Re: inventory transfer questions

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Re: inventory transfer questions

Si Chen-2

Sorry I've been really busy.  I just looked through your email.

Yes, I was aware of Shipment and ShipmentItems, etc.  You can use  
those, of course, but the key to making it work is then relating your  
ShipmentItems to InventoryTransfer using ItemIssuance.

The user would have to select the inventory items to transfer.  This  
is important because you might have serialized inventory, so which  
one gets transferred is pretty important.

I don't think picking and packing would be directly applicable to  
inventory transfers, since they are very closely related to orders.  
However, you can create your screens to look like those if you'd like.

On Oct 11, 2006, at 8:25 PM, Marcelo Hamra wrote:

> Hello Si,
> I have been working with this functionality since you created the  
> JIRA issue. After making a few services, screens, forms, etc (i  
> have learned a lot!!!) I noted that there is a user interface and  
> services created to maintain ShipmentItems. Moreover, this user  
> interface has the capability to maintain packages and assign  
> products to the packages created. This screen is called  
> "EditShipmentItems" and has several related services to maintain  
> shipmentItems and package contents, createShipmentItem,  
> deleteShipmentItem, deleteShipmentItemPackageContent, etc. I have  
> modified the outgoing shipment tabbar to call this user interface.
> Did you know that this functionality was available in OFBIZ? Have I  
> had a (usefull to learn) missunderstanding of your suggestion?
> I have another functional doubt. Once you create shipment Items,  
> what InventoryItems from the facility should OFBIZ has to affect?  
> Does the user have to select what inventoryItems should be affected  
> by the transfer?
> I have no special requirement in my implementation because all  
> inventoryItems of the same product in a facility are the same (in  
> fact, having one InventoryItem for each available product in a  
> facility is enough for me), but for implementations that use  
> locations in the facility for instance this could not be correct.  
> Is this covered by picking functionality? I didn't played yet with  
> picking.
> Thanks in advance.
> Marcelo
>> From: Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>> Reply-To: [hidden email]
>> To: [hidden email]
>> Subject: Re: inventory questions
>> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 17:39:13 -0700
>> Marcelo,
>> This is what I have so far:
>> which are basically half of the solution to this problem.    
>> Unfortunately I never finished it myself, but it should show you  
>> how  it could be done.  Feel free to ask questions or post your  
>> code samples.
>> Si
>> On Oct 2, 2006, at 5:21 PM, Marcelo Hamra wrote:
>>> Si,
>>> i'll have a try to implement that functionality. It will be a  
>>> good  exercise to learn how to develop in Ofbiz. I'm not worried  
>>> with mid  layer, I readed a few methods in java and milnilang and  
>>> I think  they are clear to me. I have less experience with UI  
>>> (widget, ftl,  etc)
>>> Thanks.
>>> Marcelo
>>>> From: Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>>>> Reply-To: [hidden email]
>>>> To: [hidden email]
>>>> Subject: Re: inventory questions
>>>> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 15:39:23 -0700
>>>> Marcelo,
>>>> That's the modification that would have to be made -- instead  
>>>> of   showing Order Items, it should bring up a screen which  
>>>> allows you  to  add inventory items instead of product items.  
>>>> The transfer  shipment  is sort of a feature that is specified  
>>>> in ofbiz but has  never been  implemented.  The good news is, I  
>>>> do have some code  that could help  with creating inventory  
>>>> transfers once the  transfer shipment has been  created, so if  
>>>> you make the changes  and then post it to jira, I can  put in my  
>>>> code as well.
>>>> Si
>>>> On Oct 2, 2006, at 3:23 PM, Marcelo Hamra wrote:
>>>>> Si,
>>>>> I've found transfer shipment, but i couldn't find the way to  
>>>>> enter  items to that shipment. There is a  order items button,  
>>>>> but it only  allows me to select an order or a ship group ID  
>>>>> (don't know what it  is), no way to select products.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Marcelo
>>>>>> From: Si Chen <[hidden email]>
>>>>>> Reply-To: [hidden email]
>>>>>> To: [hidden email]
>>>>>> Subject: Re: inventory questions
>>>>>> Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2006 14:33:40 -0700
>>>>>> You should use the current Inventory Transfer feature.  
>>>>>> There   should  be no need to add another "InventoryMovement"  
>>>>>> entity  for  this  functionality.  If you have many inventory  
>>>>>> items to   transfer, what  you can do is use the "Transfer  
>>>>>> Shipment" type  of  Shipment to group  them together.  What  
>>>>>> you can do is add  items to  the Shipment, then  when you mark  
>>>>>> it completed, have a  SECA create  and complete inventory  
>>>>>> transfers for you.
>>>>>> Si
>>>>>> On Oct 2, 2006, at 2:24 PM, Marcelo Hamra wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I need to transfer several products between facilities. I  
>>>>>>> thought  I  could use shipments but I readed that only sale  
>>>>>>> and  purchase  orders  are supported. Is that correct?
>>>>>>> I have no requirements on selecting any inventory Item to    
>>>>>>> transfer,  I only need to transfer products if enough stock  
>>>>>>> is   available. I  noted that inventory transfers can be  
>>>>>>> used, but  I  need to select  the inventory Item, and I  
>>>>>>> coundn't find a  way to  send more than one  product using  
>>>>>>> this feature. Should  I generate  a new entity  
>>>>>>> "InventoryMovement" with a one to  many relationship  with  
>>>>>>> inventoryTransfers to implement what I  want?
>>>>>>> In the inventory Transfer screen there is a field Container  
>>>>>>> ID   field , but I couldn't find a way to create a  
>>>>>>> container.  Is this   feature available?
>>>>>>> Regards.
>>>>>>> Marcelo

Best Regards,

[hidden email]