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Users - Adding shipping costs to Completed Orders

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Users - Adding shipping costs to Completed Orders

Mark Mantarro
25 posts
Hello all,

I just ran into a situation that makes me want to verify my procedure.

Before I can determine the final shipping costs, I have to pack my orders so
I can produce a packing slip.
However, once all items in an order are packed then the order is marked
status "Completed" and invoiced.
Of course, once an order is marked completed, you can no longer add shipping
costs to the detail.

How can I create a packing list for an order, without "completing" the
order?  Did I possibly do something out of sequence?

The shipments created have a status of "Packed".  So they haven't left the
dock yet.  Why would the order complete?  I would think when the shipment
status is changed to "Ship" then the order would complete.

Any thoughts?

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