Set org.gradle.logging.level=quiet in gradle .properties

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Set org.gradle.logging.level=quiet in gradle .properties

Jacques Le Roux

Some times ago, (before we had to shutdown the demos for a while for a security reason, it's unrelated but) we were (also) forced to stop and quickly
restart the demos because of the Gradle daemons logging taking all the place; though we don't use Gradle daemons in demos. Weird isn't ?

The reason is that by default org.gradle.logging.level=lifecycle is verbose. Anyway, all org.gradle.logging.level are verbose. I mean they also
duplicate OFBiz information, have a look into your own Gradle daemon dir!

And that even if you don't use daemons, as we do for demos. Because Gradle always uses at least 1 daemon to run.

So I was looking for a solution to not uselessly clutter the VM disk demos and stumbled upon Gradle logging hygiene · Issue #2688 · gradle/gradle
( <>

I have created OFBIZ-12085 to use  the same solution than Evgeny Naumenko at

I'll commit in a week if nobody is against or has a better solution


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Re: Set org.gradle.logging.level=quiet in gradle .properties

Jacques Le Roux

Le 04/12/2020 à 12:34, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

> Hi,
> Some times ago, (before we had to shutdown the demos for a while for a security reason, it's unrelated but) we were (also) forced to stop and
> quickly restart the demos because of the Gradle daemons logging taking all the place; though we don't use Gradle daemons in demos. Weird isn't ?
> The reason is that by default org.gradle.logging.level=lifecycle is verbose. Anyway, all org.gradle.logging.level are verbose. I mean they also
> duplicate OFBiz information, have a look into your own Gradle daemon dir!
> And that even if you don't use daemons, as we do for demos. Because Gradle always uses at least 1 daemon to run.
> So I was looking for a solution to not uselessly clutter the VM disk demos and stumbled upon Gradle logging hygiene · Issue #2688 · gradle/gradle
> ( <>
> I have created OFBIZ-12085 to use  the same solution than Evgeny Naumenko at
> I'll commit in a week if nobody is against or has a better solution
> Jacques