Re: Production run instructions/comments

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Re: Production run instructions/comments

BJ Freeman
Bilgin said he did not know he was sending a private email so forwarding.

BJ Freeman sent the following on 8/16/2008 8:58 AM:

> That, in my opinion is changing what you order to get the job done.
> it would not show up in the inventory as a change, so yo would run out
> of red paint.
> Then there is the extra time, since the blue paint has to dry before the
> red dots are applied, to the cost of the changes would never be noticed
> and the company would lose profit.
> So yes the time and materials will be effected.
> Bilgin Ibryam sent the following on 8/16/2008 5:57 AM:
>> Quoting BJ Freeman <[hidden email]>:
>>> I agree, that is the intent.
>>> In my experience of 20 years dealing with non programming people
>>> I find they don't adhere to the rules.
>>> it you give them a way to slip something in, they will do it
>>> eventually it will effect the production run in time or materials.
>>> a simple comment like
>>> Change the color to blue
>>> changes the time and materials.
>> I see, you are right BJ.
>> But I think it will be useful for example, if the user choose the blue
>> color for the configurable product (with the new possibility of virtual
>> product options), but in the comments says "make it light blue with red
>> dots please" ...
>> you agree?
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