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Users - javascript

Hao Jiang-4
Hello all,

I tried to put TinyMCE into ofbiz, but ended up finding that there are
similar things already there, locate at
and the javascript are included at

However, it's not easy to get those javascript working, what I need to

click on "content" -> "template" -> "Find", select one from the list,
click on name, then need to click "Edit" on top of content area , now I
get the screen, this time the textarea is just normal one.

Click the "update" button at bottom, the page will be reloaded, and the
textarea is still normal.

Click on "template" again, will reload this page, and now the textarea
becomes a WYSIWYG html editor.

I think this is because in main.ftl, along with javascript, some code as
<#assign primaryHTMLField=
page.getProperty("primaryHTMLField")?if_exists />
<#if (dynamicPrimaryHTMLField?exists)>
<#assign primaryHTMLField= dynamicPrimaryHTMLField />
<#assign secondaryHTMLField=
page.getProperty("secondaryHTMLField")?if_exists />
 <#if (primaryHTMLField?exists && (primaryHTMLField?length >0))>

and before click on "update", primaryHTMLField, secondaryHTMLField are
not exist.

Can we improve this?


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