OFBiz4.0-JBPM3.1.2 component has been completed

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OFBiz4.0-JBPM3.1.2 component has been completed

Shi Yusen
Dear list,

I'm glad to announce a new component OFBiz4.0-JBPM3.1.2 has been

The component is in LGPL.

You can get the the source from:
username: anon
password: anon


How to deploy and run:
1. In Eclipse, download source code of OFBiz-jBPM from Langhua SVN
as OFBiz-jBPM project

2. In Eclipse, download source code of OFBiz-HtmlReport from Langhua
SVN as OFBiz-HtmlReport project

3. In Eclipse, download source code of OFBiz-jBPM3.1.2-Processes from
Langhua SVN as OFBiz-jBPM3.1.2-Processes project

4. Edit the build.xml in project OFBiz-jBPM and OFBiz-HtmlReport,
change the ofbiz.home to your ofbiz home.

5. Run ofbiz.copy in project OFBiz-jBPM and OFBiz-HtmlReport, the two
components will be deployed to ${ofbiz.home}/specialpurpose/jbpm/
and ${ofbiz.home}/specialpurpose/htmlreport/.

6. Edit ${ofbiz.home}/specialpurpose/build.xml, add
"htmlreport/build.xml, jbpm/build.xml" to "application-builds".

7. Edit ${ofbiz.home}/specialpurpose/component-load.xml, add

8. Edit ${ofbiz.home}/framework/base/config/ofbiz-containers.xml, change
"use-naming" from "false" to "true".

9. Edit ${ofbiz.home}/runtime/catalina/conf/context.xml to config jbpm

10. Edit ${ofbiz.home}/specialpurpose/jbpm/src/hibernate.cfg.xml to
config hibernate

11. Add the database driver lib to ${ofbiz.home}/framework/base/lib

12. Edit {ofbiz.home}/framework/base/config/debug.properties, add
            # jBPM configuration

13. Run OFBiz build.

14. Run OFBiz install.

15. Run OFBiz and visit jBPM component:

16. In jBPM component, click "Create jBPM DB tables" and run the db

17. Build "compile-sample" in project OFBiz-jBPM3.1.2-Processes, this
will output sample.process file in build/

18. In jBPM component, click "Upload process definition" and upload

19. In jBPM component, click "New workflow" and start a new process.

20. In jBPM component, click "My tasks" and do something in the

Enjoy it.

Shi Yusen/Beijing Langhua Ltd.