PartyClassificiationGroup is used with the PartyClassification entity
to represent a classification group that a party can be part of.
There are various types of classification groups, like: Minority,
Income, Size, etc (as in the PartyClassificationType entity). So,
different PartyClassificationGroup records for the Income type could
be something like $0-50k, $51k-100k, etc. Actually a more general
classification type like Income should be split into multiple
categories like personal income and company income.
The SegmentGroup is a different concept that represents a combination
of various factors, including zero to many PartyClassificationGroup
entries, but also other things like Geo or even explicitly putting a
Party in the group. This can be used for marketing segments, sales
segments (territories that are more than just by geography), and so on.
On Jan 10, 2006, at 10:27 AM, Alexandre Gomes wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to reuse some of the marketing data model and services.
> Does anyone know the difference between a PartyClassificationGroup
> and a
> SegmentGroup?
> Thanks,
> Alexandre Gomes
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