Users - StartupException - cannot start() RMIServiceContainer

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Users - StartupException - cannot start() RMIServiceContainer

Blessing, Jeffrey J
I'm new to ofbiz and just downloaded and updated the latest source using subversion (revision 6415).  It builds fine (ant) and the seeding goes fine (ant run-install) but the server errors on startup.  The trace is below, but basically it cannot start the RMIServiceContainer (unable to bind RMIServiceDispatcher to RMI (error marshalling arguments ...)).  I've checked the archives and tried a few fixes associated with this error string:
-I've done netstat -a and there is no service attached to ports 1099 or 1098.
-I've disabled the Windows Firewall
-I made sure there are no spaces in the pathname to the executable
 (it resides in D:\OFBizProject\ofbiz\bin)
-I had to go back one JDK level, from 1.5 to 1.4.2_10, so I changed CLASSPATH
 to point to the right tools.jar; set JAVA_HOME to D:\Program Files\j2sdk1.4.2_10;
 and put

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Re: Users - StartupException - cannot start() RMIServiceContainer

Antonio Galán Vázquez
Hi, I've just the same problem... I could solve it modifying the port for RMI from 1099 to 10990. I had to modify some files:

  • Old Value:
    • java.naming.provider.url=rmi://
  • New Value:
    • java.naming.provider.url=rmi://
  • Old Value:
    • <!-- RMI Service Dispatcher --> <container name="rmi-dispatcher" class="org.ofbiz.service.rmi.RmiServiceContainer"> <property name="bound-name" value="RMIDispatcher"/> <property name="bound-host" value=""/> <property name="bound-port" value="1099"/> <property name="delegator-name" value="default"/> <property name="client-factory" value="org.ofbiz.service.rmi.socket.CompressionClientSocketFactory"/> <property name="server-factory" value="org.ofbiz.service.rmi.socket.CompressionServerSocketFactory"/> </container>
  • New Value:
    • <!-- RMI Service Dispatcher --> <container name="rmi-dispatcher" class="org.ofbiz.service.rmi.RmiServiceContainer"> <property name="bound-name" value="RMIDispatcher"/> <property name="bound-host" value=""/> <property name="bound-port" value="10990"/> <property name="delegator-name" value="default"/> <property name="client-factory" value="org.ofbiz.service.rmi.socket.CompressionClientSocketFactory"/> <property name="server-factory" value="org.ofbiz.service.rmi.socket.CompressionServerSocketFactory"/> </container>

  • Old Value:
    • carol.jrmp.url=rmi://localhost:1099

  • New Value:
    • carol.jrmp.url=rmi://localhost:10990

  • Old Value:
    • carol.jrmp.url=rmi://localhost:1099

  • New Value:
    • carol.jrmp.url=rmi://localhost:10990

2005/12/23, Blessing, Jeffrey J <[hidden email]>:
I'm new to ofbiz and just downloaded and updated the latest source using subversion (revision 6415).  It builds fine (ant) and the seeding goes fine (ant run-install) but the server errors on startup.  The trace is below, but basically it cannot start the RMIServiceContainer (unable to bind RMIServiceDispatcher to RMI (error marshalling arguments ...)).  I've checked the archives and tried a few fixes associated with this error string:
-I've done netstat -a and there is no service attached to ports 1099 or 1098.
-I've disabled the Windows Firewall
-I made sure there are no spaces in the pathname to the executable
 (it resides in D:\OFBizProject\ofbiz\bin)
-I had to go back one JDK level, from 1.5 to 1.4.2_10, so I changed CLASSPATH
 to point to the right tools.jar; set JAVA_HOME to D:\Program Files\j2sdk1.4.2_10;
 and put

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