Two problems with database transaction.

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Two problems with database transaction.

Souvik Saha Bhowmik

1) I am using Ofbiz for my application and using it for getting the
number of rows from a view which consists of many rows.I have used
delegator.findCountByCondition method for getting the row count. The
problem is I have to call this many times in one method because I need
to get the number of rows for different conditions. So, whenever I try
to execute the method it gives the row count for 1 condition but rolls
back the transaction after that, i.e after executing the first query.

Please kindly suggest a solution so that I can execute this
requirement in a fast and efficient way.

2) When I am running a particular batch service through the WEBTOOLS
SCHEDULE JOB option, it somehow fails to execute the batch service. It
does not even enter into the service method.But we have invoked the
service using a self written tool and it works fine there.Please
kindly suggest a solution and possible cause of the problem.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Saptarshi Saha.