Users - Multiple manufacturers, commission

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Users - Multiple manufacturers, commission

Tom Steger
Hello everbody,

I've been using Ofbiz for some weeks now, I'm familiar with the basics (or rather "the basic basics") like building my own application based on the ecommerce app, configuring the views, accessing services, setting up products/categories/default price...

What I want to achieve is the following:

1.) I want to setup a store where I sell products from multiple manufacturers. (At the moment the connection between a product and a manufacturer is stored via GoodIdentification and goodIdentificationTypeId="MANUFACTURER_ID_NO).

2.) For each product variant I want to be able to set the price and also a commission/provision (fix amount or percentage of product price) which the manufacturer pays to me (or "which I can keep") when the product is sold.

3.) The customers pay directly to me and at the end of the month a summary is created for each manufacturer and I transfer the money for all orders to each manufacturer (and, of course, keep the commission). This process should also be automated.

4.) I also want to use the amount of the commission elsewhere in my store, maybe as a sorting criteria for the search or something like that.

What do you think is the best way to approach this problem? Which existing components can I use? Do I have to setup parties? Does this have to do with manufacturing? I'm not sure in which direction to go...

Thanks a lot in advance,


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Re: Users - Multiple manufacturers, commission

Tom Steger
hello again,

does this silence mean my mail was too long and unclear or is there just
no way (up to know) to do this?
Basically I want to pay a certain amount to the manufacturer of a
product each time this product is sold (and I want to do this at the end
of the month, not every time that I sell a product).

If there is no way then I will have to implement it myself... where/how
would you start doing this?

Kind regards,

Tom Steger wrote:

>Hello everbody,
>I've been using Ofbiz for some weeks now, I'm familiar with the basics (or rather "the basic basics") like building my own application based on the ecommerce app, configuring the views, accessing services, setting up products/categories/default price...
>What I want to achieve is the following:
>1.) I want to setup a store where I sell products from multiple manufacturers. (At the moment the connection between a product and a manufacturer is stored via GoodIdentification and goodIdentificationTypeId="MANUFACTURER_ID_NO).
>2.) For each product variant I want to be able to set the price and also a commission/provision (fix amount or percentage of product price) which the manufacturer pays to me (or "which I can keep") when the product is sold.
>3.) The customers pay directly to me and at the end of the month a summary is created for each manufacturer and I transfer the money for all orders to each manufacturer (and, of course, keep the commission). This process should also be automated.
>4.) I also want to use the amount of the commission elsewhere in my store, maybe as a sorting criteria for the search or something like that.
>What do you think is the best way to approach this problem? Which existing components can I use? Do I have to setup parties? Does this have to do with manufacturing? I'm not sure in which direction to go...
>Thanks a lot in advance,
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Re: Users - Multiple manufacturers, commission

Si Chen-2
There is currently no commissions functionality in OFBiz.  We could sure
use your help with it!


Tom Steger wrote:

>hello again,
>does this silence mean my mail was too long and unclear or is there just
>no way (up to know) to do this?
>Basically I want to pay a certain amount to the manufacturer of a
>product each time this product is sold (and I want to do this at the end
>of the month, not every time that I sell a product).
>If there is no way then I will have to implement it myself... where/how
>would you start doing this?
>Kind regards,
>Tom Steger wrote:
>>Hello everbody,
>>I've been using Ofbiz for some weeks now, I'm familiar with the basics (or rather "the basic basics") like building my own application based on the ecommerce app, configuring the views, accessing services, setting up products/categories/default price...
>>What I want to achieve is the following:
>>1.) I want to setup a store where I sell products from multiple manufacturers. (At the moment the connection between a product and a manufacturer is stored via GoodIdentification and goodIdentificationTypeId="MANUFACTURER_ID_NO).
>>2.) For each product variant I want to be able to set the price and also a commission/provision (fix amount or percentage of product price) which the manufacturer pays to me (or "which I can keep") when the product is sold.
>>3.) The customers pay directly to me and at the end of the month a summary is created for each manufacturer and I transfer the money for all orders to each manufacturer (and, of course, keep the commission). This process should also be automated.
>>4.) I also want to use the amount of the commission elsewhere in my store, maybe as a sorting criteria for the search or something like that.
>>What do you think is the best way to approach this problem? Which existing components can I use? Do I have to setup parties? Does this have to do with manufacturing? I'm not sure in which direction to go...
>>Thanks a lot in advance,
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