Problem, while PUSH and POP operations

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Problem, while PUSH and POP operations

Hi all,

I'm trying to implement POS in our network. At present I'm looking for ntity synchronization betwwen MCS and POS+PSS (I've both on single PC).

I've changed the PosSyncSettings.xml, ofbiz-containers.xml, serviceengine.xml etc. for said settings. Now everytime I was getting SSLException for JRMP like "No trusted certificate found". To solve this, I created one java keystore, generated CSR for this keystore and then obtained a free certificate from Comodo signing authority. After that I imported this certificated to my JKS file as a trusted cerificate. Then I modified, ofbiz-containers.xml, serviceengine.xml, build.xml (root) etc with respective information.

But now I'm quite unable to even run my application as at the end of loading process, it terminates with an exception "Error getting instance for Service Engine RMI calls: Cannot recover key
Message: Cannot recover key".

The same error I'm geting on both system (on MCS and on PSS+POS). To establish MCS, I've just cloned the appliction that I'm using as PSS+POS, only I modified the serviceengine.xml for RMI and HTTP dispatcher settings. On MCS I've used localhost whereas on PSS+POS, I've used the MCS system name on network (e.g. http://server:8080/webtools/control/HttpService and rmi://server:1099/RMIDispatcher). I'm using the same keystore and certificates on both system. Also I've added the following codes in root build.xml:

 <target name="run" depends="build">
        <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true">
            <jvmarg value="${memory.max.param}"/>
            <jvmarg value="${basedir}/framework/base/config/KEYSTORE.jks"/>
            <jvmarg value=""/>
    <target name="run-pos" depends="build">
        <java jar="ofbiz.jar" fork="true">
            <jvmarg value="${memory.max.param}"/>
            <jvmarg value="${basedir}/framework/base/config/KEYSTORE.jks"/>
            <jvmarg value=""/>
            <arg value="pos"/>

I don't know why this entity synchronization is not coming up between both system. Services are being called, scheduled properly but after some times they turn to be pending and later converted to failed.

Also, on both system I'm calling the same PosSyncSettings.xml. Is this right to continue with, I tried because RMI and HTTP dispatcher settings on MCS system is set to loclhost.

I don't know how much time it'll take to solve this issue without any help from experienced person. Please look into the matter and let me know my faults.

Ofbiz log for MCS and PSS are also attached separately along with this email.

With regards,
S K Pradeep kumar

ofbiz_log_MCS.txt (13K) Download Attachment
ofbiz_log_POS1.txt (13K) Download Attachment
ofbiz_log_POS2.txt (14K) Download Attachment