Update 'How-to articles' wiki page

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Update 'How-to articles' wiki page

Priya Sharma-2
Hello All,

I recently stumbled upon this wiki page
it still refers to release 16.11 while
has been updated as per 17.12.

Was it intentional or should we update it?

Best Regards,
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Re: Update 'How-to articles' wiki page

Jacques Le Roux
Hi Priya,

This page has been moved to Attic. But it still referenced by OFBiz End User Guide - WIP

There is no way in Confluence to know who, when and why it was done: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONFSERVER-5231

Actually I know, I did it: https://markmail.org/message/pzwa7ffoj7srjbsr, but forgot about the in and out links...

The problem with the documentation in the wiki is to keep things up to date, notably with in and out links.
That's why we (I don't think it's me only ;)) want to move all but very generic things not related to a version into AsciiDoc.
And refer to https://ci.apache.org/projects/ofbiz/site/ for and up to date documentation limited to 3 versions which is already ambitious but possible...


Le 31/07/2020 à 07:39, Priya Sharma a écrit :

> Hello All,
> I recently stumbled upon this wiki page
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/How+to+Install+OFBiz+without+the+Demo+Datand
> it still refers to release 16.11 while
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/How+to+install+OFBiz+with+the+Demo+Data
> has been updated as per 17.12.
> Was it intentional or should we update it?
> Best Regards,
> Priya