Users - PaymentMethod for Billing Account or not?

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Users - PaymentMethod for Billing Account or not?

Vinay Agarwal



Ecommerce application can use Billing Account for payments but it isn’t seems to be a full-fledged PaymentMethod. This is causing unexpected result at least in one case. In src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/, function getBillingAddress has option to get billing address from EXT_BILLACT but the control never reaches there because of the following if statement surrounding it and billing account is never set as a PaymentMethod entity.

 if ("PaymentMethod".equals(valueObj.getEntityName())


Should the billing account be made a PaymentMethod? If yes, it will possibly require adding paymentMethodId to BillingAccount entity and changes to ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/order/checkoutoptions.ftl and other places.



Vinay Agarwal

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Re: Users - PaymentMethod for Billing Account or not?

David E. Jones

No, definitely not. A BillingAccount is not a way to pay for something. In other words it is not a PaymentMethod that can be used to make a Payment. It is just an alternative to arranging payment for the checkout purposes and is generally the start of the invoicing process.

Right now the checkout process will allow orders go through based on a BillingAccount and if there are issues with that they should be fixed, but it really isn't PaymentMethod and it's not a good idea to treat it as such.


Vinay Agarwal wrote:

> Hello,
> Ecommerce application can use Billing Account for payments but it isn’t
> seems to be a full-fledged PaymentMethod. This is causing unexpected
> result at least in one case. In
> src/org/ofbiz/order/shoppingcart/, function
> getBillingAddress has option to get billing address from EXT_BILLACT but
> the control never reaches there because of the following if statement
> surrounding it and billing account is never set as a PaymentMethod entity.
>  if ("PaymentMethod".equals(valueObj.getEntityName())
> Should the billing account be made a PaymentMethod? If yes, it will
> possibly require adding paymentMethodId to BillingAccount entity and
> changes to ecommerce/webapp/ecommerce/order/checkoutoptions.ftl and
> other places.
> Regards,
> Vinay Agarwal
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Re: Users - PaymentMethod for Billing Account or not?

In reply to this post by Vinay Agarwal

How is the billing account behaving unexpectedly?
What steps did you do to produce it?  I've done some
local rework for ecommerce and billing accounts, but
depending on what you're trying to do, it may or may
not solve your problem.

=========Vinay wrote:



Ecommerce application can use Billing Account for
payments but it isn't
seems to be a full-fledged PaymentMethod. This is
causing unexpected result
at least in one case. In
function getBillingAddress has option to get billing
address from
EXT_BILLACT but the control never reaches there
because of the following if
statement surrounding it and billing account is never
set as a PaymentMethod

 if ("PaymentMethod".equals(valueObj.getEntityName())


Should the billing account be made a PaymentMethod? If
yes, it will possibly
require adding paymentMethodId to BillingAccount
entity and changes to
and other places.



Vinay Agarwal

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Re: Users - PaymentMethod for Billing Account or not?

Vinay Agarwal
I am going through it all over again so I will ask slightly different
questions. I am using quickcheckout which uses checkoutoptions.bsh and

Q1: End of checkoutoptions.bsh has following lines

if (shoppingCart.selectedPayments() == 0 && profiledefs != null &&
profiledefs.get("defaultPayMeth") != null) {

If I want default payment to be BillingAccount, what should
PartyProfileDefault.defaultPayMeth store? Is it EXT_BILLACCT?

Q2: In checkoutpayment.bsh gets billingAccountId from cart
    context.put("selectedBillingAccountId", cart.getBillingAccountId());
When the quickcheckout is first invoked, where does the billingAccountId

Thanks in advance,

-----Original Message-----
From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]]
On Behalf Of Chris Howe
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 3:57 PM
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [OFBiz] Users - PaymentMethod for Billing Account or not?


How is the billing account behaving unexpectedly?
What steps did you do to produce it?  I've done some
local rework for ecommerce and billing accounts, but
depending on what you're trying to do, it may or may
not solve your problem.

=========Vinay wrote:


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