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Unable to override userLogin Service

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Unable to override userLogin Service

John Martin
84 posts
I'm integrating ofBiz with a 3rd party system using RMI.  I've copied
with success various service definitions into my own xml files to
issolate my changes from ofBiz. When I tried to override the userLogin
it wouldn't work.  I started getting:


      The following required parameter is missing: [apUserLogin.login.password]
      The following required parameter is missing: [apUserLogin.login.username]

I tried debugging the ofBiz ServiceValidation functionality to see
what is happening.  It appears to me that the password and username
form variables are being removed from the context but unable to find
where that occurs.

My remote client is successful calling userLogin but fails calling my
apUserLogin service.  There is no difference between the services
except for the service name.

The problem seems to be specifically with the userLogin service call
because other services in the same servicedef xml file work.

Here's my steps:

1. Copied framework/common/servicedef/service.xml to service_ap.xml
2. Removed all but the methods I wanted to override (userLogin, updatePassword)
3. Added 'ap' prefix to each of the service names
4. Added export="true" to each service
5. Added xml file to the framework\common\ofbiz-component.xml

    <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
    <service-resource type="model" loader="main"

Does anyone know what just the userLogin service would not work?


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Re: Unable to override userLogin Service

John Martin
84 posts
Hi -

I posted this a week ago but got no response, hopefully someone has a
suggestion for me?



On 10/13/06, John Martin <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I'm integrating ofBiz with a 3rd party system using RMI.  I've copied
> with success various service definitions into my own xml files to
> issolate my changes from ofBiz. When I tried to override the userLogin
> it wouldn't work.  I started getting:
>       org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
>       The following required parameter is missing: [apUserLogin.login.password]
>       The following required parameter is missing: [apUserLogin.login.username]
> I tried debugging the ofBiz ServiceValidation functionality to see
> what is happening.  It appears to me that the password and username
> form variables are being removed from the context but unable to find
> where that occurs.
> My remote client is successful calling userLogin but fails calling my
> apUserLogin service.  There is no difference between the services
> except for the service name.
> The problem seems to be specifically with the userLogin service call
> because other services in the same servicedef xml file work.
> Here's my steps:
> 1. Copied framework/common/servicedef/service.xml to service_ap.xml
> 2. Removed all but the methods I wanted to override (userLogin, updatePassword)
> 3. Added 'ap' prefix to each of the service names
> 4. Added export="true" to each service
> 5. Added xml file to the framework\common\ofbiz-component.xml
>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
> location="servicedef/services.xml"/>
>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
> location="servicedef/services_ap.xml"/>
> Does anyone know what just the userLogin service would not work?
> Thanks,
> John
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Re: Unable to override userLogin Service

Scott Gray
986 posts
Hi John

I can't help you much but i can tell you that the parameters are removed
from context in ServiceDispatcher.java at checkAuth() but I don't know
why the default service would work but your one wouldn't.


John Martin wrote:

> Hi -
> I posted this a week ago but got no response, hopefully someone has a
> suggestion for me?
> Thanks,
> John
> On 10/13/06, John Martin <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I'm integrating ofBiz with a 3rd party system using RMI.  I've copied
>> with success various service definitions into my own xml files to
>> issolate my changes from ofBiz. When I tried to override the userLogin
>> it wouldn't work.  I started getting:
>>       org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
>>       The following required parameter is missing:
>> [apUserLogin.login.password]
>>       The following required parameter is missing:
>> [apUserLogin.login.username]
>> I tried debugging the ofBiz ServiceValidation functionality to see
>> what is happening.  It appears to me that the password and username
>> form variables are being removed from the context but unable to find
>> where that occurs.
>> My remote client is successful calling userLogin but fails calling my
>> apUserLogin service.  There is no difference between the services
>> except for the service name.
>> The problem seems to be specifically with the userLogin service call
>> because other services in the same servicedef xml file work.
>> Here's my steps:
>> 1. Copied framework/common/servicedef/service.xml to service_ap.xml
>> 2. Removed all but the methods I wanted to override (userLogin,
>> updatePassword)
>> 3. Added 'ap' prefix to each of the service names
>> 4. Added export="true" to each service
>> 5. Added xml file to the framework\common\ofbiz-component.xml
>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
>> location="servicedef/services.xml"/>
>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
>> location="servicedef/services_ap.xml"/>
>> Does anyone know what just the userLogin service would not work?
>> Thanks,
>> John

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Re: Unable to override userLogin Service

Scott Gray
986 posts
Hi John

I got it figured, it's all in the checkAuth method, when you call
userLogin the code realises that you are manually authorizing  so
doesn't call userLogin itself,  but when you call atpUserLogin  the code
is automatically calling userLogin as well and then removes the
parameters from the context.  The solution is to change
serviceengine.xml to call your atpUserLogin instead of userLogin.

Hope that helps.


Scott Gray wrote:

> Hi John
> I can't help you much but i can tell you that the parameters are
> removed from context in ServiceDispatcher.java at checkAuth() but I
> don't know why the default service would work but your one wouldn't.
> Regards
> Scott
> John Martin wrote:
>> Hi -
>> I posted this a week ago but got no response, hopefully someone has a
>> suggestion for me?
>> Thanks,
>> John
>> On 10/13/06, John Martin <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I'm integrating ofBiz with a 3rd party system using RMI.  I've copied
>>> with success various service definitions into my own xml files to
>>> issolate my changes from ofBiz. When I tried to override the userLogin
>>> it wouldn't work.  I started getting:
>>>       org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
>>>       The following required parameter is missing:
>>> [apUserLogin.login.password]
>>>       The following required parameter is missing:
>>> [apUserLogin.login.username]
>>> I tried debugging the ofBiz ServiceValidation functionality to see
>>> what is happening.  It appears to me that the password and username
>>> form variables are being removed from the context but unable to find
>>> where that occurs.
>>> My remote client is successful calling userLogin but fails calling my
>>> apUserLogin service.  There is no difference between the services
>>> except for the service name.
>>> The problem seems to be specifically with the userLogin service call
>>> because other services in the same servicedef xml file work.
>>> Here's my steps:
>>> 1. Copied framework/common/servicedef/service.xml to service_ap.xml
>>> 2. Removed all but the methods I wanted to override (userLogin,
>>> updatePassword)
>>> 3. Added 'ap' prefix to each of the service names
>>> 4. Added export="true" to each service
>>> 5. Added xml file to the framework\common\ofbiz-compo    nent.xml
>>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
>>> location="servicedef/services.xml"/>
>>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
>>> location="servicedef/services_ap.xml"/>
>>> Does anyone know what just the userLogin service would not work?
>>> Thanks,
>>> John

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Re: Unable to override userLogin Service

John Martin
84 posts
Thanks Scott for looking into that.  That makes complete sense.

I'm going to need to dig into this a little since I wanted to issolate
my login service from the existing login services.  It doesn't appear
that it will be a huge problem though.

Thanks again - this is just what I needed.


On 10/22/06, Scott Gray <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi John
> I got it figured, it's all in the checkAuth method, when you call
> userLogin the code realises that you are manually authorizing  so
> doesn't call userLogin itself,  but when you call atpUserLogin  the code
> is automatically calling userLogin as well and then removes the
> parameters from the context.  The solution is to change
> serviceengine.xml to call your atpUserLogin instead of userLogin.
> Hope that helps.
> Regards
> Scott
> Scott Gray wrote:
> > Hi John
> >
> > I can't help you much but i can tell you that the parameters are
> > removed from context in ServiceDispatcher.java at checkAuth() but I
> > don't know why the default service would work but your one wouldn't.
> >
> > Regards
> > Scott
> >
> > John Martin wrote:
> >> Hi -
> >>
> >> I posted this a week ago but got no response, hopefully someone has a
> >> suggestion for me?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >>
> >> John
> >>
> >>
> >> On 10/13/06, John Martin <[hidden email]> wrote:
> >>> I'm integrating ofBiz with a 3rd party system using RMI.  I've copied
> >>> with success various service definitions into my own xml files to
> >>> issolate my changes from ofBiz. When I tried to override the userLogin
> >>> it wouldn't work.  I started getting:
> >>>
> >>>       org.ofbiz.service.ServiceValidationException:
> >>>
> >>>       The following required parameter is missing:
> >>> [apUserLogin.login.password]
> >>>       The following required parameter is missing:
> >>> [apUserLogin.login.username]
> >>>
> >>> I tried debugging the ofBiz ServiceValidation functionality to see
> >>> what is happening.  It appears to me that the password and username
> >>> form variables are being removed from the context but unable to find
> >>> where that occurs.
> >>>
> >>> My remote client is successful calling userLogin but fails calling my
> >>> apUserLogin service.  There is no difference between the services
> >>> except for the service name.
> >>>
> >>> The problem seems to be specifically with the userLogin service call
> >>> because other services in the same servicedef xml file work.
> >>>
> >>> Here's my steps:
> >>>
> >>> 1. Copied framework/common/servicedef/service.xml to service_ap.xml
> >>> 2. Removed all but the methods I wanted to override (userLogin,
> >>> updatePassword)
> >>> 3. Added 'ap' prefix to each of the service names
> >>> 4. Added export="true" to each service
> >>> 5. Added xml file to the framework\common\ofbiz-compo    nent.xml
> >>>
> >>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
> >>> location="servicedef/services.xml"/>
> >>>     <service-resource type="model" loader="main"
> >>> location="servicedef/services_ap.xml"/>
> >>>
> >>> Does anyone know what just the userLogin service would not work?
> >>>
> >>> Thanks,
> >>>
> >>> John
> >>>
> >>
> >
> >