Ofbiz Entity agregat function

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Ofbiz Entity agregat function

Ifnu bima
Hi all,

I use Oracle as my database, i have view say View_A, then i want to
get row count of this view, if i create query it will be like this :

Select count(*) from View_A

How i do it in ofbiz entity using one of
CoreFactory.getGenericDelegation() method?

thanks for any response

Senior Engineer @ ArtiVisi Intermedia
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RE: Ofbiz Entity agregat function

Nikita Shinde


   You can use the one of the following options:


1> long count = delegator.findCountByAnd("viewName"); - This one's
deprecated though


2> long count = delegator.findCountByCondition("viewName", null, null,


3> List records = delegator.findList("viewName", null, null, null, null,

   long count = records.size();


Hope this helps,



Kind Regards,

Nikita Shinde

Amicon Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, India.

India's No.1 OFBiz service provider



-----Original Message-----
From: Ifnu bima [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2008 12:23 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Ofbiz Entity agregat function


Hi all,


I use Oracle as my database, i have view say View_A, then i want to

get row count of this view, if i create query it will be like this :


Select count(*) from View_A


How i do it in ofbiz entity using one of

CoreFactory.getGenericDelegation() method?


thanks for any response



Senior Engineer @ ArtiVisi Intermedia

Java Training Center

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+62 856 9211 8687
