I do not know how the svn export is done but it is possible to perform an
svn export from a working directory to a different directory.
So the process should be:
1) run an "svn checkout" of the latest revision from the repo
2) run "ant svninfo" to have the /runtime/svninfo.ftl file created with the
revision information
3) run an "svn export" from the working directory to a new directory
4) copy the /runtime/svninfo.ftl file from the working directory to the
exported one
5) proceed with building, zip, etc.
2010/7/30 Jacopo Cappellato <
[hidden email]>
> Hi Ruth,
> I think that we can add this information somewhere for easy reference; in
> the meantime, you can get it from the commit log of the tags:
> Kind regards,
> Jacopo
> On Jul 30, 2010, at 7:03 PM, Ruth Hoffman wrote:
> > Hello Developers:
> > Would it be possible to attach the Subversion version number to the
> packaged releases (either internally within the packaged zip file) or as
> part of the file name, to the official release packages found on
> >
> > I can think of several reasons to do this not the least of which it might
> help me when trying to track down bugs and bug fixes. It would also help
> when I submit JIRAs - I can tell you exactly which version I found the bug
> in.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Ruth