Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

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Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event


in order to integrate an external CMS to OFBiz (Revision 711975 - hope thats correct), I have created a very simple HTTPRequest in a beanshell file and then included the results on one of my pages. The results are displayed just fine, but I am receiving the errors as attached and after a while the system freezes. Could somebody hint me to whatever's causing the errors?  

2008-11-24 18:46:47,015 (http- [ ] [Processing Request]: main sessionId=18F1931B891A71E3CB1CFECC2C6A31F7.jvm1
2008-11-24 18:46:47,015 (http- [ ] [RequestHandler.doRequest]: Response is a view. sessionId=18F1931B891A71E3CB1CFECC2C6A31F7.jvm1
2008-11-24 18:46:47,015 (http- [ ] servletName=control, view=main sessionId=18F1931B891A71E3CB1CFECC2C6A31F7.jvm1
2008-11-24 18:46:47,015 (http- [ :INFO ] Creating session: 1028805FA60F3F8924FB00E302145E3B.jvm1
2008-11-24 18:46:47,015 (http- [ ] [Request]: /cmspublic.html
2008-11-24 18:46:47,031 (http- [ ] [Filtered request]: /cmspublic.html (/control/main)
2008-11-24 18:46:47,031 (http- [ :INFO ] Creating session: 3C49840FB7DB9902391C4A5D4E43B209.jvm1
2008-11-24 18:46:47,031 (http- [ ] [Request]: /control/main
2008-11-24 18:46:47,031 (http- [ :INFO ] The character encoding of the request is: [null]. The character encoding we will use for the request and response is: [UTF-8]
2008-11-24 18:46:47,031 (http- [ ] [[[main] Servlet Starting, doing setup- total:0.0,since last(Begin):0.0]]
2008-11-24 18:46:47,031 (http- [ ] Found visitorId [null] in cookie
2008-11-24 18:46:47,156 (http- [ ] [[[main] Setup done, doing Event(s) and View(s)- total:0.125,since last([main] Servlet St...):0.125]]
2008-11-24 18:46:47,156 (http- []
---- exception report ----------------------------------------------------------
Problems Processing Event
Exception: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException
Message: org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents.checkExternalLoginKey(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
---- stack trace ---------------------------------------------------------------
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents.checkExternalLoginKey(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse)
java.lang.Class.getMethod(Unknown Source)
org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol$Http11ConnectionHandler.process($ Source)
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

I think I may not have been precise enough on my question.

The bsh - script I use to create the httprequest looks as the following:

 /*get Content*/
 public String getContentFromUrl(String getUrl){
  StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
  byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
  URL url=new URL("http://localhost:8080/cmspublic"+getUrl);

         InputStream s;
  try {
                 s = url.openStream();

                 int size = 0;

                 do {
                                 size =;
                                 if (size != -1)
                                                result.append(new String(buffer, 0, size));
                 } while (size != -1);
                 //System.out.println("Brandsparadise: "+result.toString());

         } catch (IOException e) {
                 // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                result.append("EXCEPTION: "+e+" contentUrl "+contentUrl);
                 System.out.println("EXCEPTION: "+e+" contentUrl "+contentUrl);
  return result.toString();

 /*Add content to page*/
 StringBuilder contentUrl = new StringBuilder();
 if(contentUrl.toString().equals("/")) contentUrl.append("main");
//put content to context

By disabling the following checkExternalLogin Event from my controller file :

<event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents" invoke="checkExternalLoginKey" />

I can circumvent the error, but I am still receiving many errors as the following, eventually crashing the running instance of ofbiz:

2008-11-25 15:10:36,265 (http- [ ] [Request]: /control/main
2008-11-25 15:10:36,281 (http- [ :INFO ] The character encoding of the request is: [null]. The character encoding we will use for the request and response is: [UTF-8]
2008-11-25 15:10:36,281 (http- [ ] [[[main] Servlet Starting, doing setup- total:0.0,since last(Begin):0.0]]
2008-11-25 15:10:36,281 (http- [ ] Found visitorId [null] in cookie
2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [ ] [[[main] Setup done, doing Event(s) and View(s)- total:0.094,since last([main] Servlet St...):0.094]]
2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [ ] [Processing Request]: main sessionId=6DE0DDF8E7D9B4B3139D42E6B90C97CE.jvm1
2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [ ] [RequestHandler.doRequest]: Response is a view. sessionId=6DE0DDF8E7D9B4B3139D42E6B90C97CE.jvm1
2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [ ] servletName=control, view=main sessionId=6DE0DDF8E7D9B4B3139D42E6B90C97CE.jvm1
2008-11-25 15:10:36,406 (http- [ :INFO ] Creating session: 8FE8A55F26C122234B57F4D5D7F9617B.jvm1
2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [ ] [Request]: /cmspublic.html
2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [ ] [Filtered request]: /cmspublic.html (/control/main)
2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [ :INFO ] Creating session: 4178EA3EF57E6B7D0692779A4DA7C6C3.jvm1

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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

BJ Freeman
logs have many levels of reporting.
none of the logs you show have errors, they are informational.
URL url=new URL("http://localhost:8080/cmspublic"+getUrl);
is related to ofbiz you are not going through the controller.
2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [
> ] [Request]: /cmspublic.html
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [
> ] [Filtered request]: /cmspublic.html (/control/main)
is saying your url is not conforming and it is ignoring it.

if your using trunk there is an include that has the
 <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents"
 invoke="checkExternalLoginKey" />

madppiper sent the following on 11/25/2008 6:20 AM:

> I think I may not have been precise enough on my question.
> The bsh - script I use to create the httprequest looks as the following:
>  /*get Content*/
>  public String getContentFromUrl(String getUrl){
>   StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
>   byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
>   URL url=new URL("http://localhost:8080/cmspublic"+getUrl);
> InputStream s;
>   try {
>                  s = url.openStream();
>                  int size = 0;
>                  do {
>                                  size =;
>                                  if (size != -1)
>                                                 result.append(new
> String(buffer, 0, size));
>                  } while (size != -1);
>                  //System.out.println("Brandsparadise: "+result.toString());
> } catch (IOException e) {
>                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block
>                 result.append("EXCEPTION: "+e+" contentUrl "+contentUrl);
>                  System.out.println("EXCEPTION: "+e+" contentUrl
> "+contentUrl);
>   }
>   return result.toString();
>  }
>  /*Add content to page*/
>  StringBuilder contentUrl = new StringBuilder();
>  contentUrl.append(request.getContextPath());
>  if(contentUrl.toString().equals("/")) contentUrl.append("main");
>  contentUrl.append(".html");
> //put content to context
> context.put("cmscontent",getContentFromUrl(contentUrl.toString()));
> By disabling the following checkExternalLogin Event from my controller file
> :
> <event type="java" path="org.ofbiz.securityext.login.LoginEvents"
> invoke="checkExternalLoginKey" />
> I can circumvent the error, but I am still receiving many errors as the
> following, eventually crashing the running instance of ofbiz:
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,265 (http- [
> ] [Request]: /control/main
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,281 (http- [
> :INFO ] The character encoding of the request is: [null]. The character
> encoding we will use for the request and response is: [UTF-8]
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,281 (http- [
> ] [[[main] Servlet Starting, doing setup-
> total:0.0,since last(Begin):0.0]]
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,281 (http- [
> ] Found visitorId [null] in cookie
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [
> ] [[[main] Setup done, doing Event(s) and
> View(s)- total:0.094,since last([main] Servlet St...):0.094]]
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [
> ] [Processing Request]: main
> sessionId=6DE0DDF8E7D9B4B3139D42E6B90C97CE.jvm1
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [
> ] [RequestHandler.doRequest]: Response is a
> view. sessionId=6DE0DDF8E7D9B4B3139D42E6B90C97CE.jvm1
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,375 (http- [
> ] servletName=control, view=main
> sessionId=6DE0DDF8E7D9B4B3139D42E6B90C97CE.jvm1
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,406 (http- [
> :INFO ] Creating session: 8FE8A55F26C122234B57F4D5D7F9617B.jvm1
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [
> ] [Request]: /cmspublic.html
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [
> ] [Filtered request]: /cmspublic.html (/control/main)
> 2008-11-25 15:10:36,421 (http- [
> :INFO ] Creating session: 4178EA3EF57E6B7D0692779A4DA7C6C3.jvm1
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event


So how would i get through the controller exactly? I do not want to include the ftl files of the cms directly, because then I wouldn't be using the cms-renderer...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

BJ Freeman
There are many examples in ofbiz.

madppiper sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:03 AM:
> Absolutely...
> So how would i get through the controller exactly? I do not want to include
> the ftl files of the cms directly, because then I wouldn't be using the
> cms-renderer...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

BJ Freeman
to clarify:
there are no examples how to pass an htm files into ofbiz.
there are examples how to marshal information into Context or
httpRequests and pass them thru the controller to services, events, and
or views.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:09 AM:

> There are many examples in ofbiz.
> madppiper sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:03 AM:
>> Absolutely...
>> So how would i get through the controller exactly? I do not want to include
>> the ftl files of the cms directly, because then I wouldn't be using the
>> cms-renderer...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event


Well last night I have taken a look at the paypal and google implementation at the specialpurpose directory. I got a feeling that I may find the solution in there... Thx for your help!

BJ Freeman wrote
to clarify:
there are no examples how to pass an htm files into ofbiz.
there are examples how to marshal information into Context or
httpRequests and pass them thru the controller to services, events, and
or views.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:09 AM:
> There are many examples in ofbiz.
> madppiper sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:03 AM:
>> Absolutely...
>> So how would i get through the controller exactly? I do not want to include
>> the ftl files of the cms directly, because then I wouldn't be using the
>> cms-renderer...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

BJ Freeman
the google implementation uses xml, the paypal IPN uses a an html
response but does not go through the controller.
It is a is being return to the code that send the original request,
which then parses the parms returned.
So I doubt either will help you.

madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 1:48 AM:

> Ah...
> Well last night I have taken a look at the paypal and google implementation
> at the specialpurpose directory. I got a feeling that I may find the
> solution in there... Thx for your help!
> BJ Freeman wrote:
>> to clarify:
>> there are no examples how to pass an htm files into ofbiz.
>> there are examples how to marshal information into Context or
>> httpRequests and pass them thru the controller to services, events, and
>> or views.
>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:09 AM:
>>> There are many examples in ofbiz.
>>> madppiper sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:03 AM:
>>>> Absolutely...
>>>> So how would i get through the controller exactly? I do not want to
>>>> include
>>>> the ftl files of the cms directly, because then I wouldn't be using the
>>>> cms-renderer...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

aha... hmm...

so could you hint me to anything to look for or a certain application to take a look at?

BJ Freeman wrote
the google implementation uses xml, the paypal IPN uses a an html
response but does not go through the controller.
It is a is being return to the code that send the original request,
which then parses the parms returned.
So I doubt either will help you.

madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 1:48 AM:
> Ah...
> Well last night I have taken a look at the paypal and google implementation
> at the specialpurpose directory. I got a feeling that I may find the
> solution in there... Thx for your help!
> BJ Freeman wrote:
>> to clarify:
>> there are no examples how to pass an htm files into ofbiz.
>> there are examples how to marshal information into Context or
>> httpRequests and pass them thru the controller to services, events, and
>> or views.
>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:09 AM:
>>> There are many examples in ofbiz.
>>> madppiper sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:03 AM:
>>>> Absolutely...
>>>> So how would i get through the controller exactly? I do not want to
>>>> include
>>>> the ftl files of the cms directly, because then I wouldn't be using the
>>>> cms-renderer...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

BJ Freeman
it is real important that you understand how ofbiz works.
Taking the time to go through the documentation will get you further ahead.
look at the content module since CMS is what you are trying todo.
I would say the best is to pass you data into a event that you then
parse your data using java.
So the best example would be to learn how to pass data through the
controller to an event.
you do this by using the httprequest, in your case.
once you have read enough to understand what I wrote things will be clearer.

madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 4:54 AM:

> aha... hmm...
> so could you hint me to anything to look for or a certain application to
> take a look at?
> BJ Freeman wrote:
>> the google implementation uses xml, the paypal IPN uses a an html
>> response but does not go through the controller.
>> It is a is being return to the code that send the original request,
>> which then parses the parms returned.
>> So I doubt either will help you.
>> madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 1:48 AM:
>>> Ah...
>>> Well last night I have taken a look at the paypal and google
>>> implementation
>>> at the specialpurpose directory. I got a feeling that I may find the
>>> solution in there... Thx for your help!
>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>> to clarify:
>>>> there are no examples how to pass an htm files into ofbiz.
>>>> there are examples how to marshal information into Context or
>>>> httpRequests and pass them thru the controller to services, events, and
>>>> or views.
>>>> BJ Freeman sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:09 AM:
>>>>> There are many examples in ofbiz.
>>>>> madppiper sent the following on 11/25/2008 10:03 AM:
>>>>>> Absolutely...
>>>>>> So how would i get through the controller exactly? I do not want to
>>>>>> include
>>>>>> the ftl files of the cms directly, because then I wouldn't be using
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> cms-renderer...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

Well, heres the thing though:

I created a service for the my purpose and added it to the service.xml file that i load in my own application:

        <service name="runCMSQuery" engine="java"
                invoke="runCMSQuery" debug="true" validate="true">
                <description>Run a query on CMS and return the results</description>
                <attribute mode="IN" name="query" optional="false"
                        type="String" />               
                <attribute name="queryResult" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="true"/>

it only takes the query which is basically a url and then has the org.brandsparadise.cms.Magnolia class process it and output the result as wanted...

Once called, this does work! However, only for any url not within localhost. Otherwise I receive the same errors as above. The odd thing is: I do not receive those errors when I access the same url with my own browser, only when using httprequest...

btw. for anybody else here having such a hard time finding an idiot-proof guide for something like this , try to :

1) (Skip if a service.xml file is already existent) create a new service.xml file in your appication directory (i created it in an extra folder: servicedef) and add the very same to the ofbizcomponent.xml file --> e.g. by adding:

<service-resource type="model" loader="main" location="servicedef/services.xml"/>

2) open the service.xml file and add:


        <service name="runCMSQuery" engine="java"
                invoke="runCMSQuery" debug="true" validate="true">
                <description>Run a query on CMS and return the results</description>
                <attribute mode="IN" name="query" optional="false"
                        type="String" />               
                <attribute name="queryResult" type="String" mode="OUT" optional="true"/>



(take a look at any other service.xml file on the exact layout of a service.xml file)

3) create a new src folder and load the sources via ofbiz-component.xml:

 <classpath type="dir" location="src/*" />

4) Create a new package and call it any name you like (I called mine: org.brandsparadise.cms). Add a class to it (i called mine: and add something along the line of :

package org.brandsparadise.cms;

import java.util.Map;
import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext;
import org.ofbiz.service.ServiceUtil;

 * Base class for OFBiz Test Tools test case implementations.

public abstract class Magnolia extends TestCase {

    public static final String module = Magnolia.class.getName();
    public static String cmsUrl = "";

     * runs a query on a url and return the results
    public static Map runCMSQuery(DispatchContext dctx, Map context) {

        try {
            // get Connection
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];

            InputStream s;

            URL url = new URL(cmsUrl + context.get("query").toString());
            s = url.openStream();

            int size = 0;

            do {
                size =;
                if (size != -1)
                    result.append(new String(buffer, 0, size));
            } while (size != -1);

            context = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
            context.put("queryResult", result.toString());

        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            context = ServiceUtil.returnError(e.toString());

        } catch (IOException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            context = ServiceUtil.returnError(e.toString());

        // Debug.log("Query Result: "+results.toString());
        return context;

    public static void main(String[] args) {;

This should actually be it.-You can now run the service from the webtools directory on the ofbiz interface...

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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

Never mind, the code posted above works just swell... anybody interested in this: go ahead and use it ;)
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

BJ Freeman
you can put this on the wiki for reference.
just add a page

madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 8:51 AM:
> Never mind, the code posted above works just swell... anybody interested in
> this: go ahead and use it ;)
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

BJ Freeman wrote
you can put this on the wiki for reference.
just add a page

madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 8:51 AM:
> Never mind, the code posted above works just swell... anybody interested in
> this: go ahead and use it ;)


And linked on the above page...
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

Jacques Le Roux

I just reverted the FAQ main page and re-added your new entry : editing in rich text mode is a calamity (see
No problems, I'm used too now and it does not take me more than minutes :o)


From: "madppiper" <[hidden email]>

> BJ Freeman wrote:
>> you can put this on the wiki for reference.
>> just add a page
>> madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 8:51 AM:
>>> Never mind, the code posted above works just swell... anybody interested
>>> in
>>> this: go ahead and use it ;)
> Done:
> And linked on the above page...
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at

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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event


I suppose that means that even unsaved changes influence the system, eh?  A bummer, cause I tried to remove all changes prior saving once I realized that I used the wrong tab :(

jacques.le.roux wrote

I just reverted the FAQ main page and re-added your new entry : editing in rich text mode is a calamity (see
No problems, I'm used too now and it does not take me more than minutes :o)


From: "madppiper" <>
> BJ Freeman wrote:
>> you can put this on the wiki for reference.
>> just add a page
>> madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 8:51 AM:
>>> Never mind, the code posted above works just swell... anybody interested
>>> in
>>> this: go ahead and use it ;)
> Done:
> And linked on the above page...
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at
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Re: Page Processing Error - Problems Processing Event

Jacques Le Roux
Yes this Confluence version is bugged in Rich Text mode. As I said I'm used to it now, no worries. The Art in Software is not to
understand/know-how-to-deal with artifacts/concepts/etc. but how to |bypass| them ;o)


From: "madppiper" <[hidden email]>

> Yikes,
> I suppose that means that even unsaved changes influence the system, eh?  A
> bummer, cause I tried to remove all changes prior saving once I realized
> that I used the wrong tab :(
> jacques.le.roux wrote:
>> Thanks,
>> I just reverted the FAQ main page and re-added your new entry : editing in
>> rich text mode is a calamity (see
>> No problems, I'm used too now and it does not take me more than minutes
>> :o)
>> Jacques
>> From: "madppiper" <[hidden email]>
>>> BJ Freeman wrote:
>>>> you can put this on the wiki for reference.
>>>> just add a page
>>>> madppiper sent the following on 11/26/2008 8:51 AM:
>>>>> Never mind, the code posted above works just swell... anybody
>>>>> interested
>>>>> in
>>>>> this: go ahead and use it ;)
>>> Done:
>>> And linked on the above page...
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the OFBiz - User mailing list archive at