Portugues translations (pt_PT)

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Portugues translations (pt_PT)

Cameron Smith-6
Hi, we are busy translating the labels for several modules (Party, Accounting, Financials) to the portuguese used in Mozambique.  This is basically pt_PT, as Mozambique follows the European and not the Brazilian variant. (although at the level of spoken language there is a case to make for pt_MZ!!).

Most of this is simply donkey work to fill in the many labels which exist in the base (English) .properties files and not the pt_PT variants.  We would be happy to contribute this stuff back to the respective OFBiz and OpenTAPs SVN trunks.  However we would like to know who did the original translations because there are some very strange choices for certain key words - whether you speak Brazilian or European PT.  In particular, we feel that "Entidade" is a much better translation for "Party" in the OFBiz sense of the word.

Also, several commonly-used buttons, appear to have direct translations from English, instead of putting the labels that portuguese-language IT systems typically have in these places.

Obviously, if there is a philosophy behind this which we are missing, please let us know.  Otherwise, we will go ahead with our current approach of doing a "full overhaul".  We will then submit our work via a patch/JIRA issue.

Any feedback welcome on this point.


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Re: Portugues translations (pt_PT)

Hi Cameron,

The first translation was done by us. Don't know if any one more have
contributed for it.

You are right, some translations are out of context. They where directly
translated without knowing what place of the application it is used.

Party is a good example. I agree with you, "Entidade" is good translation.

Our major goal was to translate the ecommerce, not the backend.


> Hi, we are busy translating the labels for several modules (Party,
> Accounting, Financials) to the portuguese used in Mozambique.  This is
> basically pt_PT, as Mozambique follows the European and not the Brazilian
> variant. (although at the level of spoken language there is a case to make
> for pt_MZ!!).
> Most of this is simply donkey work to fill in the many labels which exist
> in the base (English) .properties files and not the pt_PT variants.  We
> would be happy to contribute this stuff back to the respective OFBiz and
> OpenTAPs SVN trunks.  However we would like to know who did the original
> translations because there are some very strange choices for certain key
> words - whether you speak Brazilian or European PT.  In particular, we
> feel that "Entidade" is a much better translation for "Party" in the OFBiz
> sense of the word.
> Also, several commonly-used buttons, appear to have direct translations
> from English, instead of putting the labels that portuguese-language IT
> systems typically have in these places.
> Obviously, if there is a philosophy behind this which we are missing,
> please let us know.  Otherwise, we will go ahead with our current approach
> of doing a "full overhaul".  We will then submit our work via a patch/JIRA
> issue.
> Any feedback welcome on this point.
> cameron
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Re: Portugues translations (pt_PT)

Cameron Smith-6
In reply to this post by Cameron Smith-6
Oi Renato, sua explicação faz todo sentido.

Hemos de prosseguir então com as traduções.  Quando submetemos nossos "patches", naturalmente os vossos comentários serão bem-vindos.


----- Original Message ----
From: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
To: [hidden email]
Sent: Wednesday, 27 December, 2006 12:34:53 AM
Subject: Re: Portugues translations (pt_PT)

Hi Cameron,

The first translation was done by us. Don't know if any one more have
contributed for it.

You are right, some translations are out of context. They where directly
translated without knowing what place of the application it is used.

Party is a good example. I agree with you, "Entidade" is good translation.

Our major goal was to translate the ecommerce, not the backend.


> Hi, we are busy translating the labels for several modules (Party,
> Accounting, Financials) to the portuguese used in Mozambique.  This is
> basically pt_PT, as Mozambique follows the European and not the Brazilian
> variant. (although at the level of spoken language there is a case to make
> for pt_MZ!!).
> Most of this is simply donkey work to fill in the many labels which exist
> in the base (English) .properties files and not the pt_PT variants.  We
> would be happy to contribute this stuff back to the respective OFBiz and
> OpenTAPs SVN trunks.  However we would like to know who did the original
> translations because there are some very strange choices for certain key
> words - whether you speak Brazilian or European PT.  In particular, we
> feel that "Entidade" is a much better translation for "Party" in the OFBiz
> sense of the word.
> Also, several commonly-used buttons, appear to have direct translations
> from English, instead of putting the labels that portuguese-language IT
> systems typically have in these places.
> Obviously, if there is a philosophy behind this which we are missing,
> please let us know.  Otherwise, we will go ahead with our current approach
> of doing a "full overhaul".  We will then submit our work via a patch/JIRA
> issue.
> Any feedback welcome on this point.
> cameron
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