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Users - Forms type=upload wont retreive text or hidden input values ?

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Users - Forms type=upload wont retreive text or hidden input values ?

141 posts
Hi Ofbizians

I'm learning to use the widget Forms Formulares
and got stuck on retreiving the value of an input field (text or hidden) from an upload type form ?

isn't this possible, to be able to retreive request.getParameter("var") of a text input field in the same time as my file input field ?

Retreiving text inputs works fine with type="single" but not on type="upload"

Thx for the help

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Re: Users - Forms type=upload wont retreive text or hidden input values ?

141 posts
the parameters retreiving (text + File) should be made with FileItem Interface
and only once.
The getParameter("var") wont work for the text variables llke it would in a type="single".

On 4/21/06, tibor katelbach <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Ofbizians

I'm learning to use the widget Forms Formulares
and got stuck on retreiving the value of an input field (text or hidden) from an upload type form ?

isn't this possible, to be able to retreive request.getParameter("var") of a text input field in the same time as my file input field ?

Retreiving text inputs works fine with type="single" but not on type="upload"

Thx for the help

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