UPS Shipping estimate

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UPS Shipping estimate

Ritesh Trivedi

I am new to Ofbiz, having little trouble understanding how to setup shipping estimate for a store. Particularly I am interested in setting up UPS online rate service.

I read through the Business setup guide, it says... "This is activated by creating a shipping estimate record in the Catalog Manager with the Service Name of "upsRateEstimate" on the ProductStoreShipmentMeth record in the serviceName field (ie on the Store Shipment Method associating a Carrier Shipment Method with this Product Store)."

Frankly this is a bit too long a statement (atleast for me)... but anyway I did not find anyway to add upsRateEstimate service name to the carrier shipment methods which came pre-configured already with the installation (I had ran ant run-install).

Can someone please shed some light?