Please request parameter advice

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Please request parameter advice

Bilgin Ibryam

  Hello Everyone,
Do you know how can i put a String in request parameters(not
inrequest attributes) from a service or event?
I want to use the "partyId" returned from "createPerson" service
in"initializeOrderEntry" event. My problem is: after the person
iscreated through "createPerson" service, the INOUT parameter
partyIdis stored in request attributes, and "initializeOrderEntry"
eventsearches this partyId in request
parameters( partyId
=request.getParameter("partyId");) and cannot find it.
One solution that i guess is to use an event/service after the person
iscreated, to take partyId  from request attributes and put it
inrequest parameters, but i couldnot find a way for this.
Any advice on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.

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