I already was providing business solutions before I got into ofbiz.
ofbiz it self is not a main selling point. Most clients could care less.
when you talk about cutting their costs, reducing man power, and
increased their profits then they are interested.
Most are not ready for a hosted solution, and the costs to bring ofbiz up.
My main focus is order processing. I support those that already have a
webstore but no backend or feature like ofbiz, ecommerce. has.
using the current economy,as reason to "automate" and innovative
payments of the work done are tools to consider.
they say a good salesmen will create a need then fulfill it.
pavan kesar sent the following on 6/17/2010 9:00 AM:
BJ Freeman
http://bjfreeman.elance.comStrategic Power Office with Supplier Automation <
Specialtymarket.com <
Systems Integrator-- Glad to Assist
Chat Y! messenger: bjfr33man
> Hi All,
> How do you find the ofbiz business. Now that, the economy is picking up, do
> you see companies taking initiatives for ERP, CRM and ECommerce deployments
> Where do companies advertise for ofbiz consultants.
> Hoping to get positive replies.
> With regards
> Pavan.