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Users - order flow chart ???

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Users - order flow chart ???

141 posts

I've been digging and digging into the ofbiz orders  to try and set up a complete flow for the orders, from the product choice to the payment confirmation

I have manage to generate the /showcart , then my process being quite similar to the /quickcheckout process (put apart that payment methods are separated )
then I want to go to /choosepaymentMethod
then /setpaymentData (such as Credit Card data)
and finally end on a confirmation .

unfortunetly as I cut the
/quickcheckout to my need when I submit /checkout the process stops me and says shippment method should be set, split should be defined, is this a gift, destination adn payment method.

although all the inputs are set exactly if everything was there
I also tried instead of /checkout

expecting to to checkout after that is done .

the more I move along, the more questions  and doubts I have on what is going on ?
would anybody have a clear and simple way to explain this whole process ? cause smoke is coming out of my box...

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Re: Users - order flow chart ???

141 posts
I Forgot to ask how are /setOptions , /calcTax , /calcShipping , /validatePaymentMethod corelated ?
How can I cut them up ?
As I look through their java definition , confusion is the word that comes to mind
Thx for your help

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