcOrderAdjustment()
>I am only rounding when displaying amounts to the customer.
>And since that, I've resolved all my rounding and therefore VAT issues, and
>the site is a real Swiss clock :)
>The devil is in the details, so I might have missed something, but it looks
>like working so far.
>Best regards,
>-----Message d'origine-----
>De : [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] De
>la part de T E Schmitz
>Envoyé : Wednesday, October 05, 2005 3:17 PM
>À : OFBiz Users / Usage Discussion
>Objet : Re: [OFBiz] Users - VAT and rounding
>David Garrett wrote:
>>Out of interest why are there differences in the vatAmount
>>vatAmount = 16.097 or 16.095 or 16.098
>>depending on which algorithm you use and on whether you are a retailer or
>The VAT Guide describes several rounding modes (unfortunately fails to
>be specific enough for invoicing at retailers).
>For our example
>gross = £123.45
>vatRate = 15%
>vatFraction = 0.1304
>==> vatAmount = 16.09788
>Invoicing at line level (B2B)
>a) round down to nearest 0.1p -> 16.097
>b) round to nearest 1p or 0.5p -> 16.095
>For invoicing at retailers, rounding *down* is forbidden:
>c) round to nearest 0.1p -> 16.098
>>Thanks for the excellent summary.
>Sadly, I seem to spend more time in accounting newsgroups than in Java
>newsgroups. ;-)
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