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Users - Help On Forums

G.Venkata Phanindra
I m working on Forums from last two weeks and i am struck with the respond part of forums......
There are a couple of problems in have
        This is same list of problems i am posting to the group but this time i think i am more specific....
       1 .  Problem with *.bsh Files in forums  
                      There is a Field called "page" --> Methods getProperty("String") n getPageName()
                       with the help from group i am able to solve the getProperty("string ") problem .......but i am still
                       struck up with page.getPageName();
      2 I am also facing problems with collecting the information posted in the respond section .......
              This is basically firring the uploadResponse event "persistContentAndAssoc" (Information from controller.xml of ecommerce).
              This is mapping to  persistContentAndAssoc(DispatchContext dctx, Map context)  method........
             when i debugged this i am getting null values for contentId,contentpurposeList and almost all the fields in this........
can anyone of the team can guide me get this resolve.......

One more request i am unable to get the code in the ftls can any one give any online document for the same.........

Thanks and Regards
G.Venkata Phanindra
Mob:: 9849852989
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